Chapter 553

The entire Shanyin County has been covered by a huge sea of ​​flames.

Chen Qingzhi stood on the city wall.

Behind him, the flames had already burned up, and huge tongues of flame could engulf him anytime, anywhere!

The screams, roars, curses, and pain of the people...

One after another!
One after another!
Just listening to it is terrifying, let alone looking back.

Rao is so.

The county magistrate, who has always cared about the suffering of the people, has his own persistence this time.

For the first time, and for the last time, I hardened my heart.

No matter how the people in the city roar and curse!

He will not open the city gate.

He even held a weapon and used himself as an interceptor to kill one after another the people who tried to escape from the city wall!
Blood stained the hands of the county magistrate who had only held a brush.

He is still tireless and unafraid!

And we must not allow this harmful plague to spread again!

In the bleak night wind.

Lin Qiao stood outside the city together with other people who were thoroughly diagnosed and not infected with the plague.

Looking in the direction of Shanyin County, tears flowed like rain, and his expression was bleak.

At the scene, no one spoke.

The bright flames dyed half the sky red.

It also illuminates the dark night as bright as day, and the fiery red light illuminates everything around it very clearly.

But at the price of lighting up the entire city!

It only takes one night to destroy a city.

But to build it, it needs tens, hundreds of years and more than a dozen generations of hard work, operation, repair and maintenance.

Shanyin County is their home.

It is where their ancestral home is.

If there is no other way, no one wants to destroy it with their own hands!
But they did not forget, what was the final experience of the people who were infected with the plague?
Disgusting blood dripped from his body.

Like a bloody man whose outer skin has been peeled off, until the flesh and blood on the inside oozes pus, bleeds completely dry, and finally bleeds to death from the seven orifices!

more helpless.

It was watching their loved ones die in front of them.

Not only was he powerless, he had to stay away from him completely, and in the end he even had to watch him burn to death in the fire.

Lin Qiao is not the original owner.

Not even the so-called Chen Aqing!
But at this moment, anyone who has experienced all this cannot remain unmoved.

Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder.

Lin Qiao turned his head, it was Wang Mu, and Hua Wuhuan was still standing behind him.

The hasty departure tonight made the moon white robe on his body stained with some stains, and his hair was disheveled, but it still couldn't conceal the powerful aura emanating from his body!
He didn't speak, but those piercing eyes.

Passed through the surrounding crowd, landed on her, and asked silently.

Lin Qiao put away the emotions in his heart.

Walking in front of Hua Wuhuan, he knelt down respectfully and saluted.

"Villain Chen Aqing, from now on, I am willing to do my best for my lord, and I will do whatever I can!"

Hua Wuhuan glanced at her.

"From now on, let's call him Ah Qing!"


Lin Qiao was silent, Wang Mu pulled her up and motioned her to follow the team.

while leaving.

She turned her head and took a last look in the direction of Shanyin County, with tears in her eyes.

Before leaving Shanyin County.

With a cheeky face, Chen Qingzhi knelt down and begged Hua Wuhuan to accept her.

For, just to let her have a place to belong in the future.

Her own mission is also to be able to stay by Hua Wuhuan's side unobtrusively.

But I didn't expect it to be done in such a tragic way.

And she could no longer tell Chen Qingzhi that from then on, the Chen family had no successors.

 Good evening~ Thank you for the reward of a little monster baby~mua~
(End of this chapter)

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