I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 106 The Unwilling Yamamoto Kazuki

Chapter 106 The Unwilling Kazuki Yamamoto

The arrival of the independent battalion completely reversed the weak situation of the national army.

"Brothers of the Independence Battalion, the little devil can't hold on any longer, rush up with me to defeat them!!!"

Lin Xiao shouted a few times, and then, holding a light machine gun, he led the soldiers to charge forward in one go.

The Devils special attack team lost the fire support of the machine guns, and they couldn't last long with only a dozen people, and the enemy was only at the end of their strength.

The soldiers of the independent battalion who charged were like a group of fearless wolves. They faced the enemy's fierce bullet rain and rushed towards the enemy's defense line desperately.


While charging, Lin Xiao's arm was accidentally hit by a stray bullet.

"Ying Zuo, you are injured, I will bandage you!" Ma Kui ran over to bandage Lin Xiao.

"Leave me alone, keep rushing, and beat this little devil to me!"

How could Lin Xiao stop halfway through the charge? He gritted his teeth and led the charge himself regardless of his arm injury.

The soldiers of the National Army next to them were deeply infected by the fighting spirit of the Independence Battalion.

They took up weapons and rushed out of the bunker, shooting the enemy while charging.

Sure enough, the soldiers of the national army burst out with powerful combat effectiveness.

"Brothers from the guard battalion, rush forward, motherfucker, today we will fight with the little devil!!!"

When the soldiers of the national army in front were shot and fell down, the soldiers in the back would step on the corpses of their companions and continue to charge one after another.

"Where do these stubborn Chinese soldiers come from with such a strong combat power!"

"These Chinese soldiers are so desperate, they are crazy!"

The devil sniper team on the mountainside fired continuously at the machine gunners of the national army who rushed towards them.

The enemy's marksmanship was superb, almost every shot was fired, and the machine gunners of the national army fell one after another.

However, the bullets of the devil's sniper seemed to have lost their effect, and they could not stop the soldiers of the national army from attacking at all.

There are many machine gunners and grenadiers in the independent battalion and national army soldiers, and the devil snipers can't kill them at all.

Moreover, the Chinese soldiers are completely reckless, and sniping can no longer deter them.

Lin Xiao rushed forward with his men, disrupting the enemy's defensive deployment, and their position with the Devil's special attack team became shorter and shorter.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, the soldiers began to attack with grenades.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Dozens of grenades exploded everywhere, and shrapnel flew around the devil soldiers.

The soldiers of the Devils Special Attack Team were bombed and retreated again and again. They could only hide under the cover at the intersection, and it was difficult to parry the soldiers who rushed up in groups.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao bundled up a dozen more M24 grenades and threw them at the intersection defended by the Devils Special Attack Team.


There was a loud noise that shook people's eardrums.

The cluster grenade exploded with terrifying explosive power, and the killing range reached more than 50 meters.

In an instant, the soldiers of the devil's special attack team around the explosion point were blasted with flesh and blood.

"Uh, uh, uh!!!"

Accompanied by shrill screams, the devils were thrown into the air by the explosion shock wave, including people and weapons.

The soldiers of the special attack team were dead before they hit the ground, and all their internal organs were shattered.

In the blink of an eye, all the devil soldiers in Yoshida's team died miserably in the explosion.

On the side of the road full of explosion flames, few enemy corpses are complete.

Some devils were blown into pieces, some were separated from their limbs, and some were blown to pieces on the spot, turning into a pile of meat...

"Ding, the host killed a major leader of the special attack team, and rewarded 5 sets of American special equipment, and gained 500 hatred points and 500 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed a lieutenant of the commando team, rewarded 5 silent pistols, gained 300 hatred points, and 300 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed a second lieutenant of the special attack team, rewarded a strangler wire for special forces, and obtained 150 hatred points and 150 military merit points."


With a cluster grenade, Lin Xiao severely reaped the heads of this wave of devils' special attack team.

Killing these enemies will reward a large amount of special warfare equipment, as well as generous numerical rewards.

"Brothers, charge up, make up a few more shots before you die!!!"

Soldiers from the Independent Battalion and the national army swarmed up to break through the devil's line of defense, and they unceremoniously shot at the enemies who were not dead.

The soldiers of the special attack team who were lying on the ground dying were smashed into a pulp by the soldiers.

A special attack soldier was wounded and rushed to Kazuki Yamamoto to report.

"Report to the captain, the Chinese soldiers broke through the defense line of Yoshida's team, and the leader of Yoshida and other soldiers were all smashed!"

"Bagaya Lu, the damned China Army, ruined our event..."

Kazuki Yamamoto became extremely angry with embarrassment, his ugly face was twisted into a ball, his eyes were full of cruelty and killing intent.

The soldiers led by Kazuki Yamamoto were only five or sixty meters away from the defense line in the middle. If he was given a few more minutes, more than a dozen officers and generals would be wiped out by the special attack team.

However, after all, the Yamamoto special attack team still missed a move, which led to the complete failure of this beheading operation.

The soldiers of the special attack team anxiously reminded: "Captain, the cavalry and guards of the Chinese army are attacking us together, let's retreat quickly!"

Kazuki Yamamoto gritted his teeth with hatred, and his angry face was mixed with unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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