Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 435 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 435 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (58)

After being ejected by the force of the evil ghost on Bai Xue's body.

Su Yican hit the wall.

slid down the wall.

Warm blood kept dripping on his forehead.

His eyes were dizzy, and he was close to fainting.

But he was concerned, and he didn't want to just faint.

That is at this time.

He vaguely saw Lin Qiao's figure flicker, and followed the evil spirit to chase him out!
He wanted to stand up and tell Lin Qiao not to go.

But his head was dizzy for a while.

There are countless stars twinkling in front of me!

The things above the head and on the ground were upside down, spinning, and shaking so that people felt dizzy from the bottom of their hearts.

It was at this moment when he was hesitating that he heard Lin Qiao's screams!
Painful and helpless!
into his ears, hurt his heart!
"Jojo, Jojo..."

He tugged at the wall next to him, and finally stood up.

Muttering plausibly in his mouth.

A heart has already flown to the outside of the meeting room.

He even wished that he could become a demon in an instant, at least in this way, he could appear beside Lin Qiao as quickly as possible.

"Xiao Can, you can't go there!"

Just now when Baixue finally broke out.

Su Cheng was on the edge, and suffered less damage.

Already awake at the moment.

He also heard the commotion outside, but no matter what he said, he couldn't let Su Yican go out now.

As Lin Qiao once said.

They are not from the same world!
Everything that happened today has long been beyond the cognition of all of them.

In comparison, he is more selfish, at least he can protect Su Yican!

Su Yican struggled a bit.

But he didn't break free, and his whole face was extremely gloomy.


The roar was accompanied by pain, coupled with the blood on his forehead, it seemed that the whole person became more ferocious!

I don't know where he got his strength from.

It exploded at this moment!

Swipe away Su Cheng!
"Who is not allowed to stop me!"

He stood up unsteadily from the ground.

The mouth is still muttering, but the eyes are unusually firm.

"Jojo, Jojo, I'm here, Jojo..."

He scratched at the wall.

Finally walked out of the meeting room.

But he saw Lin Qiao who was being gradually engulfed by the black fog.

Only one head remained and was not engulfed by the black fog.

Lin Qiao also saw Su Yican.

Immediately shouted nervously!
"do not come!"

But Su Yican didn't stop.

Instead, he continued to approach Lin Qiao.

This time, no matter what Lin Qiao said, he would never let her go.

The purpose of her pursuit is to completely kill this evil spirit!

And the last talisman paper given to her by the white-haired old man needs to use her own body as a prison to lock the evil spirit in her body, and then both of them explode to death!
But this evil spirit is old.

Naturally, it is impossible to stop there!
Constantly making chaos and struggling in her body.

Now, she's like a pack of dynamite that explodes at will!

It can explode anytime, anywhere!

The evil spirit continued to struggle in her body, although her strength had weakened a lot.

But it is still possible to conjure up a face.

"How? Angry? Do you still want to die with me?
Tut tut tut!But if you die, you won't be able to see your little lover. I can see that he has his heart on you!Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Su Yican got closer and closer.

And the color of farewell in Lin Qiao's eyes became more and more obvious.


Just when Su Yican was about to approach Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao clenched his fists tightly!

He actually forcibly controlled his body to retreat, and the whole person made a sudden explosion in the air!


Her body was with those black fog.

There was a violent explosion in the middle of the corridor!

The light wave of the explosion rushed in.

Su Yican was sent flying again.

When he got up again, there was no black fog in the corridor, and Lin Qiao was no longer there.

All that was left was a cold black cat corpse on the ground.

"Jojo, Jojo..."

Su Yican staggered over and hugged the black cat into his arms.

"Cats have nine lives, you won't die, right, Qiao Qiao, right, right..."

Su Yican chanted repeatedly.

The whole person is like a demon!
The black cat corpse in Mingming's arms was already starting to stiffen from the cold.

But he was still talking to himself.

Even if Su Luo and Su Cheng appeared together and wanted to get close to him, he was coldly reprimanded.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! It's all because of you..."

Desperate emotions came from all directions.

Su Yican even wanted to commit suicide and leave with Lin Qiao.

But unexpectedly found that his forehead seemed to be touched by something.

In the invisible air that Su Yican can't see.

Lin Qiao's soul turned into a phantom and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

The soul gradually dispersed with the wind.

Cats do have nine lives.

But I lost eight other lives long before I met you.

 This chapter was a bit choked up, especially when Su Yican called Lin Qiao's name. Maybe Su Yican's character is not as vivid and existential as the male protagonists in other planes, and he is not as domineering and sideways, but He is so special, pure, in his eyes and in his heart, he only pretends to be Lin Qiao alone. PS: The new plane will be updated tomorrow, ahem, don't be too surprised!

(End of this chapter)

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