I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 203 Li Yunlong called?

Chapter 203 Li Yunlong called?

Time flies, and another month has passed in a flash...

During this month, Lin Xiao did nothing but train the army.

The Flying Squad and the Armored Battalion are newly formed combat units of the Wild Wolf Regiment. Lin Xiao attaches great importance to these two special combat units, and Lin Xiao personally handles the training of officers and soldiers.

After a period of training, the flying team and the armored battalion have begun to take shape.

The staff of the Wolf Regiment Arsenal have been working around the clock for a month to develop weapons and equipment.

After a month of round-the-clock hard work by all personnel, as well as trial and error, they finally successfully produced the first batch of weapons and equipment.

The arsenal currently researches and develops imitation weapons and equipment including 98K Mauser rifles, Mitsubishi military thorns, twenty-gun shell guns, MP-18 submachine guns, M35 helmets, Czech light machine guns, Maxim heavy machine guns, mortars...

The current arsenal has limited resources and productivity, and cannot manufacture artillery and large-scale assault weapons, but can only produce some light weapons.

Wolf regiment arsenal, proving ground.

"Da da da!!!"

"Boom bang bang!!!"

"Tut, chug, chug..."

From time to time, there were bursts of noisy gunshots on the proving ground.

Lin Xiao and the staff of the arsenal are inspecting the newly produced weapons.

As a commander, Lin Xiao clearly knew that a reliable firearm was very important to a soldier.

Weapons are the second life of a soldier. If a soldier goes to the battlefield without a reliable weapon, it will undoubtedly be cruel to the soldier.

The Chinese army and the Japanese army would cause so many casualties, partly because of the poor performance of weapons.

In order for the soldiers to have a reliable weapon, Lin Xiao himself conducts firearm tests by himself.

After trying a few guns, Lin Xiao was quite satisfied with the shooting accuracy and stability of the guns.

Then, Zhang Wendong, the director of the arsenal, handed Lin Xiao an M-18 submachine gun.

"Tuan Zuo, this is a newly imitated German M18 submachine gun, try it."

Lin Xiao took the M-18 submachine gun, weighed it in his hand, and took another look at the appearance of the gun.

The imitated submachine gun has almost the same appearance as the German M-18 submachine gun.

However, the bullet calibers and performance of the two submachine guns are somewhat different.

Zhang Wendong introduced the new firearm to Lin Xiao from the side: "Tuan Zuo, the newly imitated submachine gun uses 7.63×25mm Mauser pistol bullets, the effective range is about 150 meters, and the magazine has an additional 5 rounds of bullets."

Lin Xiao nodded, then held a submachine gun and fired at the target in front of him.

"Da da da……"

The gunfire of the submachine gun sounded rhythmically.

A string of bullets precisely hit the target 100 meters away, and the distant target was shot everywhere.

The gunfire rang out for a while, then stopped soon.

After Lin Xiao finished firing a box of bullets, he threw the weapon on the ground and smashed it hard a few times, then immediately put the gun into the muddy water.

Lin Xiao deliberately damaged the firearm, just to test whether the submachine gun's environmental performance is reliable.

After a while, he took up the weapon again.

The body of the gun is a bit deformed, covered with water stains, and there is still a lot of sand inside the gun.

Then, Lin Xiao replaced the magazine with a full bullet.

He quickly pulled the trigger, the bullet was loaded, and he pulled the trigger again to fire the gun.

"Da da da!!!"

Firearms can be fired normally.

Moreover, the bullets fired by the submachine gun are very smooth, without any pause or jamming.

If ordinary weapons were destroyed like this, it is estimated that there will definitely be various firearm problems.

Lin Xiao tried a box of bullets, and there was no problem with the firearm, which is enough to show that the copycat version of the submachine gun has excellent performance.

Lin Xiao put down his weapon and said with satisfaction: "Director Zhang, the accuracy and consistency of this submachine gun are good, and it can be mass-produced to equip our combat troops."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he picked up a brand new rifle from the table and fired a few shots.

The rifle imitates the 98K rifle, and its appearance is almost exactly the same as the domestic Zhongzheng rifle.

Because the Zhongzheng rifle is an imitation 98K rifle, the rifle produced by the arsenal is similar to the Zhongzheng rifle.

The only difference between the imitated 98K rifle and the Zhongzheng rifle is that the overall length of the two firearms is different.

A 98-centimeter-long triangular military thorn is added to the head of the copycat version of the 50K rifle, and the total length of the gun reaches 1.6 meters.

The Japanese army's 1.5th rifle with a bayonet can reach a length of about [-] meters.

Lin Xiao asked the arsenal to produce the three-sided army thorn, which is to restrain the little devil's three-eight cover in close combat.

Although the counterfeit version of the 98K rifle is only 10 centimeters longer than the Sanba Dagai, soldiers with long guns will always have some advantages when fighting hand-to-hand combat.

As we all know, the three-sided bayonet of the Sanlong Army has a prismatic blade. This kind of bayonet is called by many people as a hand-to-hand weapon.

In fact, the Triangle Army thorn is not as magical as it is uploaded on the Internet.

However, being stabbed by this peculiar bayonet, the wound is difficult to treat and suture quickly.

Therefore, once the enemy's body is stabbed by the triangular army, it is almost certain to die on the battlefield.

After testing the firearm, at this moment, a communications soldier from the arsenal hurried over.

"Report to the group, the group headquarters just called!"

"What's the matter with the regiment?"

Reported by the Communication Corps: "According to the report from the regiment headquarters, the commander of the Eighth Route Army, Li Yunlong, just called you to discuss matters. Please go back and call back!"

"Okay, I got it!" Lin Xiao nodded.

He was very strange in his heart, there has not been any war recently, what exactly is Li Yunlong looking for him at this time?
Could it be that Li Dayu Pot has some way of making money and wants to start a side business with him?

After thinking for a while, Lin Xiao explained some work tasks to Zhang Wendong and others.

Afterwards, he left the arsenal and hurried back to the regiment headquarters...

(End of this chapter)

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