Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 453 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf

Chapter 453 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf (18)

From her entry into the room to the appearance of these women.

It was less than an hour before and after.

These women gathered together so quickly, it's hard not to be suspicious!
[Ah, host, you are so clever! 】

"Well, I think so too!"



Say you are fat and panting!
This face is getting thicker and thicker day by day.

Acting skills are getting more and more shameless day by day!
After dinner.

No matter how Lin Qiao persuaded him to stay.

Hua Mianmian went back to her own room.

And Lin Qiao was alone, bored in the house watching TV with his legs crossed.

I do not know how long it has been.

The door was opened again.

A series of footsteps gradually approached Lin Qiao.

"Come in and close the door!"

The visitor did not respond to her.

Instead, he quickened his pace, getting closer and closer to her.

Lin Qiao frowned.

Before the opponent gets close to him, he jumps away from the position he was in just now, and the pan attacks the place from another direction.

But he was held in the hand of the other party, and he weighed it up and down.

"Vigilance is good!"

Big Big Wolf smiled.

In the next second, your pan, which was still held in his hand, instantly turned into powder.

Lin Qiao was not surprised.

Sit down on a random corner of the sofa.

"When are you going to let me go?"

Big Gray Wolf raised his eyebrows.

sat next to her.

"Did I say I would let you go?"

The smile on his face was half a smile but not a smile, making it difficult for people to figure out what he was thinking.

"The woman who enters the gate of my wolf castle, even if she goes out, she will reward me with the mark of Big Big Wolf!"

Lin Qiao, "..."

She really wanted to ask a question.

Who gave you the courage to say that, Liang Jingru?
But she still didn't say it.

He sighed secretly, "Hui Tailang, there is no need for you and me to make detours. What is the purpose of you staying with me? Just tell me!"

She doesn't like detours.

If it weren't for being unable to beat Big Big Wolf.

She wanted to pull Big Big Wolf out and beat him up, then turned around and left.

His slender fingers rested on the sofa.

The index finger tapped up and down rhythmically, and after a long time, he finally spoke.

"about this issue……"


Lin Qiao asked nervously.

But Big Big Wolf's tone was still calm.

"I do not know either!"

Lin Qiao grabbed Big Big Wolf by the collar.

Grit your teeth in anger!

"Big Big Wolf, is it fun to tease me?"

"Of course!"

Big Big Wolf looked serious.

Just so rational, straight, angry, and strong!

Turned over and put Lin Qiao between him and the sofa.

"Don't think about running away, but... if you behave well, it's not impossible to consider giving you some freedom!"

Freedom is of course important to Lin Qiao.

But thinking of her previous experience, she had to ask clearly.

"What performance?"

"Can beat my performance!"

Big Big Wolf put a few books with simple covers into her arms.

Get up and leave!

"I hope that the next time I see you, you will be able to have the strength to not have to put on any disguise!"

Lin Qiao subconsciously touched his face.

He has seen everything!
When he reached the door, Big Big Wolf stopped in his tracks.

Turned around and said something.

"The next time you see me, remember to call me by my name, Qin Yan!"

He left after speaking.

He didn't notice at all that Lin Qiao didn't hear what he was saying at all.

A pair of eyes, staring at the cultivation secret book in his hand.

"System, is my road to becoming a god just around the corner!"

【Do not! 】

[Host, don't be delusional, this is just an entry-level cheat book. 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

Why does her system always tell the truth!
 Good afternoon~PS: The next update will be around 08:30

(End of this chapter)

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