Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 468 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf

Chapter 468 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf (33)

The system nodded.

[This is a chain illusion. 】

【What you saw just now is reproduced based on your past memory of the host. 】

"Then where am I now?"

The last memory of her falling asleep still remains in Wutailang Square.

Drug effect onset.

The body couldn't resist and finally passed out.

Before she completely lost consciousness, she vaguely saw Xiang Tailang attacking her.

[That was a long time ago! 】

【After that, there was a melee between wolves and sheep, and now you have fallen into the Holy Land of the Three Clans. 】

After the system finished speaking, it threw a narrative into Lin Qiao's head.

Only after reading it did Lin Qiao understand.

At that time, it was the blood on Big Big Wolf's hands that inadvertently opened up this holy place.

Causing her to fall down with everyone else!

"How can I get out now?"

[Keep your mind like still water, don't think about anything, let alone feel the surroundings! 】

Lin Qiao did as he was told.

Lie directly on the hot sand.

At this time, the sun was hot in the sky, and the sand was scorching hot.

Lin Qiao clenched her teeth and forced herself to ignore this feeling.

Soon, the feeling of unbearable heat disappeared.


It is the cold that makes people shiver.

She subconsciously wanted to hug herself tightly, but her body was heavy, as if she was pressed by something.

Unable to move, he could only let the cold enter his body.

Her only consciousness is cold, so cold, so cold!

Suddenly, she seemed to hear someone calling her name, "July, July, where are you?"

It was a man's voice.

It sounded very familiar to her, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"July, where are you? Can you come out?"

"I will never force you again, you come out, let's go home together!"

Lin Qiao's thoughts began to drift away.

Obviously the body was still in place, but a scene automatically appeared in his mind.

In a world of ice and snow.

With a hoarse voice, the man rolled in the snow.

Shouting again and again, digging the snow on the ground again and again.

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find the person he was looking for!

It was getting dark.

The man curled up into a ball with the cold.

Even if the body is frozen like a block of ice, even if the blood on the finger has already flowed and frozen, and flowed out again after freezing.

Repeatedly, but he still ignored everyone's dissuasion.

Still have to stay there!
"July, it's getting dark, don't play hide and seek, let's go home, go back to our own home..."

The low whisper was extremely hoarse.

Obviously it doesn't sound good.

But it's extremely distressing.

A tear fell uncontrollably from the corner of Lin Qiao's eyes.

She was about to withdraw her thoughts, but she felt someone gently stroking the top of her head.

Look down.

At some point, her body turned into a cat again.

He was gently held in his arms.

He stroked my hair one after another.

The strength was just right, so comfortable that she narrowed her eyes slightly.

I also saw that the person holding her was holding a paintbrush in his hand, constantly drawing beautiful lines on the cardboard.

In the end, a simple sketch is formed.

And the character in the painting is none other than herself, a black cat with blue eyes.

"Like it?"

A slightly cold voice sounded above her head.

She subconsciously looked for the reputation.

But saw a face of extreme grief.

As for herself, she turned into a nothingness, and the moment she stretched out her hand, it penetrated his body.

Can't even give him a simple hug!

Her fists were tightly clenched.

The veins on his forehead popped up, almost bursting!
Of course, at this moment!

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her head...

 Beibei is still working hard to write, and the next chapter will be around 12:30.

(End of this chapter)

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