Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 496 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken!

Chapter 496 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken! (17)

this world.

Intersex people are disproportionately undergoing sexual orientation surgery as adults.

Also, their ability to recover is fast.

Usually after three days.

Their bodies will be able to remove the stitches.

Sure enough, three days later, a group of doctors came to Cheng's villa again.

But this time.

Not only did they not get any courtesy.

Instead, he was kicked out by the bodyguards.

Doctors have a high status in this world, and they are not convinced at the moment.

Arguing with the bodyguards at the door.

Talk about lip service.

The bodyguards are naturally inferior to them.

And what they have to do is to fully carry out the orders of their masters and beat them out with sticks!
The doctors were furious.

Even if he was driven out of the door, he was still cursing.

"You, you, your Cheng family are waiting, this matter is clearly your Cheng family's own business, and we are only doing things according to the wish list!"


This time.

It was not the bodyguards who spoke.

It was Miss Cheng's family on the third floor, Cheng Anjin.

Only, this time.

Her voice has changed, it's a little less soft and soft, and it's a little more deep and hoarse that only men can have!

with her voice.

There are also cups, stools and other things thrown down from the third floor.

Immediately, the group of doctors was so frightened that they quickly slipped away.

The servants downstairs who were watching the fun were also embarrassed, and slipped back to their respective posts.

But more so.

Gossip and curiosity breed more and more.

able to work here.

All were adults, and all had undergone sexual orientation surgery.

I also naturally know.

After the operation, only male voices became hoarse.

And then, a younger maid.

Carrying a plate and coming down from the third floor with blood on his forehead, he immediately attracted the attention of the other maids.

"Xiaofang, what's going on with you?"

"What else is there, I see, it must be the lady who did it!"

"Cut, what are you calling her Miss after becoming a man? She's just waiting to be expelled from Cheng's house!"


The woman named Xiaofang looked troubled, as if she didn't want to say anything.

But I couldn't bear the repeated questioning of these people.

Finally in the eyes of everyone.

Cover your face and cry bitterly.

"I was hit on the head by the teacup thrown by the young lady when I went up, the pain was so painful that I didn't dare to scream!"

Someone nearby felt sorry for her immediately.

"Hey, look at the big bag on your forehead, don't lose your face!"

One sentence per person.

The woman named Xiaofang also cried more and more.

Everyone's disgust and dislike for Lin Qiao became more and more obvious.

"You don't know, when I came out just now, I heard her scolding the Patriarch!"

"What did she scold?"

"It seems to say that someone outside the Patriarch said that the Patriarch deliberately turned her into a man!"

"Hmph, the Patriarch treats her so well, yet he still doesn't know what's good!"

Someone also paid attention to another topic.

"Could it be that the head of the family has someone in his heart who hates because of love?"


The maids' guesses became bolder.

Those who are a little younger have already secretly planned to prepare and make themselves look better.

Maybe one day, the Patriarch will be able to see them!
It is not without lessons learned.

Isn't that what Cheng Linfeng's mother did back then?

Even though he was too old, he just hooked up with the former head of the family by virtue of his own body.

Mu Xueer hid in the crowd.

The corner of his lips smiled silently.

Her goal has also been achieved, and now, staying here is useless.

While no one is paying attention.

Slipping away in secret, he headed towards Cheng Linfeng who was at the corner of the back garden.

And this time.

Behind her, suddenly came a voice.


(End of this chapter)

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