Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 391 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 391 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (13)

When Su Yican came back.

Carrying a bag of things in his hand, ignoring the eyes of everyone around him, he walked straight to the previous table.

And this time.

Lin Qiao on the table was drinking coke and eating chicken drumsticks, looking very contented.

Although she turned into a cat.

But she never forgot the fact that she was still a person in her mind.

Of course, I still like human food the most.

Besides, she is not an ordinary cat, she is still a demon cat, so what can she not eat?
beside her.

A group of boys who were very arrogant just now and wanted to teach them a lesson together.

Now all of them have become dogs.

He sat at the table respectfully, afraid that he would offend her if he didn't pay attention.

And their faces are all covered with scars.

All ferocious, red marks!
It was almost impossible to see their original appearance clearly.

Su Yican is like an invisible person.

All the way to the table without a sound.

Seeing a group of students at the desk, he frowned almost invisibly.

"Well, Professor Su, your cat just now..."

Zhang Yan stood up and explained.

She was by the side when these boys wanted to clean up Lin Qiao.

It was she who stood up and told them that Lin Qiao was Su Yican's cat.

However, it didn't let them stop.

Instead, it got worse!
The result is also very strange.

The few people who were very arrogant at first were completely hanged and beaten by Lin Qiao in the end!
Not even a chance to escape!

She was by the side all the time, and sometimes she didn't even see clearly how Lin Qiao made a move.

All I could see was a black shadow flashing past in front of my eyes.

After the cat's meowing.

What followed was one after another cry of pain!
And this moment.

Zhang Yan thought about her words, but suddenly she didn't know what to say.

Su Yican didn't even look at her.

It was as if she hadn't heard what she said.

The few boys sitting in front of the table whose faces were scratched to pieces also ignored them.

It was as if his eyes were too clean to see anything.

But he was the only one reaching out to Lin Qiao.

Pick her up and put her on another table next to her.

Put another small plate on, pour out the cat food in the bag, and push it in front of Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao is depressed right now!
She was having a good time eating just now!
Who wants to eat your damn thing!

It's delicious without meat!
She stretched out her paw and pushed the cat food over.

Su Yican's face was expressionless.

But he reached out and pushed the cat food towards Lin Qiao, his eyes full of determination.

Lin Qiao ignored her and turned her face away.

Push the cat food over again!

Su Yican was still very firm, and pushed the cat food over again.

Lin Qiao stretched out his claws and continued to push!

Su Yican remained expressionless and continued to push!
Repeated this several times.

Leng was stunned by the several people next to him.

This model of getting along with one person and one cat.

It's like, like two angry children.

Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore.

Zhang Yan plucked up the courage to speak to Su Yican again.

"Well, Professor Su, maybe... cats don't like cat food, do they prefer to eat other things?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiao nodded obediently immediately.

Also jumped to the table just now.

Satisfied, he took a bite of the unfinished chicken leg.

She is no ordinary cat.

In contrast, she prefers to eat, especially fresh small fish.

She wouldn't eat these cat foods, no matter how advanced they were!
I don't know where her actions touched the string in Su Yican's head.

He picked her up directly and held her in his arms.

The other hand held a plate of cat food and stopped in front of Lin Qiao.

"No, don't eat that, the veterinarian said, it's not good for you!"

 Let me explain first that Su Yican is not stuttering, but the kind who can never speak without speaking.New characters will be added after two chapters, there will definitely be surprises!
(End of this chapter)

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