Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 482 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken!

Chapter 482 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken! (1)

Open your eyes again.

Lin Qiao has already returned to the transfer station.

The transfer station was still the same, surrounded by fog.

Only the other colors come from the system.

The exterior of the system is pink.

As she entered more planes, the expressions and body parts of the system became more and more abundant.

But this time.

The system is no longer alive and kicking.

Laying flat on the ground in a circle, with one face, only the face can move.

[Host, you are here! 】


Lin Qiao's face darkened slightly.

She is also responsible for the system becoming like this this time.

"Lie down and don't move around!"

[Host, based on your performance this time, the main god system personally requested that you must eat this forgetfulness grass! 】

As the system voice fell.

A green plant flew to Lin Qiao's side.

Lin Qiao took it with some hesitation.

"What effect will it have after eating it?"

[There is no damage to the host's soul and memory, and it can ease emotions. 】

"What are the side effects?"

[When the host encounters a heart knot again, it will automatically filter out negative emotions and bad memories for you, and the memory will automatically be negative after the host returns to the transfer station. 】

Lin Qiao was silent.

Memorizing too much is not a good thing.

In general.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to eat this forget you grass.

Besides, doesn't she have no choice now?
Lin Qiao let go of his hand.

Mind moved.

The forget-sorrow-grass in his hand instantly turned into a stream of green juice and flew into Lin Qiao's mouth.

After taking it.

Lin Qiao's head swelled and his face turned pale.

[Host, this time I got a day's rest time, do you want to use it? 】


After speaking, Lin Qiao lay down on the ground.

Close your eyes and fall asleep.

In a sense, the system is one with her.

Her state has adjusted.

It is also beneficial for the system.

Time passed quietly.

after one day.

Before Lin Qiao woke up, she felt a fleshy slap on her face.

She looks away.

He hugged his head, curled up into a ball and continued to sleep.

But the other party pinched his nose.

[Lazy host, it's time to wake up! 】

It doesn't feel good to have to breathe through your mouth.

Very dry.

Lin Qiao was forced to open his eyes.

What you see in front of your eyes is no longer a fluffy system like a plush toy.

But a fat doll carved in jade.

There are two sky braids on the top of the head.

He was wearing a red bellyband.

The exposed arms are chubby, cut off like lotus roots.

Lin Qiao couldn't bear it.

He reached out and poked his face.

It's... still soft!
Lin Qiao was stunned, unbelievable!
"System, are you the doll in the cosplay New Year picture?"

【Huh╭(╯^╰)╮! 】

The system turned away, hands on hips!

[No experience!Can't you see it, this system has cultivated the real body. 】

Lin Qiao burst out laughing.

Pinch the left and right cheeks of the system with both hands, and pull them to the sides.

Suddenly the pain made the system cry!

[Host, you must die! 】

"is it?"

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, you cheated on me last time!"


Hey, do you want to hold grudges like this!

After playing around with the system for a while, Lin Qiao had to enter a new plane again.

This time.

She randomly drew one from the balls placed by the system.

With a whirlwind.

The brain also quickly loses consciousness...

The morning sun slowly rises, gradually illuminating the whole world.

It also shone into a quiet high-end villa in the imperial capital.

Lin Qiao slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

 From this chapter onwards, the system's address will be replaced by "he". The setting of the new plane is relatively unpopular. The setting is a child bride + childhood sweetheart + female disguised as a man + paranoid villain boss who tends to imprison people. I am more worried, baby They can't adapt to...

(End of this chapter)

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