Chapter 160
"Nojiri-kun, maybe what you said makes sense. If you can reduce the casualties of the soldiers, you can only use brimstone bombs."

Sato Heiichiro thought for a while and agreed to use the brimstone bomb.

The Japanese army is notorious for not paying attention to international morality and martial arts, and will use banned weapons when encountering tough opponents and enemies.

The Japanese army used sulfur bombs in the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Xinkou.

Brimstone bombs are more lethal and terrifying ammunition than gas bombs, and belong to the combined ammunition of gas bombs and incendiary bombs.

Once the gunpowder of the sulfur bomb is released, it will instantly form a high-temperature combustion flame and produce a large amount of poisonous gas.

Instead, Heiichiro Sato ordered to the communications corps: "Notify the second brigade, and the armored squadron, to launch an attack on the wolf regiment's defense line!"

"Notify the artillery unit again, if the frontline troops do not attack well, they can use brimstone bombs!"


The devil's communicator nodded, and immediately called the combat troops...


After half an hour.

The devil's combat troops assembled their forces and began to concentrate their firepower to storm the defense line of the Wild Wolf Regiment.


With the sound of roaring engines, the devil's bomber fleet rushed towards the artillery position of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

In order to facilitate bombing and hit ground targets, the flying altitude of the enemy plane quickly dropped to about 500 meters.

"Hurricane, hurricane, hurricane..."

More than a dozen aerial bombs fell from the Devil bomber.

There was an explosion on the ground, and the fortifications and firepower fortifications on the Wolf Regiment's position were destroyed.

The soldiers of the wolf regiment quickly dispersed and hid in nearby shelters and individual bunker holes.

The soldiers squatted on the ground, covered their ears with their hands, and opened their mouths to prevent being injured by the aerial bombs.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The aerial bombs exploded everywhere, and the huge explosion sound shook the surrounding several kilometers.

Several aerial bombs fell into the bottom of the trench, brutally blasting nearby soldiers to their positions.

Some bunker fortifications were directly hit by aerial bombs, and the fortifications collapsed immediately, and a large area of ​​scorched earth buried the soldiers in the fortifications.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao had the foresight to arrange many real and fake field fortifications to confuse the enemy.

Most of the fortifications destroyed by the Devil bombers were empty, and the casualties of the officers and soldiers of the Wolf Regiment were not large.

When Lin Xiao saw the enemy planes approaching, he immediately ran to an anti-aircraft artillery position and personally directed the soldiers to fight the planes.

"Quick, quick, reload me!!!"

Lin Xiao manipulated an anti-aircraft gun with both hands, and immediately attacked the enemy aircraft that threw aerial bombs in the air.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

A string of grenades flew towards the enemy aircraft in the air.

Several grenades passed by the Devil bomber, and an enemy plane was hit by a grenade on its tail.

The enemy plane that lost its tail lost its balance in the air, and the devil pilot had no choice but to control the plane and flee.

"The enemy plane is a moving target, predict the flight trajectory of the plane, and fire in advance!!!"

The soldiers on the ground heard Lin Xiao's instructions, and they manipulated several anti-aircraft guns to continuously rotate the barrels, firing at the enemy planes in mid-air ahead of time.

"Tom, tom, tom..."

The rate of fire of the anti-aircraft gun was extremely fast. In a few seconds, dozens of grenades shot from the ground into the air.

Dense grenades formed a firepower net in the air, and this firepower net slammed at the "flying birds" in the air.

"Be careful of ground anti-aircraft firepower, and quickly maneuver and evade!!!"

Many Devil bombers dodged left and right in the air, busy avoiding the flying grenades.

The flying altitude of the enemy plane is low, and the flexibility of the devil's bomber is very average, it is difficult to completely avoid the firepower of the anti-aircraft guns.

The soldiers followed Lin Xiao's instructions to fly, and the hit rate was much higher.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in midair.

"Boom, boom!!!"

I saw two groups of dazzling explosion flames flickering in the air several hundred meters high.

The two Devil bombers had no time to dodge, were hit by several grenades, and exploded.

In an instant, the body of the plane was torn apart, and the ghost pilot in the cockpit became a piece of meat.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of wreckage fell from the sky with flames and black smoke.

"Baga, there are too many anti-aircraft guns on the ground!"

"The fighter planes are going to kill the anti-aircraft artillery positions on the ground!"

Soon, the Devil pilots discovered the location of the ground anti-aircraft artillery positions.

The two fighter jets turned their flight directions, and flexibly made a few evasive moves in the air, easily avoiding several anti-aircraft artillery grenades that were attacking.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The grenade passed by the Devil fighter.

After dodging the grenade, the fighter jets of the two Devils descended to an altitude of 300 meters with lightning speed, and the noses of the planes suddenly dived down.

The enemy plane's dive can effectively reduce the bullet surface of the fuselage, and can use inertia to increase the flight speed. It is difficult for anti-aircraft weapons to capture and attack high-speed flying targets.

The two enemy planes were flying at supersonic speed, the speed was like a whirlwind, making people overwhelmed.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy plane flew near the anti-aircraft artillery position.

"Damn Chinese soldiers, sweep you into meat, go to death!"

The Devils crew fired at the anti-aircraft artillery positions hundreds of meters away.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

The airborne heavy machine guns on the enemy plane roared.

Countless bullets rushed to the ground, and the bullets plowed out shocking bullet marks on the ground.

Intensive bullets chased after them, and a group of soldiers were shot in the body, and blood splashed on the anti-aircraft guns.

(End of this chapter)

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