Chapter 568

The time of ease always passes the fastest.

It didn't take long.

Then a little eunuch found Hua Wuhuan and whispered in his ear.

Relying on her good hearing ability, Lin Qiao heard four words, "The concubine is welcome!"


Hua Wuhuan said goodbye to Lin Qiao, and left quickly with the little eunuch.

Lin Qiao mechanically returned to Zixuan Pavilion all the way.

All the palace people were screened back.

In the quiet room, I was left alone.

"System, is the rebellious prince dispatched?"

The system nodded.

[According to the plot of the original book, it will be time for a coup d'état soon. 】

【However, seeing now, because of the effect instigated by the host, you, the butterfly, the coup will be brought forward! 】

Lin Qiao sighed.

Lie on your back on the big bed.

There was melancholy in his eyes.

In this task, she needs to change Hua Wuhuan's established destiny.

But Hua Wuhuan cannot be taken away arbitrarily.

After all, according to the pissing nature of the plot master, maybe Hua Wuhuan ran back by herself just after she kidnapped someone on her front foot.

And the current situation.

Dong Zhong is dead, sooner or later, Mo Ningcheng will completely lose Hua Wuhuan in his eyes.

The so-called coup is nothing more than a more high-sounding excuse.

Lin Qiao was lying on the bed.

Thinking over and over again.

But what can Hua Wuhuan do to escape this deadlock?
In the midst of irritability, the system beeped.

[Host, you seem to have overlooked one thing! 】


[In the later stage of the original book, Hua Wuhuan's vengeance has been avenged, why is she willing to launch a coup with the prince and others! 】

The reason why Dong Zhong dared to kill Hua Wuhuan's family was the Su family, the former Generalissimo of the Army and Horses.

That's also because he's just an executor.

The person who actually gave the order was the first emperor!
Both Mo Ningcheng and the prince who attempted to launch a coup d'état are also the sons of the late emperor.

Compared to following that prince.

Anyway, he has been with Mo Ningcheng for so many years, and he has worked hard without credit.

Hua Wuhuan changed direction so quickly and followed Wang Ye and the others.


at the same time.

Hua Wuhuan entered into the Grand Concubine's Palace, and all the palace attendants withdrew.

In the dark Buddhist hall, a man stepped out.

Dingqing took a look.

It was the King Qi who was supposed to be in the fiefdom!

Facing King Qi, Hua Wuhuan saluted, and was helped up by King Qi with a smile.

"Director Hua, I don't know what I said before, how do you think about it?"

Hua Wuhuan lowered her head.

Not a word!

King Qi increased the volume.

"Director Hua, do you want me to say it again, or...won't you do it?"

Hua Wuhuan buried her head even lower.

But he never said a word.

King Qi snorted coldly and shook his sleeves angrily!

"I think you don't cry when you see the coffin, someone, bring it up!"

Following his command.

The secret door of the Buddhist hall was pushed open from inside, and a man walked over with a child in his arms.

This child is about two or three years old.

Xu Shi didn't eat much on weekdays, and looked sallow and emaciated.

At this moment, he closed his eyes, breathed evenly, and his face was quiet, as if he had fallen asleep.

But if you look carefully.

You will find that the appearance of this child is somewhat similar to Hua Wuhuan.

"Ten years ago, when the Su family was destroyed, you were already over 16 years old. You escaped because of going out to study, but Dong Zhong was sent to the palace and became an eunuch."

"And now, this child is only three years old, and his surname is Su!"

King Qi sneered.

His face was full of viciousness and viciousness.

"Director Hua, do you want me to explain more clearly?"

"Tell me, what if the emperor knows that the father-in-law Hua, who is under one person and above ten thousand people in the palace, is not only an eunuch, but even hides an illegitimate child outside?"

 Well, is this new character hot enough?

(End of this chapter)

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