Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 456 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf

Chapter 456 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf (21)

Xiang Tailang's butt landed first.

The pain caused her to grin her teeth, and her face became a little distorted.

Struggling to get up, he wanted to rush over and tear Lin Qiao's mouth open!
Who gave her face!
He dared to attack her again and again!
The demon power in her hand had already gathered, but when she stood up, she could clearly see the person next to her.

It's actually... Big Big Wolf!

She was so frightened that she immediately withdrew her demon power, pretending to be weak and threw herself into Big Big Wolf's arms.


have to say.

Xiang Tailang's cousin screamed really full of emotion.

A bit tactful, a bit pitiful, and three points of the most important acting skills!

It's hard to refuse!

However, Big Big Wolf didn't even look at her.

Instead, he strode away and avoided it!
At this moment, Xiang Tailang's body was as soft as a piece of rubber.

Being avoided by him like this, he even fell directly to the ground.

face down!

His face just landed on the ground, and he immediately ate a mouthful of mud!
When she got up from the ground quite depressed.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that Big Big Wolf had already walked to Lin Qiao's side.

He stroked the messy hair on her cheek.

Tie it behind her ear carefully.

The tone is gentle and pampering to the extreme!
"Why are you so naughty again, did you hurt anywhere?"

Lin Qiao's whole body was stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched!
His face was originally black.

Now it was black from the inside out.

"System, Big Big Wolf is here to mess with me, right?"

Didn't you see Xiang Tailang on the opposite side was so angry that his head was about to smoke?

How could this guy still be able to perform so calmly here?

The system silently picked its nose.

[Professional blame for 30 years, now I have found an heir! 】

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

Feng Shui turns around!
In the past, its host always let it take the blame and lie down!
Let her have a taste of this now!

Lin Qiao remained expressionless.

And a pan suddenly fell in the transfer station.

It was accompanied by systematic cries of pain!
[MMP, host, you are playing dirty tricks! 】

Lin Qiao remained expressionless.

The pan bangs again!
[嘤咕咕(╥╯^╰╥) host, you are the boss, you have the final say! 】

Only then did Lin Qiao take back the pan in the transfer station.

Thoughts return to reality.

Lin Qiao kicked Big Big Wolf away!

Just as he was about to drive Hui Tailang away, he saw that Xiangtai Wolf had already run away crying bitterly.

"System, am I born to be a vicious female supporting role!"

Especially that one.

You can successfully grab another man's female partner without doing anything.

The system hugs.

Shrink the corner and pretend to be dead!

Raise a sign, 'The system is dead, burn paper if something happens! '

Lin Qiao, "..."

"Are you pitying her?"

Gray Wolf's voice came from behind her.

Lin Qiao took a step forward, and when he turned around, he made a killing move towards Big Big Wolf!

"I'm poor, I'm the only one, use me as a shield? Is it cool?"

Big Big Wolf dodges to avoid this move.

The half-smile smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

"It's really cool! What's even better is the taste of beating you!"

Almost at the moment when his voice fell.

He moved.

They have already attacked Lin Qiao!
His figure is as fast as a ghost!

Only a black afterimage is visible between actions.

Lin Qiao wanted to move, but unexpectedly found that his body seemed to be locked.

Under the suppression of absolute strength.

She didn't even have a chance to resist!

It is even difficult to breathe!

It's just a momentary effort.

The black afterimage had already moved in front of Lin Qiao.

He grabbed Lin Qiao's neck!
The corner of his lips sneered, "You lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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