Chapter 559

Including these few people.

Everyone in the restaurant was taken aback by this sudden move.

The teacups and other objects on the table crackled and shattered all over the floor!
Hot tea splashed on them.

It was so hot that one of them jumped to his feet!

"Hey, what's the matter with you, how many of us didn't mess with you?"

"That's right, who is it!"

"Don't pay attention to him, it's probably because he drank too much and went crazy!"


These people discussed in succession.

Other people in the restaurant also cast strange glances, sitting aside and pointing.

Wang Mu said nothing.

His eyes swept over the other people in the restaurant.

I just felt that there was nowhere to vent the soaring anger in my chest, it was so blocked that it was about to suffocate me to death!
What do these people who can only hide in the capital know?
What General Fuxing?

They don't even know!

In order to uniformly manage the refugees after the flood, some people were too tired to eat or drink and had to work!
In order to curb the spread of the plague, there was once a county magistrate who would burn himself to death even if he cried loudly, and burned to death the people in the city he served!
In order to spread the truth to the capital, countless people have paid with their lives along the way!

They don't even know.

The so-called General Fuxing was able to suppress the situation so quickly.

But it's a great deal!
Before this, countless people have put in a lot of effort for it!


What's even more damning is, what qualifications do they have to say about his family?

Because of anger!

Wang Mu's whole body is full of evil spirits that no strangers should enter!

The people around were so scared that they could only stand aside from a distance, playing lip service.

The movement here alarmed the shopkeeper of the restaurant.

Thinking that someone was causing trouble, I brought a group of thugs here.

However, his expression changed immediately after seeing the silver auspicious cloud totem saber embroidered on Wang Mu's waist.

Quickly put on a flattering face.

"Hey... my lord, what a misunderstanding, what a misunderstanding! This way, please, there is a private seat upstairs, and I will make you a good West Lake Longjing pot right away!"

After seeing the shopkeeper's attitude, the people next to him.

I also saw the saber on the man's waist, which was made by the imperial court.

Shut up immediately.

Wang Mu's eyes were slack, he was already a little drunk, but at this moment he suddenly woke up.

These people are like blind men who don't know anything.

What does he care about with them?
Throwing the money to the shopkeeper, Wang Mu dragged his empty body back to Huafu.

Two years ago, the emperor admired Hua Wuhuan's house outside the palace.

Never lived in it before.

Now, instead, it has become a quiet place that my adults love.

Scattered all servants.

In the huge house, Hua Wuhuan and him are the only ones left.

Finally, he was worried about Hua Wuhuan's injury.

Wang Mu took the medicine powder and went to change it for him. As soon as he approached, Hua Wuhuan frowned.

"Going out for a drink?"

Wang Mu lowered his head.


Unable to bear it in the end, Wang Mu recounted to Hua Wuhuan what he heard in the wine shop word for word.

"My lord, I really don't understand why the Holy Majesty would give up such an opportunity to an unknown rookie general. It's obviously you..."

"To shut up!"

Hua Wuhuan's expression turned sharp in an instant!
"Go out and slap yourself! If there is a next time, kill yourself!"

It was just a momentary fever in Wang Mu's mind.

It's not that he couldn't figure it out, he immediately went out obediently like a sigh of relief and slapped his mouth.

In the house, silence was restored again.

Whether it was the Su family ten years ago or the current self, they were nothing more than pawns in the hands of the emperor to balance the government and the opposition.

The emperor who finally got rid of the 'Dong Zhong puppet', how can he allow his family to dominate?
Dong Zhong is dead, and his revenge must be avenged!

This life has no regrets!
It's just that when I dream back at midnight, I will always unconsciously think of a person who was alive not long ago.

 Good night~ Remember to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets~ PS: Let me explain, some parts of the Daliang Dynasty in this plane refer to the territory of the Southern Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and official positions such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Head of the Temple Department are also applied. It's not formal enough, just take a look at it, babes, don't get too deep into it!
(End of this chapter)

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