Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 377 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 377 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (65)

For a moment, the people in black no longer hesitated.

Take up their own weapons to deal with Xia Wanqin!

And Xia Wanqin finally realized the danger.

He roared anxiously, "Lu Boyan, you have to save Lu Zhiguo, because he is your biological father!"

Seeing that Lu Boyan didn't believe it.

She continued anxiously.

"I know you don't want to believe it, as long as you do a paternity test, you will know that what I said is not a lie!"

Lu Boyan sneered.

"That's it? Ms. Xia, your ability to delay time is not very good!"

Xia Wanqin knew that even if the original truth was told, Lu Boyan might not really believe it.

But now, in order to survive, she had to keep silent!

"Eighteen years ago, you were born in a suburban hospital.

At the beginning, I was worried that your existence would affect my child's status in the future, so I personally dropped you.

Changed a baby girl from an ordinary family to replace your existence!
And this baby girl is now Lu Li! "

Seeing that Lu Boyan didn't speak.

Xia Wanqin thought that her persuasion had an effect.

Hastily said, "Only I know about this matter, I promise, I never lied to you!

Do you know how Lu Li's biological parents calmed down that year?

It's all because of me!
And Lu Zhiguo is really your biological father!
Now, he has been hit by an arrow in my back, it is poisonous, and only I have the antidote, if you want to save him..."


"Don't stay alive!"

Lu Boyan had a gloomy face.

His brows were so furrowed that he could almost pinch a mosquito to death.

In fact, he knew it himself.

All that Xia Wanqin said was not a lie.

Long before Lu Li met him.

He is not a beggar yet, he lives carefree like all the children in the world.

But one time, he had a small accident.

That's why he was sent to the hospital by the parents of that family.

They discovered that his blood type was not at all different from either of them.

A paternity test was done again, and it was found that he was not their child!

I went to the suburban hospital where he was born.

Found the original record.

They did not give birth to him, but a baby girl.

They went to the hospital and made a fuss.

In the end, I don't know why it finally calmed down.

But he was thrown out of the house by that family and left on the street!

Besides, these are useless.

No matter whether he wants to save Lu Zhiguo or not, he must destroy the jade pendant in Xia Wanqin's hand!

Persuasion to no avail.

The calculation in Xia Wanqin's mind was in vain.

He could barely cope with the attacks of these men in black.

But she is only one person after all.

After a few rounds, he became exhausted one after another, and his body was cut in several places!

Seeing that she was about to die.

A car horn honked from downstairs.


Xia Wanqin's eyes lit up immediately.

Throw a flash bomb and it will explode when it hits the ground!
Brilliant and dazzling light was sprayed out instantly along with countless smoke.

For a moment, people couldn't open their eyes!
The people in black subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes.

With a bang.

There was a hole in the window on the second floor.

The glass shattered and shattered all over the floor.

And Xia Wanqin also turned into a shadow, and disappeared with the scattering of glass.

Everyone hurried to the window to check.

But only saw the back of a black jeep disappearing!
Lu Boyan himself was on the first floor.

He was the first to react and rushed out, jumped into a car and chased towards the jeep!
However, he hadn't waited for him to catch up with the jeep.

A red convertible sports car suddenly appeared at the corner ahead!

Seeing the black jeep, instead of backing up, it went straight up and hit it directly!

 There is an update at noon, is there any baby who is reading the article at noon?
(End of this chapter)

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