Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 401 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 401 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (23)

After landing.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the man quickly anointed his feet with oil and fled.

And Lin Qiao also realized something was wrong.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he walked to Su Luo calmly.

Rubbed against his feet.

It's like a very ordinary pet cat waiting to be brushed by its owner.


Su Luo was also taken aback.

Instead, he heard from his assistant that his third brother was here.

Unexpectedly, this black cat also followed, and it still appeared in such a strange way!
However, he hugged Lin Qiao with dignity.

Comfortable stroking~
The filming process was forced to stop.

The director also took a break and asked the crew to rest for a while.

When they are free, people tend to gossip.

Talk about constellations, talk about life, of course, the favorite thing to talk about is gossip.

If you have the courage, ask directly if this is Su Luo's own cat.

Su Luo smiled, but did not answer.

It's just that he didn't expect that Director Wang was also walking towards him at this moment.

"Little Luo, is this your own cat?"

Director Wang is also a well-known old artist in the circle.

Calling him Xiao Luo did not treat Su Luo as an outsider.

Su Luo didn't directly answer the question.

"Director Wang, if you have something to say, just speak up!"

He doesn't understand others.

But these days since joining the group.

He has been watching the whole process of Wang Dao's actions.

He is a very strict person.

If it wasn't for something really important, he wouldn't have come to him on purpose.

Director Wang rubbed his palms.

There was a rare embarrassment on that old face that had been marked by the years.

"Isn't there a character in our movie that is a black cat? I think that if you add a little training to the cat in your arms, the effect it will produce in the future will definitely look much better than the one made with pure special effects. !"

Indeed, the fantasy movie they're making right now is called Cat Fury.

Adapted from the work of the same name by a writer from J country.

The main story is that during the Jiayan period of the Kang Dynasty, the people were rich and the country was strong, prosperous and prosperous.

The reigning emperor Jiayan had done a lot in government orders, but in private life, he favored Tang concubine alone.

For the sake of the Pomeranian's smile, he sent soldiers all the way to deliver fruit overnight.

In the later period, Emperor Jiayan began to neglect political affairs.

To celebrate Concubine Tang's birthday, an extremely grand banquet was held in the palace.

Many people are invited to come to the banquet!

But the prosperity of the Kang Dynasty was just an appearance.

During the banquet, a certain feudal lord fell in love with Concubine Tang, and became furious after being rejected.

Soon, several important officials in the joint capital staged a coup!
The Kang Dynasty has not experienced war for many years.

Although Emperor Jiayan managed to escape from the palace with Concubine Tang under the cover of the Imperial Forest Army.

However, all the Imperial Forest Army and ministers strongly demanded to immediately kill the concubine Tang, who was a disaster for the country and the people!

The black cat in the play was the cat raised by Concubine Tang at that time.

It once witnessed the love process between Concubine Tang and Emperor Jiayan.

I also saw Emperor Jiayan bury Tang Concubine alive with his own hands!

It was buried in the ground together with Concubine Tang as a funerary object, but Concubine Tang's heart-piercing voices made her heartbroken!
I can't do anything myself.

I can only watch Concubine Tang being smothered to death in it.

The black cat is therefore blackened!

Years later, the black cat cultivated into a cat demon.

Lurking in the marketplace, killing the people who forced Concubine Tang to death one by one.

The role played by Su Luo is an outsider decades later.

Under the guidance of many clues, restore the unknown secret back then!
 The update is coming~ The update will continue tonight, and the next update will be around [-] o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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