I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 175 Reconnaissance Outside the Airport

Chapter 175 Reconnaissance outside the airport (third update)
Liang Erhu thought for a while and said to Lin Xiao, "Tuan Zuo, there is a small road that can avoid the Japanese and puppet army's blockade and go directly to Pengcheng, but that road is rough and difficult, and riding a horse will definitely not work."

Lin Xiao nodded, and immediately decided: "From now on, our marching route will be changed. Instead of going on the main road, we will march on the small road you mentioned."

"Shan Maozi, do you still know Lu?"

Lin Xiao asked the other party again.

"Tuan Zuo, don't worry, our brothers from Heiyunzhai have been drilling mountains and forests all year round, and they will never get lost." Liang Erhu patted his chest and said.

"Okay, let's rest for 10 minutes before starting."

"Yes, group seat!"

Immediately, Lin Xiao and the special forces soldiers sat cross-legged with each other.

While drinking water, resting and replenishing their strength, they swallowed dry rations for field battles.

10 minute later.

Everyone rested for a while, and the soldiers of the Special Forces re-changed their marching route and set off.

Shanmaozi and a few soldiers opened the way in front, and Lin Xiao and the soldiers followed behind him and quickly entered a forest.

The special forces soldiers chose to trek on foot, and the light at night was relatively dark, which made their march more difficult.

The mountain road is relatively steep and difficult, and the special forces will fall if they are not careful, and there is even the danger of falling down the mountain.

Although the road is rugged and dangerous, it can't stop the soldiers of the special forces from advancing.

Lin Xiao and his party walked through the complex mountain and forest terrain at the fastest speed.

During the march, they passed through the mountains and forests, climbed over many mountains, and crossed mountain streams...

The soldiers of the Special Forces showed their stamina and physical strength, and they marched hard for nearly five hours.

At this time, it was almost one o'clock in the morning.

The crowd marched to the bottom of a steep mountain wall, and a 60-meter-high mountain blocked their way.

Everyone stood under the mountain and stopped marching.

"Tuan Zuo, let's go around this mountain and walk another ten kilometers to Pengcheng."

Liang Erhu ran over to report to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked up and glanced at the steep mountain, and said lightly: "It takes a lot of time to go around, so let's just climb over this mountain!"

Liang Erhu reminded: "Tuan Zuo, the visibility at night is too poor. It is too dangerous to climb such a steep mountain. It is difficult to guarantee the safety of the brothers."

"It's just a mountain, how can it stop me, Lin Xiao!"

Lin Xiao took a bundle of nylon ropes from a soldier, and then climbed up the mountain with his bare hands.

He is very agile, and his body is like a gecko clinging to the mountain wall, slowly climbing up the mountain.

Even if it's a vertical cliff, it's hard for Lin Xiao who is hanging upside down.

In a few minutes, he reached the top of the mountain safely.

Lin Xiao put down the rope on his body and threw it from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Soon, other special forces soldiers followed the rope and climbed from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain one by one...

Lin Xiao stood on the top of the mountain, holding up the night vision binoculars in his hand, observing the situation down the mountain.

A few kilometers ahead, some lights were dimly lit, and this should be Pengcheng.

Immediately, Lin Xiao moved the night vision binoculars again, and cast his sight on the southern suburbs of Pengcheng.

At night, the airport on the outskirts of the devil is very conspicuous.

There are several sentry tower buildings standing at the airport base, with lights around them, and searchlight lampposts, scanning back and forth.

It's the middle of the night now, the guards at the Devil's Airport must be very lax at this time, and it's the best time to attack the Devil's Airport.

After observing the situation around the Devil's Airport from a distance, Lin Xiao called Liang Erhu.

"Shanmaozi, you take a few brothers to open the way ahead, and go to the devil's airport to scout the situation!"

"Understood, Tuanzao!"

Liang Erhu took the order and immediately led a few special forces soldiers to lead the way.

After 10 minutes, Lin Xiao made an action gesture to the soldiers around him.

"Brothers, keep up!"

Dozens of special forces soldiers marched towards the airport together.

Liang Erhu and others opened the way ahead, and Lin Xiao and the others successfully approached the Devil's Airport.

The airport is surrounded by wooden piles and surrounded by barbed wire nearly two meters high.

The airport is an important military base, and the barbed wire fences arranged around the airport are all electrified.

As long as the human body touches the barbed wire, the high-voltage voltage will instantly turn the human body into a pitch-black coke.

Soldiers of the Special Forces quietly lurk under a ditch outside the airport, and they stare intently at the situation in the airport.

Lin Xiao's eagle eyes let out his gaze, carefully observing every corner of the airport.

There are two rows of buildings in the airport, one row is the living barracks of the Devils Air Force, and the other row is the warehouse.

Soon, Lin Xiao's eyes moved to the side of the airport runway.

On both sides of the long runway, several machine nests were built, and dozens of Devil planes were parked outside the runway.

The huge fleet includes transport aircraft, bombers and fighter jets...

From the analysis of the size of the airport, the number of devil air force and guards in the airport is at least 500.

The airport is an important military base for the devils, and there are usually electrified barbed wire and landmines.

Therefore, the special forces soldiers did not dare to act rashly.

Lin Xiao hid in a corner, and he exchanged a set of metal detectors from the system.

He carefully scanned the ground with a metal detector, carefully checking for landmines outside the airport.

"Drip drip..."

The metal detector suddenly sounded a rush.

Sure enough, the little devil planted landmines outside the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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