Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 368 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 368 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (56)

[Host, do you feel that your personality has changed at this moment! 】

"What has become?"

The system looks ambiguous~
[Become the big, perverted, and female who bully men with a small leather whip in those TV dramas! 】

[I almost didn't make a hey hey sound! 】

The black lines on Lin Qiao's face!


Who is this all because of?

Today, the system abnormally provided her with the original owner's wish, the location where the so-called true man will appear.

Including this private room, they were all selected under the guidance of the system.

Even, the system patted its chest to guarantee.

The target range of 'The Right One' is inside the golden age.

That being the case.

Lin Qiao estimated that apart from these young masters, the other party was at most the top managers of Golden Age.

As for the boss behind Golden Age?

She also got to know something on the way here, and she heard that he was a gray-haired old man.

Lin Qiao first ruled out this idea.

That's why.

Only then did this scene just appear.

The method given by the system is to let these men take off their clothes!
She came to hear the heartbeat!
If there is a change in her own heartbeat.

Then you can lock the target person!
But now, the more Lin Qiao thought about it, the more he regretted it.

How could she have felt at the time that the system's promises could be trusted?

This guy didn't cheat her once or twice!
The system super despises the face.

[Host, this system wants to draw a circle to curse you! 】

[This system is here to fight, if you still can't find the target person tonight, I will go live to eat Xiangxiang! 】

Lin Qiao pouted.

"First of all, the system, you have to have something to eat!"

You know, the inside of the transfer station is empty.



Heartbroken, old iron!

in the room.

After Lin Qiao's words fell.

The individual man in the group of two frowned very displeased.

But he was the first to start undressing immediately!
The boy in white beside him was shy, but he was not to be outdone, and soon followed.

Because they know better than anyone else!

With the clothes and attire of the person in front of him, he must have a lot of background.

As long as you can take it!
They can definitely live a good life for a while!

The individual man was the first to approach Lin Qiao and touch her.

Likewise, he was also the first to be kicked away by Lu Boyan!
Everyone just felt a flash in front of them.

When they come back to their senses.

The individual man has fallen to the ground.

Embarrassed, he held his stomach and screamed for pain.

As for Lu Boyan, he flicked the dust off his body and sat back on the wheelchair.

Only then did everyone turn their eyes to Lu Boyan who had been sitting beside him and was treated as a transparent person.

I saw that at this moment, he pursed his lips tightly.

The whole face turned cold to the depths!

"No kissing, no getting too close, no touching!"

Three in a row are not allowed.

After he finished speaking in one breath, his voice was so indifferent that there was no room for it.

After finishing speaking, his cold eyes fell on the individual man on the ground.

"As for you... heh!"

He sneered silently.

It was obviously a very subtle movement.

But at this moment, everyone felt a chilling tremor.

How dare this man speak so arrogantly?
Who is he? !

Everyone was guessing about Lu Boyan's real identity.

Only Lin Qiao had a constipated look on his face.

"Lu Boyan, this is the private room I booked, you have to choose whoever you like, don't hinder me from doing business!"

Lu Boyan turned his head towards her.

Staring at her tightly, "I pick you!"

 Thank you Yayoi Bamboo for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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