Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 382 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 382 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (4)

down the mountain.

By the side of the road, the traffic police have come.

After surveying the scene, I also got a general understanding of what happened.

Seeing that he finally came, he expressed his intention to let them go to the traffic police brigade.

"This question, but I have to send my third brother home first."

Speaking of this, he said one more word solemnly and forbearingly.

"I have to send him back before I can rest assured!"

for this requirement.

Several traffic police did not have the right to block.

Zuo Sucheng is the victim, he won't run away whoever runs away!

However, after thinking about it, they all turned their eyes to Su Yican with doubts.

What kind of brother does he have to be sent home?
Obviously an adult already?

However, Su Yican on the side ignored them.

Open the car door directly and sit in it!
"drive home!"

He rarely speaks.

It was so cold that no words were spoken.

In the ears of outsiders, most people will think that he is not polite.

What's more, is such a tone really what a younger brother should say?

Su Cheng didn't care what these people thought.

For him as an older brother.

He would be happy whenever Su Cheng said a word to him.

Immediately obediently sat in the driver's seat and drove.

As for the group of people who stayed where they were, they all looked dumbfounded.

Why do they always feel that this elder brother is more like this younger brother's follower!
Speechless all the way.

Su Cheng sent Su Yican back home, and gave a solemn explanation.

Because of work and rest.

The three brothers did not live together.

As for Su Yican, he didn't like their two elder brothers staying on his territory for too long.

Therefore, Su Cheng's words have not been completely finished.

Su Yican stood up.

Actively opened the door.

He didn't speak, just stood at the door like that.

Looking at him with a pair of pure eyes.

Getting along with each other over the years.

Su Cheng also figured out his temper.

If you are in a hurry, he can even throw things and drive people away.

He stood up and said angrily and funnyly, "Take care of yourself!" Then he turned and left.

Su Yican watched him leave for a long while without closing the door.

Instead, he went inside and opened his backpack.

Put it at the door.

After thinking about it, he turned back and took a ham sausage and put it in the mouth of the backpack.

Get it all done.

Su Yican no longer hesitated, and closed the door with a bang!

Lin Qiao in the backpack, "..."

"System, look at your bad idea! It was still discovered!"

The system looked sympathetic.

[The opponent's observation skills are too strong, this system is powerless! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

What made Lin Qiao even more helpless was her gurgling stomach.

The cat's sensitive sense of smell has already smelled the ham sausage outside the backpack, so she crawled out to try it.

Then sadly found out.

As a cat, she couldn't tear open the package of ham sausage.

In addition, the body was injured again.

There is no strength at all!

With her current physical condition.

Even if you can't die of hunger.

It's still raining heavily outside here, and it's likely that something will happen due to the heavy rain!

Think again.

Lin Qiao picked up the ham sausage on the ground.

Enduring the pain, he dragged his body around the eaves.

With a clear mind, he followed the surrounding pipes and window sills, and jumped all the way to the only open window.

Jumped in through the window.

Then, the moment she hit the ground.

Eye to eye!

The ham sausage in Lin Qiao's mouth fell out in shock.

He stretched out his paws to cover his face, but he couldn't reach it, so he had to give up and bury the cat's face in his arms!
 Ask for a monthly ticket~ask for a recommendation ticket~PS: Hehehe, guess what she saw?

(End of this chapter)

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