I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 196 Do you want to take a lap in the sky?

Chapter 196 Do you want to take a trip to the sky?
The two chatted for a while on the road, and soon arrived at the special forces camp.

"Miss Shangguan, this is the training ground for the Special Forces."

Shangguan Wei glanced carefully around the training ground.

Except for some training equipment on the field, there was no sign of a special forces soldier.

Shangguan Kui looked back and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Lin, why is there no one in the training ground?"

Lin Xiao's keen gaze quickly scanned the surrounding objects hundreds of meters away, as if he had discovered something.

"The special forces soldiers are near us."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he blew a sharp whistle.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the surrounding bushes and weeds.

I saw special forces soldiers wearing vegetation camouflage one after another, rushing out from inconspicuous corners.

Some special forces were hiding under the quagmire, some soldiers were hiding in the canopy of trees, and some soldiers were hiding under the feet of Lin Xiao and the two of them...

When Shangguan Yao saw so many soldiers suddenly appearing around him, he couldn't help being startled.

The camouflage and concealment skills of the soldiers of the Special Forces were very ingenious. If the soldiers hadn't shown up on their own initiative, Shangguan would never have noticed that someone was lurking beside him.

Soon, all the special forces soldiers lined up on the training ground.

Liang Erhu took off his disguise and ran over to salute and report.

"Reporting to the group, the special forces are conducting latent training, please instruct!"

"This is a Shangguan reporter from Chongqing. She wants to see the Special Forces. You guys have to perform well later."


Liang Erhu responded, then ran back to the front of the team, and began to arrange training for the soldiers.

"Mr. Lin, is this the special forces team that attacked the Japanese airport?"

Lin Xiao replied, "Yes, they destroyed the Japanese airport outside Pengcheng."

"The appearance and clothing of the special forces are strange, and what are they smearing on their faces?" Shangguan Qiang couldn't help being full of curiosity about the special forces.

Sure enough, this special team was different from what she had imagined.

Lin Xiao went on to explain: "The seemingly messy clothes on their bodies are called auspicious clothes, and the things they put on their faces are called oil paints, which can enhance the camouflage effect and prevent insects and ants from biting to a certain extent..."

"I see..." Shangguan Yao suddenly nodded.

Immediately, the special forces soldiers began shooting training.

Soldiers' shooting training is not ordinary training. All training methods start from simulating actual combat.

"Da da da!!!"

Fierce gunfire rang out.

Soldiers of the Special Forces were conducting various difficult training on the training ground, with bullets flying around them.

Facing the rain of bullets, they crossed barbed wire fences, high walls, suspension bridges, and other obstacles on the field at the fastest speed...

After completing these physical training, the soldiers conducted confidence shooting training.

Several soldiers were holding the target on the shooting range, while the rest of the special forces soldiers were shooting with their weapons.

Soldiers maintain battle formation while moving forward to shoot.

Trust in shooting requires absolute mutual trust among soldiers, and also tests the psychological quality of shooting and their marksmanship.

Shangguan Yao, who was on the sidelines, watched the shooting with tense nerves.

She has gained a lot of knowledge today, and she didn't expect the special forces to train so hard on the training ground.

"Mr. Lin, your special operations team really opened my eyes. The training method is very human. The soldiers fight tacitly, and they are equipped with excellent weapons. It is not an exaggeration for each soldier to fight against a hundred..."

Shangguan Kui witnessed the combat quality of the soldiers of the Special Forces with her own eyes, and she was sure that Lin Xiao hadn't exaggerated about the Special Forces.

Such a powerful devil force could indeed destroy the Japanese airport with dozens of people, and still maintain zero casualties.

After leaving the training ground of the Special Forces, Lin Xiao took Shangguan Kuang around again.

Soon, Shangguan Yao noticed an airstrip not far ahead.

There are several Type 93 light bombers parked on the runway, including a Dragon fighter.

A group of soldiers are working around the bomber, doing painting modifications.

Shangguan Kui had seen the Japanese Type 93 light bomber, but she had never seen another fighter with a strange shape.

"Officer Lin, that fighter plane looks like an eagle, so majestic?!"

Shangguan Kui looked at the Flying Dragon Fighter with excitement, showing a bit of yearning to soar into the blue sky.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows at Shangguan, and asked, "Miss Shangguan, do you want to go around the sky in a fighter plane and feel deeply?"

At this moment, Shangguan Wei really wanted to get on a fighter jet and experience some novelty.

However, Shangguan Yao seemed to see Lin Xiao's ulterior motives.

"Officer Lin, I don't think you're paying for this plane ticket for free. You seem to have some conditions, don't you?"

"Miss Shangguan, you are indeed smart and wise."

At this point in the conversation, Lin Xiao frankly stated his conditions.

"Miss Shangguan, with all due respect, I would like to use your manuscript to promote our wild wolf regiment and seek some assistance from the people of the country so that we can recruit military personnel and strengthen our wild wolf regiment..."

Lin Xiao's words and demands were already common to Shangguan Qiang.

She has interviewed too many military generals, and they all want to increase the prestige of themselves and the army through news campaigns, so as to achieve the goal of promotion and money.

Lin Xiao thought to himself, if Shangguan Qiang could really use the power of public opinion to help him.

After that, when the Wild Wolf Regiment fights, they don't have to worry about military pay and food. In the future, there will be a steady stream of talents joining the Wild Wolf Regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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