I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 246 Received the lunch box so soon?

Chapter 246 Received the lunch box so soon?


There was a violent explosion on the ground.

The napalm was so low to the ground that it exploded almost as soon as it hit the ground.

The devil officers and soldiers around had no time to escape and transfer, and the petrol bomb became a nightmare for the little devil.

The napalm bomb that fell on the ground exploded into a group of explosion flames more than ten meters high.

The scorching flames burned at an extremely fast speed, and the fire intensified, burning and devouring all living things around.

The lethality of napalm bombs is terrible. As long as the body is contaminated with a little flame, it will almost die.

The high-temperature flames burned the devil's body, and there were screams of enemies all around.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

"Help me, save me!!!"

The devil soldier rolled on the ground in pain, calling his companions for help.

These little devils who were on fire struggled for a while, and then they were burned to death by the flames, turning into a pile of scorched meat.

"Run, run, it's an incendiary bomb!!!"

"Baga, Lu, these idiot pilots, how could they even blow up their own people!!!"

The devil soldiers on the high ground thought it was an accidental bombing, and they cursed the pilot angrily.

The little devils knew how terrible the napalm bomb was when it burned, and they fled in all directions, scrambling to escape the explosion point.

Soon, the flames burned near the headquarters of the Devils Wing.

"Protect the leader of the alliance, hurry up, quickly cover the transfer of the leader of the alliance!!!"

The devil officers and soldiers personally protected Ito Shinzo, and they quickly moved out of the headquarters.

After Lin Xiao dropped the incendiary bomb, the rest of the pilots followed closely behind.


One after another, the planes flew over the high ground, and the pilots continued to drop bombs on the ground targets.

"Hurricane, hurricane, hurricane..."

There was a terrifying scream from the aerial bomb.

A number of aerial bombs slowly fell from the bomb carrier, like meteorites, bombarded the ground and exploded.

The devil soldiers on the ground looked at the falling aerial bombs, shouted in panic, and fled in all directions.

"Be careful of aerial bombs, evacuate quickly!!!"

"Baga, why are those idiot pilots in the sky still throwing bombs..."

A few seconds later, the aerial bombs exploded in all directions on the high ground.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Immediately, the sky was filled with explosions and flames, and the ground shook violently, as if the mountain was about to collapse.

More than a hundred little devils who were close to the explosion point were smashed to pieces by the aerial bombs on the spot, and countless bloody stumps and broken arms flew across.

Rows of field tents on the high ground were torn apart in an instant.

With screams, the ghost soldiers blasted out of the tent, and the enemy's corpse was blown away by the impact and flew more than ten meters away.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The aerial bomb exploded, splashing countless shrapnel.

None of the little devils within a hundred meters of the explosion point were spared. The enemy was either killed by the blast or wounded by shrapnel...

Soon, Lin Xiao drove the fighter back to the sky above the high ground.

The Flying Dragon fighter circled around, and he spotted the Devil officers who had evacuated from the ground.

Immediately, Lin Xiao took control of the fighter plane and swooped down again, rushing towards the devil officers aggressively.

The fighter plane passed over the heads of the Devil officers at lightning speed, and at the same time, several 100 kg aerial bombs were dropped from the Dragon fighter plane.

"Be careful of air strikes, captain be careful!!!"

"Hurry up and protect the captain..."

When the aerial bomb fell, the devil officers and soldiers jumped on Ito Shinzo, protecting Ito Shinzo with their bodies.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The aerial bomb exploded around the Devils officers and soldiers, and several large holes were formed on the ground by the aerial bomb, and the explosion flames instantly engulfed the enemy.

The 100kg aerial bomb has terrifying explosive power and lethality.

A group of devil officers and soldiers were blown into the air on the spot, their bodies were torn apart by the shock wave, and their severed limbs fell from the air.

The subordinates around Ito Shinzo died and were injured.

The bodies of seven or eight devil officers and soldiers were blown into several pieces, and there were mutilated corpses all over the ground.

There were also several devil officers covered in shrapnel, screaming terribly.

"Uh, ah, ah..."

"Medical soldier, medical soldier!!!"

After the explosion, several surviving devil officers woke up in a daze.

Although these devil officers escaped a catastrophe, the skin on their bodies was festered by the scorching air waves.

"Ba Ga, Lu, damn fighter!!!"

The devil officers were severely burned, and they roared ferociously, just like a devil.

The devil officers scolded a few times, and then they remembered that the regiment leader was still under the pressure.

"Hurry up, save the captain first!!!"

The devil officers and soldiers lowered their heads and hurriedly dug Ito Shinzo out of the charred ruins.

"Co-captain, co-captain!!!"

"Ba Ga, damn it, the captain of the regiment is seriously injured..."

Although Ito Shinzo was rescued, his face and body were burned extensively, and his whole body was like coke.

Moreover, a shrapnel a few centimeters cut through Ito Shinzo's abdomen, and blood flowed all over the floor.

Ito Shinzo suffered severe burns and bled so much again that he was already dying, with only one breath left.

"Baga, military doctor, medical soldier, hurry up and save the rescue team leader!"

The devil officers shouted at the top of their lungs.

After a while, the devil's medical staff rushed over carrying a stretcher.

The devil military doctor glanced at the captain's injury, and shook his head sadly. Shinzo Ito was hopeless.

The surrounding devil officers and soldiers looked heavy and angry, and they collectively lowered their heads in silent tribute for the regiment captain.

Ito Shinzo originally wanted to defeat the wild wolf regiment to make meritorious service, but he never dreamed that he had just appeared on the stage and received the sushi box lunch so soon...

Lin Xiao destroyed the devil's headquarters, and then drove the fighter plane to look for the attack target again over the enemy camp.

"Ding, the host killed one of the devils and rewarded a tiger tank with 3000 hatred points and 3000 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed one of the devil's majors, rewarded two 150 kg aerial bombs, gained 600 hatred points, and 600 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed a devil captain, rewarded 42 rounds of MG-10000 machine gun bullets, gained 450 hatred points, and 450 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed a devil second lieutenant, rewarded 24 boxes of M10 grenades, gained 150 hatred points, and 150 military merit points."


After harvesting a wave of little devils' heads, Lin Xiao didn't take a chance to leave. He looked down at the ground and carefully looked for a target worth attacking.

The little devils on the ground, belatedly, finally realized that the machine guns in the sky were not their planes at all.

"Enemy planes are coming, enemy planes are attacking!!!"

"Prepare for air defense, pay attention to concealment!!!"

The devil soldiers shouted in horror and made a mess. They hid in all directions, or rolled into the bunker to hide.

Some little devils hid in the bunkers. They set up their machine guns, raised their muzzles, and aimed at the wolves in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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