Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 626 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 626 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (47)

Just this moment.

Both of them reacted differently.

Su Yurou's hands were already clenched tightly, with her nails inserted into her palms, and her anger was burning fiercely in her eyes like two blazing flames!

That casual glance was even more as if it was about to breathe fire!
Seeing that there were no outsiders, she couldn't help but roared, "It's the second time! It's the second time she has threatened me so blatantly!"

She roared so heartbreakingly that scarlet bloodshots gradually appeared in her white eyeballs.

"See, Shangguan Hao, this is the woman you want most? She really wants my life!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Hao sneered indifferently.

"Don't you yourself know why she said that?"

"Even if she really wants your life, you deserve it!"

Since the last supermarket row.

For Su Yurou, he didn't even bother to give him basic patience!

I really don't understand how I thought this woman was gentle and kind, and would be the best candidate for my future wife!
If it weren't for the fact that she was still available, he would have long wished to kick this woman away!

After speaking, he left with the flow of people.

Su Yurou was left alone, kicking over the roadside stall in anger!
Even so, her face didn't look any better!

For Shangguan Hao.

Su Yurou's feelings for him are very complicated.

If it wasn't for the end of the world, she would definitely not tear off her disguise in front of him.

I also seriously thought about spending my whole life with this man!

But because of the end times, everything was out of her original control.

Lin Qiao has become shrewd and is no longer easy to be controlled by others.

Shangguan Hao's eyes were not only on her, besides Lin Qiao, more good-looking women were also throwing olive branches at him intentionally or unintentionally.

But in the end, she still has feelings for Shangguan Hao.

But he actually, actually said that for that bitch Su Nuannuan?

The one who really forgot is him!
It's because he forgot that the purpose of her doing this is to be with him better!

On the other side, Lin Qiao took Chen Qi back to the residence.

There happened to be a room on the second floor of Old Man Wang's building that was vacant, so she made the decision to settle the room and let Chen Qi live in it temporarily.

Before Chen Qi moved in, Lin Qiao entered the house alone.

It's called checking, but it's actually secretly releasing the machine in the space.

Only after that did Chen Qi let people in and explain the situation to him.

Chen Qi adapted quickly.

After listening to her and asking a few important questions, her complexion became strange.

"You mean, you want me to fix the machine just to find someone, but you don't know his name, what he looks like, or where he's from?"


Lin Qiao looked embarrassed.

In the end of the world, the one who still needs to see netizens is probably the original owner.

Although she couldn't figure out what the original owner's persistence was for, as a tasker, she had to complete the task no matter what!
Then, Lin Qiao went out again.

After returning, she brought some food and a set of clean clothes for Chen Qi, and most importantly, she was lucky enough to find a wheelchair that was still usable.

Give it to Chen Qi, it's worth the money!
Afterwards, Lin Qiao went back to her own room, shed all her fatigue, and when she was about to go to sleep, she suddenly felt a weight on her shoulders, as if something was sticking to her from behind...

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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