Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 602 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 602 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (21)

She has a completely different temperament from the original owner.

Now that Xu Ran's IQ is online, he will naturally be aware of this change.

Xu Ran was still lying there.

His eyes were indifferent but pure, staring at her quietly, with a very serious expression.

"I know."

"But in my heart, no matter how you change, you are you!"

Lin Qiao's lips twitched.

She wanted to say that she was not the same person as the original owner, but she was restricted from making a sound at all.

At the same place, Xu Ran has closed his eyes.

"You gave me my life, if you want it, you can take it anytime!"

In Lin Qiao's hands, a flame gradually gathered.

Xu Ran's face was calm, even with a bit of serenity. The moment he became a zombie, he knew that this day would come sooner or later. He would only feel more relieved and satisfied if he died in Lin Qiao's hands!
The fiery red flame fell to the ground and burned on the black blood, making a chi chi chi sound.

At the same time, there was also an unpleasant smell.

Xu Ran didn't suffer any injuries.

Instead, I heard a series of footsteps and the voices of people exclaiming and discussing in low voices.

He wanted to open his eyes and check.

But he felt that his eyes were covered by a warm palm.

"Don't talk, let alone open your eyes, you're already dizzy now."

Xu Ran understood instantly.

The corners of the lips were slightly raised, like a cup of warm honey water, the warmth spread throughout the body.

The flame burned for a while and then dissipated by itself.

Everyone also crossed the flames and walked to a place not far from Lin Qiao.

In the crowd, someone exclaimed, "Look, that second-level zombie is here!"

Never mind the nausea.

Someone has already rushed forward, using something nearby to rummage through the head of the second-level zombie.

It was also good luck, and a diamond-shaped orange crystal nucleus was quickly turned out.

The man screamed and exclaimed instantly.

But it provoked competition from others.

But these are all in vain, the orange crystal nucleus was sucked away by a strong wind.

Everyone looked in the direction of the wind, and the person who took away the crystal core was Shangguan Hao.

This time, no one else had anything to say.

Who made Shangguan Hao the most capable person among them!

However, to everyone's surprise, Shangguan Hao didn't immediately earn what he had, but walked up to Lin Qiao and handed the crystal nucleus to her.

"The crystal nucleus is for you, and I sincerely invite you to join our team!"

Lin Qiao glanced at it and raised her chin slightly.

"What if I say no?"

Shangguan Hao's complexion was pale.

He is a very sober person, so he naturally knows that it is not appropriate to have an enemy with the current Lin Qiao.

But if Lin Qiao insists on not joining them...

Lin Qiao glanced at him and understood what he meant.

But in front of everyone, he took the crystal nucleus from his hand.

The voice was indifferent, "As for your ugly team, I wouldn't mind giving it to me!"

As for this crystal nucleus.

She deserved it!

Those who watched the excitement around did not know the pros and cons of it.

They only know that even Shangguan Hao invited her to join the team and promised to give her the hard-won second-level crystal nucleus, but Lin Qiao not only didn't appreciate it, but snatched the crystal nucleus that belonged to their team, and actually returned it. Dare to insult them?

This time, everyone couldn't bear it anymore.

They all twisted into a rope, denouncing Lin Qiao for being shameless.

Su Yurou also had a sad face, "Sister Nuannuan, although you have put in a lot of effort to kill this zombie, but we people have hard work without credit, it's really a bit..."

(End of this chapter)

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