Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 494 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken!

Chapter 494 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken! (15)


Cheng Xuanyi's question really stunned Lin Qiao.

Probably because she is a girl herself.

It never occurred to her to choose her gender.

Let alone turning myself into a man.

Just thinking about it like this made her feel very horrified!
Shake your head decisively!

But he asked again in a strange way.

"If you could do it all over again, what would you choose?"

Cheng Xuanyi is a few years older than the original owner.

Surgery was performed several years ago.

After all, a big family like the Cheng family.

All children have no right to choose at birth.

Parents want them to be heirs.

They will definitely choose to become men!
This is also the reason why many families only have a group of bachelors left in the end.

It's not that no one has done anything to keep some children in the clan as girls since they were young, and let them become women when they grow up.

Cheng Xuanyi's mother was like this.

Due to the marriage of close relatives, among the ten children, only Cheng Xuanyi has survived to this day in good health.

But at this moment.

On the contrary, Lin Qiao was very curious about how Cheng Xuanyi would choose?

If it becomes a woman.

He will definitely not have those encounters in his previous life, and he will not die so bleakly in the end.

Cheng Xuanyi frowned.

It didn't take long for his answer to be given.

"Even if I do it all over again, I still won't change!"

His voice was flat.

But there is a bit of vigorous and firm momentum in it.

The dark and deep eyes stared closely at Lin Qiao.

Because he knows.

Only when he becomes a man can he be qualified to protect the person he wants to protect.

Lin Qiao didn't know what he was thinking.

See his eyes focused.

Subconsciously backed away, without noticing for a moment, actually fell down on the sofa.

Cheng Xuanyi didn't back away, let alone pull her up.

Instead, they got closer and closer.

Pause on top of her head.

He paused word by word and asked very seriously.

"You haven't told me yet, what's your answer? If you were given a choice, would you choose to be a woman or a man?"

His voice was flat.

But the emotions in his eyes were complicated, and his breathing became difficult at this moment.

Obviously very nervous, Lin Qiao... what choice will he make?

Lin Qiao felt very uncomfortable in such a posture.

With a body like a cat, it nimbly got out from under his armpit and half sat in the gap between the sofa and the coffee table.

"What are you thinking, of course I will choose to become a woman!"

"you sure?"

"Of course!"


Cheng Xuanyi also got off the sofa.

Learn her posture and half sit beside her.

Turning her head and looking at her seriously, "If you're sure, you won't be able to change it in this life."

There was clearly no emotion in his eyes.

But Lin Qiao still felt a little fierce at this moment.

Also suddenly remembered.

Those stupid things that the original owner did before.

"I swear, I absolutely really want to become a woman, let alone make this choice for someone else!"

She just asked a question.

But I was just curious about how Cheng Xuanyi would choose.


She couldn't accept that she turned herself into a man!
"I know……"

Cheng Xuanyi raised his hand.

He stroked the top of her hair skillfully.

She scrunched up her short hair, which was not so neat.

Lin Qiao, "..."

How do you feel, this action is like stroking a cat?
Lin Qiao raised his hand.

Slapped his paw decisively.

But Cheng Xuanyi couldn't bear it and stretched out his other hand, continuing to rub the top of her hair.

Eyes narrowed comfortably.

Deep in the eyes.

A touch of fierceness flashed away from it.

It doesn't matter if you tell the truth or lie.

An Jin, from the moment you make your decision, you can't escape!

 Beibei really wants to turn the heroine into a boy, it must be fun~
(End of this chapter)

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