Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 498 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken!

Chapter 498 Hermaphrodite: Villain, don't blacken! (19)

As his voice fell.

The bodyguard in black behind Cheng Xuanyi took out a state-of-the-art optical brain.

At this moment, a clear surveillance video is playing on it.

In the video, it is a room on the third floor of the villa.

Several white coats worn by doctors were hung inside.

Calculated according to the time on the corner of the video.

Exactly three days ago.

And that day, this room happened to be used as a temporary doctor's office.

Not long after, in the video.

A maid in a maid outfit jumped down from the ventilation channel above the room.

Searching around the desk.

In the end, he took out a form from a cabinet and finished the corrections in a few strokes.

But he left in a hurry because he heard footsteps outside the door.

Soon, he came in from the door wearing a white coat, picked up the watch on the ground and left quickly.

The video is coming to an end here.

At the end, a short section of the video was intercepted and the frontal face of the maid was enlarged.

It was Mu Xueer herself!
from when this video appeared.

Mu Xueer was very nervous.

But there are also some flukes in it.

She remembered that she checked carefully at that time, and there was no surveillance around.

But after she watched this video with force.

She panicked!
He stepped back, trying to take the opportunity to escape from the crowd.

But there are tall bodyguards around here.

They have always only obeyed Cheng Xuanyi's orders, so how could they do what she wanted?
It's like carrying a chicken.

Mu Xueer was carried back by the bodyguards and thrown in front of Cheng Xuanyi.

The video ends.

Cheng Xuanyi threw the stack of forms handed over by the bodyguard in front of Mu Xueer.

"Mu Xueer, do you still want to escape?"

In the stack of forms he threw out.

The top one is the surgery wish form with the words 'Cheng Anjin' written on it.

But if you look carefully.

You will find that the word 'Cheng Anjin' is the same as the handwriting on the maid entry contract and other forms filled out by Mu Xueer.

The answer is just around the corner!

And these elders also noticed a serious fact.

on the surgery wish form.

The column of sexual orientation and willingness is checked, male!
Several people were shocked!

There are complex emotions in the eyes, including shock, anger, and of course...excitement too!
Everyone knows.

Cheng Xuanyi brought Cheng Anjin back several years ago and raised her in the Cheng family as a child bride.

The purpose is to make Cheng Anjin a woman in the future.

Become his wife, the head mistress of the Cheng family!

But now it's like this.

Cheng Anjin has become a man, and all the energy that Cheng Xuanyi and the Cheng family have spent on her over the years have all been in vain!
What is even more frightening is that Cheng Xuanyi has never been in contact with any woman since he was an adult.

Even, there is a kind of resistance and disgust towards them.

I thought that as long as Cheng Anjin was around.

This is not a problem, but now it seems...

Cheng Xuanyi glanced at these elders.

"Elder Wang, tell me, according to the family rules, what should the maid who made such a big mistake deserve!"

He was suddenly named.

Elder Wang was shocked immediately.

Regardless of what will happen to Cheng Xuanyi's marriage in the future?
but now.

He is still the head of the Cheng family.

And his actions just now had obviously offended Cheng Xuanyi.

Express your resolve immediately.

"Should be shot!"

Hearing what he said, the elders beside him also put away their little thoughts for the time being.

Follow along.

I firmly believe that such an unfaithful slave as Mu Xueer.

They should be killed immediately, as a warning to others!

Cheng Xuanyi was not in a hurry.

With a sneer, he looked at Cheng Linfeng beside him.

"I used to wonder about Mu Xueer's purpose for doing this, but now that I see it, I seem to understand."

 The fourth update is over, good night, my dears~ Remember to vote for Beibeitou~ Good night~

(End of this chapter)

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