Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 395 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 395 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (17)

Lin Qiao lowered his head and sniffed the beef in front of him.

The surface of the beef was fried until browned, but not mushy.

Fat oozes out along the lines of the beef.

under the light of the light.

These oils are like tiny little pearls.

Continuously refracted a series of bright rays of light.

Lin Qiao tentatively took a sip.

Immediately, I felt that the beef was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, full of fragrance.

It is indeed delicious.

It's just that the Su Luo she knew didn't know how to cook!
Su Luo didn't notice her emotions.

Seeing her eating seriously.

His idle paws reached out to Lin Qiao's furry head again.

Lin Qiao didn't resist.

Very obediently eating the beef in front of him.

She was the one who got into a dead end!
It doesn't matter whether the Su Luo in front of him is Su Luo from another world.

All of this is something she can't change.

Since this is the case, then why is she struggling, accepting is the best choice!

When Su Yican heard the voice coming downstairs, he saw such a scene.

The black cat who was still in a cold war with him.

Now she is nestling in Su Luo's arms obediently, and Su Luo looks like a second uncle, watching TV with his legs crossed.

Comfortably brushing the cat's fur, from time to time stuffing some small dried fish for the black cat.

And the black cats took it and ate it obediently.

A pair of blue eyes stared intently at the TV.

As if she really knew how to watch TV.

"Come down, Xiaocan, come and eat!"

Su Cheng wore an apron around his waist.

Seeing Su Yican come down, he immediately greeted him to eat with relief.

As soon as he turned his head, he showed Su Luo a vicious look on his face, "Second brother, what are you still doing, come here and help me get the bowls and chopsticks!"

Su Luo, "..."

Damn it!They are all brothers, so why are they so partial?
Although complaining.

But Su Luo still passed obediently.

Over the years, he has gotten used to it.

Lin Qiao was placed on the sofa by him, and before he left, he plucked a few more cat hairs with great reluctance.

On the side, Su Yican watched blankly.

He didn't speak, just stared at him silently, making Su Luo's heart shudder.

Angrily brushed the cat's hair into a mess before going to work!

Su Yican stretched out his hand, wanting to help Lin Qiao straighten out his hair.

But Lin Qiaoli ignored him.

He changed his position and sat down, and slowly combed with his paws.

Put all the dishes on the table.

Su Cheng greeted Su Yican to eat the method.

Su Yican stood up, but didn't go directly, but hugged Lin Qiao up.

Put it in front of the cat food specially bought for her.


Lin Qiao turned his head away.

Push the cat food to Su Yican.

She doesn't like to eat cat food, but today Su Yican seems to be possessed, and insists on eating it with her!

Seeing Lin Qiao turn his head away, Su Yican continued to push the cat food in front of Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao stretched out his paw and pushed it away again!

Su Yican pushed over again!

Lin Qiao pushed over again!

One person, one cat, again because of the cat food thing!
The difference is that this time the onlookers became Su Cheng and Su Luo.

The former was surprised, while the latter kept laughing.

In the end, he couldn't help it anymore, and grabbed the cat food plate that had been pushed back and forth.

"Ahem, Xiaocan, you may not know much about cats. A cat as big as Xiao Hei has already formed its own fixed stomach. Since she doesn't like cat food, it's fine. I think she likes meat. !"

After listening to Su Luo's words.

Lin Qiao was about to agree, but the word 'Xiao Hei' successfully made her face black.

Stand up and go to the kitchen.

When passing by Su Luo, he stretched out his paw and gave him a paw immediately!
 Good night, darlings~ Ahem, it looks like the Qingming holiday is about to close...

(End of this chapter)

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