Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 598 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 598 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (17)

Su Yurou hated her so much.

When he turned to face Shangguan Hao, he immediately regained the gentleness just now.

"Brother Shangguan, this operation is so dangerous, why don't you let my sister go?"

Her voice was soft and charming, and it was always very comfortable to hear in the ears of a man, making him unbearable to refuse.

But this time, Shangguan Hao turned down the proposal with a cold face.

"Xiaorou, don't make trouble, this time we are really in big trouble, without her, we can't do it!"

Su Yurou hated her so much that her eyes burst into flames.

The man she abducted after spending so much time thinking about Lin Qiao in a few words?

Even so, she still endured it.

Crystal tears quickly filled his eyes, and he pursed his lips tightly.

"Really, it must be her?"

Shangguan Hao insisted, "It must be her!"

At that moment, Su Yurou turned her head to look at Lin Qiao, the resentment in her eyes strongly wanted to kill her!
Lin Qiao didn't care about this.

She has the confidence to make such a condition.

The zombie in front of him is a rare vine-type zombie, which was mentioned in the original book.

Whether it's Shangguan Hao's Wind Element, Su Yurou's Ice Element, or other people's Water Element and Wood Element abilities, they can't please this zombie.

The only useful thing is the fire ability she has mastered!
As many vines as it grew, she burned!
Time does not allow them to hesitate.

After eating the internal organs of those people, the second-level zombie looked at them.

next second.

Several vines wrapped around the tall buildings on both sides of the street.

Like swinging on a swing, it swings its own body towards Lin Qiao and the others!

Everyone retreats in a hurry!
But this second-level zombie seemed to have found its target suddenly.

Countless vines, like countless ropes, only headed towards Lin Qiao!

It's too late to say, then soon!
Lin Qiao threw a big fireball, and the flame quickly spread on the vines, making a crackling sound.

His eyes swept over Shangguan Hao and the others, "What are you still doing!"

Shangguan Hao glanced at her, and the wind ability in his hand turned into a wind blade and flew away quickly.

The remaining few supernatural beings also gradually returned to their senses.

I finally understood what Shangguan Hao meant by 'it must be her' just now, but it actually meant that her ability was the most lethal to this zombie!
Lin Qiao didn't stay too long.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he dragged Xu Ran and Su Boyan to hide in an empty store with their backs facing each other.

Solemnly confess!

"Xu Ran, you two stay here obediently, don't move!"

Su Boyan's face was trembling with fear.

Although he was worried about Lin Qiao, but thinking about the terrifying zombie outside, he decided to stay obediently and not cause Lin Qiao any trouble.

Xu Ran has a simple mind.

There is no such idea in my mind at all.

With pure and stubborn eyes, he held Lin Qiao's hand again, his eyes longing.


When Xu Ran didn't speak much before, he looked normal.

But when he became stubborn, he was full of childishness and didn't speak much, but stared at you closely with a pair of bright and clear big eyes.

The process was too complicated, and Lin Qiao couldn't explain anything to Su Boyan, who looked puzzled beside him.

Had to forcefully break free from his hands.

The tone became gentler, "Hey, I'll be back in a while, and now I have a task for you, take care of my father, you know?"

There was deep reluctance in Xu Ran's eyes.

But Lin Qiao didn't dare to look back, for fear that she might not be able to help but become soft-hearted.

I had to get up and leave quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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