Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 398 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 398 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (20)

Beside Su Yican.

Lin Qiao had subconsciously crawled into his bed.

The moonlight outside the window shone on her body, like strands of moon-white silk scarves, wrapping her entire body in it.

What's even more incredible is that.

These moonlights gather more and more.

Lin Qiao's body also rose gradually under the lingering moonlight.

The original shape of the black cat began to become blurred.

In the end, it was all covered by the dazzling moonlight.

Su Yican sat on the bed.

But all he could see was a cloud of silver-white moonlight.

Su Yican stretched out his hand, trying to bring Lin Qiao back from this strange ball of light.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was stabbed by the light ball.

The numb pain made him withdraw his hand.

Leng Leng waited.

It was also thanks to him, but if it was someone else at this time, he would have screamed in fright.

As time goes by, the blobs become larger and darker in color.

Wait until the light cluster completely disappears.

In the light group, a young human girl appeared.

Her skin was like frozen snow, and her face was exquisite.

The long jet-black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, covering her body.

Sensitive hill-shaped cat ears stood up from the long hair, subconsciously moving.

But she kept her eyes closed all the time, and the moment the surrounding white light cluster disappeared, her body fell down.

Unbiased, it just hit Su Yican.

The pain of falling made her slightly open her eyes.

Those blue pupils were so clean and pure, like rare blue gemstones in the world, with a faint radiance.

Or maybe it was because too much energy was consumed just now, and those eyes are now full of burnout and bewilderment.

"Oh, it's so warm!"

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes again.

The instinct of being a cat made her take the initiative to hug the big hot stove in front of her eyes!
Rub, rub, rub~
The face of someone who was a heater was flushed red at the moment.

His body was so stiff that he didn't dare to move even a little bit, and the shock in his heart was not less than a little bit.

Obviously she didn't use much force, but she was able to scratch people's heart. Itchy!
Su Yican turned his face away.

I want to let myself ignore those strange thoughts in my head.

But as soon as he turned his head, he collided with the girl, the face that was close at hand, and the breath that he could not consciously smell in his breath.

Bit by bit, it ate away at his original consciousness.

Thoughts are like overturned threads, with no clue and no way to adapt.

No one had ever... been so close to him.

Except... the cat.

So close, at this moment, he could clearly see her slender and slightly curled eyelashes, as well as her pink, rosy and glossy red lips.

I don't know what it's like.

Self-awareness was still persisting, he immediately shook off this thought and backed away in a hurry.

Lin Qiao, who was sleeping soundly, just relied on his own instinct, let alone reason.

In her consciousness, the current Su Yican is a big furnace for keeping warm!
Instinctively leaned over, hugging tightly and not letting go!
Su Yican's whole body was stiff.

Now, Lin Qiao was sleeping beside him.

Limbs hung from him like a cold octopus.

And her delicate little face was full of satisfaction and contentment at the moment.

Her eyelashes are really long.

It is as fine as two small cattail fans, casting two shadows, cute and playful.

Pick up the end of the eye.

Outsiders often say that this way of picking up the ends of the eyes will make people look very coquettish.

But he looked at the girl in front of him.

He only felt that she was as beautiful as an unworldly elf in the mountains and forests.

Delicate, innocent and ignorant!
Su Yican stretched out his hand, intending to push her away again.

But the hand couldn't help touching her furry cat ears that hadn't completely molted.

The cat's ears moved, and he immediately retracted his hands in fright, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After a while, I didn't feel any change.

He opened his eyes again and was relieved to find that the girl was still asleep.

He reached out and touched the cat's ears again.

Seeing that the girl did not open her eyes, she was relieved a lot.

It's like finding something interesting.

Little by little, he stroked the girl's soft hair.

The girl didn't wake up, instead she was very satisfied with her current state, she bowed her body and moved closer to Su Yican.

But this time, one of her legs was impartial, just straddling Su Yican's waist.

Suddenly, Su Yican's entire face was blushing!

 Thank you Xinsaisai, Passive, An, and Qi for your rewards, ok~ manual refill~
(End of this chapter)

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