I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 143 Divide the spoils

Chapter 143 Divide the spoils

Zhao Gang picked up the list and casually flipped through the weapons and equipment recorded on the list on a few pages.

You never know the full extent of things until you see them.

There are quite a lot of light and heavy weapons on the list. There are hundreds of light and heavy machine guns alone, as well as various medium and large caliber artillery, which really surprised Zhao Gang secretly.

Zhao Gang stood up and announced the contents of the list in public.

"In this battle, 105 Japanese 7mm field guns, 21 Type 6 infantry guns and various mountain guns, 63 anti-tank guns, 21 grenades, 67 mortars, and crooked light machine guns were seized. 33, [-] Type [-] heavy machine guns..."

After listening to the list of weapons and equipment, Kong Jie couldn't help exclaiming: "My mother, Lao Li, this time our independent regiment really made a damn rich fortune. The spoils captured this time are worth more than our division's weapons and equipment combined." More, more sophisticated..."

Li Yunlong grinned, and said triumphantly: "Old Kong, you are right. After dividing the spoils, our independent group will be the richest group in the whole division."

"Compared with our independent regiment's weapons and equipment, they are beggars. The heads of all the regiments must be envious of our old Li, hahaha!"

Before Lin Xiao sent this list, he had already thought about what weapons and equipment he wanted.

After Zhao Gang finished reading the spoils of war, Lin Xiao first said, "Everyone, I, Lin Xiao, organized the campaign to annihilate the 11th Regiment. Without Lin Xiao, I wouldn't have won this big victory. Our independent battalion will have more points." Are you okay with the spoils?"

"Brother Lin, how much spoil do you want to share?" Li Yunlong asked Lin Xiao squinting at him.

Lin Xiao was not polite, and said bluntly: "I want half of all the spoils, and the remaining spoils will be divided equally between the independent regiment and the 358 regiment!"

"What? You want half the loot?!"

Li Yunlong's face changed immediately when he heard it, and he said eagerly: "Brother Lin, you are not afraid of dying, you are really a lion, why do you get half of the spoils with just one mouth?"

Chu Yunfei didn't make a statement. He sat beside him with a calm face, as if he was very Buddhist and didn't care too much about the spoils.

Lin Xiao and Li Yunlong argued hard and explained: "Brother Yunlong, although the Independent Regiment and the 358th Regiment also contributed together, you are fighting together. Our independent battalion is the main attack. Even if we divide the spoils, we must pay attention to the priority and the secondary. ?”

"Brother Kong, Brother Yunfei, Political Commissar Zhao, you guys are the judges. We can't let our independent battalion suffer the most casualties in the battle and still be the main attacker. In the end, we can share the same spoils as your two noble troops, right?"

Kong Jie is a kind person, as long as he can get a share of the pie, he has nothing to argue about.

Chu Yunfei has no objection to the fact that the independent battalion will share more spoils. After all, he has made such a great military exploit, and Chief Yan will also reward him.

Zhao Gang is a principled and reasonable person, but he is also the political commissar of the Independence Regiment and cannot bend his elbows, so he had to keep silent.

Li Yunlong is a person who refuses to suffer, even if he is in a loss, he has to have the cheek to get more spoils.

As the old saying goes, children who make trouble get milk.

Not to mention, Li Yunlong's rogue trick was quite effective, and he did get some extra light and heavy weapons.

After talking, everyone gave way to each other, and finally negotiated how to divide the spoils.

In fact, Lin Xiao was not interested in most of the little devil's light and heavy weapons. He was only envious of the large caliber 105mm field guns and the damaged tanks.

He pondered in his heart for a while, and said to Li Yunlong: "Brother Yunlong, do you think we can discuss something?"

Li Yunlong looked at Lin Xiao warily, and asked, "Brother Lin, the spoils of war have been distributed, so what are you thinking?"

Lin Xiao patted Li Yunlong on the shoulder, and discussed with a smile: "Brother Yunlong, do you think this will work? I will exchange half of the light and heavy weapons with you for two 105mm field guns, and those damaged tanks and armored vehicles. Will it work?" ?”

"Brother Lin, the 105mm field gun is a treasure. We don't have many such large-caliber guns in our division. Also, what's the use of those shabby devil tanks?" Li Yunlong didn't understand. asked Lin Xiao.

"Brother Yunlong, don't ask me what I want to do. Anyway, you don't have enough shells, and it's useless to keep those tanks and large-caliber guns. Why don't we exchange them, and you can still get benefits, what do you think? "

Li Yunlong felt that Lin Xiao's words made sense. If the cannon had no shells, it would be a pile of scrap iron, and it would be of no use to keep it.

Li Yunlong rolled his eyes and thought for a while, then smiled cunningly: "Brother Lin, it's not impossible to exchange with you, but Lao Li still feels a bit at a disadvantage. Do you think the equipment and supplies we bet on have been written off?"

Lin Xiao agreed without hesitation: "Okay, our debts will be written off, and I will give you half of the light and heavy weapons!"

"Okay, brother Lin, let's make a deal like this, and the eighth grandson will go back on his word!"

Li Yunlong laughed like a profiteer, he felt that this deal was really profitable.

Lin Xiao and Li Yunlong reached a deal and successfully exchanged two 105mm field guns, three anti-tank guns, and several tanks.

Everyone thought that Lin Xiao had lost a lot, but in fact Lin Xiao felt that the exchange was worth it.

"Hahaha, I got rich, my mother Li really got rich!"

Li Yunlong danced happily in the regiment headquarters, he was in a high spirits, and felt that he was more arrogant than the brigade commander.

(End of this chapter)

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