Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 431 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 431 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (54)

Take a deep breath.

Under everyone's suspicious eyes, Lin Qiao spoke.

"Captain Chen, you can verify it on the spot.

If my guess is correct, Yang Yun should not have died of drowning, but was thrown into the water after his death! "

in the original.

After Team Chen found out that the real cause of Yang Yun's death was not drowning, he reported it to his superiors in time.

But because of insufficient evidence.

His claims have been denied many times.

He was also excluded and became a weirdo in the bureau.

And this time.

Team Chen has not discovered the truth about Yang Yun.

in the curious eyes of the crowd.

I personally dialed the forensic doctor and turned on the speakerphone.

The forensic doctor answered the phone shortly after.

Probably because I was too excited!
The other party turned into a video call for a while.

Everyone saw a doctor in scarlet clothes walking around in the video.

In front of him lay an unrecognizable corpse quietly!

He is holding the needle and thread, doing the final stitching steps.

"Captain Chen, I'm about to call you!

The latest autopsy report is out.

There was no trace of mud or river water in the chest or abdomen of the deceased, that is to say, the deceased died before falling into the river! "

Well known.

When a person falls into the water, whether he wants to or not, there will definitely be some struggle.

The silt and river water in the river will also flow into the stomach along the mouth and nose.

Death occurs when a person can no longer breathe.

But if it fell into the river after death.

The human body has stopped breathing.

The river water and silt can only enter the throat of the dead at best.

And this result.

It just coincided with what Lin Qiao said just now!
The media have been stunned.

They never expected that there were so many hot spots hidden behind this incident.

It has already broken away from the initial confrontation and tension between the Su Group and Yang Yun.

Then it turned into a criminal case!

And now, it has further developed into a suspenseful detective story!
It's just... so unpredictable!

After hearing what the forensic doctor said.

Team Chen was stunned.

He looked at Lin Qiao with a little more fear and serious scrutiny.

"How did you know? Or, you were there at the time!"

Lin Qiao shrugged indifferently.

"Didn't you just say it, I guessed it!"

She took out a complete turtle back from the backpack behind her.

With a grin on his face.

With Hexi's smile like a spring breeze.

Shaking the back of the turtle in his hand, the copper coins inside made a rattling sound.

"I'm sorry, I know a little bit about five elements and gossip, which is calculated based on people's fate. Do you want me to do the math for you, Team Chen?"

For the first time, Chen Dui's earnest Chinese character face turned dark.

The surrounding media also looked embarrassed.

Even if Lin Qiao can really tell fortunes.

What's so coincidental is that right after she said it, the forensic doctor came up with the result as she said.

In the webcast room.

Netizens' mood fluctuated as things unfolded.

Now the honey juice has calmed down.

Seeing such a serious Lin Qiao about to tell someone's fortune, he burst out laughing instead.

Captain Chen's phone call was not turned off.

On the other end of the phone, there was also the bluffing voice of a certain forensic doctor.

"Captain Chen! Fortunately, you haven't hung up the phone yet!
I found formalin in the abdominal cavity of the deceased.

The just-released appraisal results showed that the real cause of death of the deceased was not three days ago, more precisely, a week ago, at one o'clock in the morning and at night! "

 The story of the cause of Yang Yun's death has appeared in a TV series, haha, I just don't know if the darlings have guessed it?
(End of this chapter)

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