Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 600 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 600 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (19)

The second-level zombie soon let out bursts of painful roars.

Lin Qiao frowned frequently.

"Shangguan Hao, hurry up, it is calling other low-level zombies around!"

Be it zombies or supernatural beings.

High-level ones have a certain ability to suppress low-level ones.

It is more obvious in zombies, even if it is only a second-level zombie, hundreds of low-level zombies can be summoned.

Shangguan Hao also realized this.

Using his strength, he climbed onto the zombie's back from behind, and used a saber to stab the zombie's head continuously!
However, just when his knife was about to succeed.

The zombie suddenly shook and shook him off!
If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been trampled to death by this zombie long ago.

At the same time, he also noticed that the vines in the zombie's hands had been released and were growing outward rapidly.

What the hell is this Su Nuannuan doing!
He stood up and was about to condemn Lin Qiao for being irresponsible.

But the moment he stood up, an ice needle flew past him.

He hurriedly avoided it, but the ice needle was so powerful that it still left a slight scratch on his face.

In this moment of effort.

The second-level zombie found a gap, threw off the remaining supernatural being, and escaped quickly with the convenience of the vine!
The name of the remaining supernatural being is Chen Qi.

Seeing that the zombies had escaped, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked quickly to Shangguan Hao's side.

"It's not Su Nuannuan's fault, it's..."

He paused for a moment, and finally said with a serious expression, "It was Su Yurou who shot from behind and accidentally injured her!"

Before the apocalypse, this Chen Qi could be regarded as a prominent figure on the campus of University A. He was an upright person, and he couldn't afford to lie about such a trivial matter.

Shangguan Hao naturally knew this, but he couldn't believe it in his heart.

The person I like will be the kind of villain who sneaks up behind the scenes at critical moments!

His gaze was somewhat probing, and he looked towards Su Yurou.

In the silent air.

The eyes of the two met.

Su Yurou still maintained the posture of sending out the ice needle just now, but Shangguan Hao's eyes had become a little strange.

Su Yurou secretly yelled "Oops", and instantly woke up!

"Sister, I'm sorry. I, I really made a mistake for a while. I wanted to do my part. Sister, can you forgive me!"

have to say.

When it comes to adorning white lotuses, Su Yurou still has a way.

Not only did she shed tears as soon as she said that, she even knelt down in front of Lin Qiao.

Aggrieved, he knelt down and grabbed Lin Qiao's clothes, hoping to get her forgiveness.

But it's a pity.

Lin Qiao doesn't like this!
"Su Yurou, I know whether it's you or not."

Su Yurou's face gradually turned pale!

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he wanted to pray to Lin Qiao again.

Lin Qiao retreated one step ahead, and said before she could speak, "If you really ask for my forgiveness, it's not impossible. I give you this dagger. Now that you understand yourself, I will naturally forgive you. !"

With that said, Lin Qiao dropped a dagger.

Su Yurou's face instantly turned pale!
His eyes fell on the dagger, and he seemed to be struggling.

Shangguan Hao who was standing on the side also hurried over at this time.

"Enough! Su Nuannuan, don't embarrass Xiaorou..."

Before Shangguan Hao finished speaking, a slap suddenly landed on his cheek!

Lin Qiao's expression was serious.

His eyes were indifferent, "Have I allowed you to speak? You're such a wimp who can let a cooked duck fly!"

Shangguan Hao had never been so angry.

He clenched his fists and was about to refute, but Lin Qiao had already picked up the dagger, turned around and left.

"It's not a sincere apology, so don't be cheeky and beg me to forgive you!"

Su Yurou and Shangguan Hao looked at each other.

The complexion is not good-looking.

Lin Qiao didn't care about their feelings.

She wasted so much energy, but in the end it was nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

On her way back to find Xu Ran and the others.

Wang Shufen and several other ordinary humans who were hiding also ran past her in panic!
Lin Qiao grabbed one of them and asked.

"what happened?"

The man was trembling, his legs were trembling, "That, that very powerful zombie is, right there!"

Lin Qiao looked in the direction of her finger.

That is, where Xu Ran and the others are...

 The update is complete, good night, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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