Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 424 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 424 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (47)

I thought that the Weibo incident caused by Yang Yun was almost over.

Director Wang and the producer of "Cat Rage" discussed together, and recently revealed the premiere date.

Just a week from now.

Originally, the drama "Cat Fury" didn't need to be so anxious.

But in addition to wanting to use this incident to increase exposure, this was also requested by Su Luo himself.

As long as the movie is released smoothly.

People's attention will be diverted.

Similarly, no matter how much that Yang Yun jumps around, others will only think that she is just trying to catch the heat.

In the next few days.

No matter how netizens ran to Yang Yun's Weibo to scold him.

She never responded.

Netizens followed the address where the human flesh came out.

Still haven't found her!
She seemed to have disappeared.

However, the more this is the case, the more disturbing it becomes.

Although the Su Group has paid special attention to it.

But I still didn't expect that on the day of the premiere of "Cat Fury", Yang Yun still broke out!

This time.

The person who came out to expose was no longer Yang Yun himself.

It was a Weibo that she sent out regularly, which was a suicide note that was made public.

I am Yang Yun, I believe many people know my name during this time!Even, you all hate me so much that you wish I could die!
But it doesn't matter, you can get your wish soon.

Before I do that, I just want to clarify the facts for myself.

Su Yican is a lunatic!

Not only did he get the school to expel me, he didn't think well of me, he even made people hate me!

Want to threaten me with those pictures!
Luckily I stole all those photos.

But I don't accept it, I'm just an ordinary person, and I can't confront such a powerful Su Group.

And what I did before was also for revenge!

Why do I have to live in such darkness all my life?

And why would Su Yican get away with it?

I just don't agree!I just don't believe that their Su Group can really cover the sky with their hands!
But what about reality?

I'm wrong!
The Su Group can really cover the sky with one hand!

Obviously they covered up the truth, but they were able to make all of you flesh me out and attack me!

That being the case, there is nothing to struggle with.

Your wish has come true, because... when you read this suicide note, I am already dead!

Just the night before.

The suburban police station of Qingcheng City received a report that someone found a female body by the river.

The body has been soaked in water, swollen and rotted.

The forensic doctor determined that the date of death was a week ago.

On the body of the deceased was a suicide note in a sealed bag, which said exactly the same as Yang Yun's Weibo.

Netizens and major media were shocked by this news!

Under the continued follow-up reports of the media.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the day of the premiere of "Cat Fury", the official blog of the suburban police station in Qingcheng City announced.

After forensic identification, the deceased was indeed Yang Yun himself.

Now, whether it's on the Internet or in reality, people who know about this are blown up!

If it could be said before that Yang Yun did this deliberately to gain popularity.

But who would risk their own life just to catch the heat?
Those netizens who had denounced or raped Yang Yun were also very remorseful at this time, and some have already started to publicly apologize to Yang Yun on Weibo.

Regardless of whether the truth behind this is exactly what Yang Yun said.

But Yang Yun is dead.

Dead without proof!

And most people in the country believe that the dead are the greatest!
They also thought that if he hadn't really been pushed to the brink, Yang Yun would not have committed suicide!

And the sharp-eyed media, smelling a huge news breaking point, rushed towards the Su Group one after another.

 The latest update time is too messy, so I decided to fix three update time periods, noon, 08:30 in the evening, and around twelve o'clock.Keep two updates at each time, that is to say, there will be another update after this~
(End of this chapter)

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