Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 388 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 388 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (10)

That furry black head is Lin Qiao.

She glanced out the window at the gradually growing sun.

Outside the studio, the lively hustle and bustle of the students gradually came, making people's thoughts wander.

It turned out that it was already noon!

It's no wonder that she slept in her backpack and woke up from starvation in the end!

Recalling her life with Su Yican these two days.

It can be described as horrible!
Not only to solve their own food and clothing problems.

And remind Su Yican to eat from time to time!
Who told this guy to start painting seriously, lunch, dinner, etc., are just floating clouds.

Lin Qiao was seriously suspicious.

In the original book, Su Yican was not killed by evil spirits.

Instead, he starved himself to death!

Su Yican can't die yet.

For the mission, Lin Qiao had to remind him to eat from time to time.

Alas, she is obviously just a cat, but she still has the heart of an old lady!
like now.

She has already climbed on his shoulders.

Su Yican continued to paint as if he didn't notice it.

Lin Qiao stretched out his paw and poked him across the face.

Still, no change!

Lin Qiao frowned, and a dangerous glint flashed in those round blue eyes.

In the next second, a black paw greeted Su Yican's face!

down these two days.

Su Yican has formed a certain conditioned reflex.

The moment he realized that Lin Qiao's paw was approaching, he turned his head away and dodged it.

At the same time, he grabbed Lin Qiao with his free hand!

down these two days.

Lin Qiao also formed a certain condition to launch.

In addition, after these two days of recuperation, her physical condition is much better than that night on Tomb-sweeping Day.

As early as Su Yican stretched out his hand, he jumped away.

Dodged a few times.

In the end, he directly stepped on Su Yican's shoulder and climbed onto his head.

Su Yican frowned in a rare way.

Instead of using force, he took out a ham sausage from his backpack and handed it to Lin Qiao.

"Hey, don't make trouble!"

Lin Qiao bit the ham sausage.

With the help of two cat paws, he skillfully peeled off the coat of the ham sausage.

He groaned and ate.

The tail behind her is swaying with the movement of biting ham sausage, looking very comfortable and satisfied.

Seeing that Lin Qiao was no longer making trouble, Su Yican concentrated on continuing to paint.

As for the students in the classroom.

Almost stared blankly!

Is this still that Professor Su who is so cold that he never says a word to the students?
From the beginning of taking Su Yican's class to the present.

Except when he said his name when they first met, they had never heard him say a word.

What's more, speaking in such a very approachable and normal tone.

The voice is slightly hoarse.

It sounds pretty good!

It also seemed that his whole person was a little gentle.

What's the matter with them even feeling a little pampered?

And what changed all of this was just a black cat?
Lin Qiao patted Su Yican on the head after finishing a piece of ham sausage.

This time, Su Yican sensiblely handed her another one.

She peeled the ham again in the same way.

The first time is a coincidence, the second time, it is the truth.

And the painting room.

The students who watched everything silently were already stunned again.

It is indeed the cat raised by Professor Su.

The technique of peeling ham sausages by hand is no one else.

Someone has silently filmed this video, and they have even thought of the title.

"Which one is better at raising cats, Su Yican from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts!" '

And gradually.

The students who were shooting the video couldn't help but froze.

He stared at the scene in the camera with his eyes wide open!
 Beibei is still working hard to code, and there will be another update at about one o'clock. Say good night to the babies in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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