I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 272 Another sneak attack on the enemy camp?

Chapter 272 Another sneak attack on the enemy camp?

At dawn, Duan Peng returned to the county with the special forces.

Duan Peng returned to the station and immediately reported the enemy's movements to Lin Xiao.

"Reporting group seat, I'm back!"

"Come on, Duan Peng, drink your saliva first, and talk about the devil's situation slowly." Lin Xiao picked up the teacup and handed it to Duan Peng.

Duan Peng picked up the water and drank it down, then wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Tuan Zuo, your harassing tactic is really effective. The Japanese troops have been harassed by us all night, and the enemy has pulled out their camp overnight and retreated to Chenqiaozhuang, more than ten kilometers away, to rest."

"That's the best. It seems that the little devil has no time to organize troops to attack the city."

It was completely within Lin Xiao's expectation that the little devil retreated.

As long as Kazuo Tokugawa is not an idiot, retreating is the wisest choice.

Otherwise, the devil army will be exhausted and will be counterattacked by the wild wolf group at any time.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and said, "Duan Peng, take your brothers back to rest first, there are tasks for you tonight!"

"Tuan Zuo, shall we continue to harass and destroy the enemy camp at night?" Duan Peng asked in confusion.

"I have my own arrangements for the night's action."

"Yes, group seat!"

Duan Peng saluted and left the regiment headquarters.

Immediately, Lin Xiao walked to the edge of the sand table and studied the new camping point of the Devils.

After the Japanese troops withdrew, the 225th Wing and the 226th Wing were not stationed together.

The devil's two wings were stationed in two different locations. From the map, the two devil wings were at least five or six kilometers apart.

With such a large gap between the devil's troops, the enemy's defensive formation must have many holes, which can just penetrate through the gaps between the devil's troops.

Lin Xiao studied the map for a while, preparing to attack the little devil's camp at night.

The whole army of devils is very exhausted, it is a good opportunity to strike a sneak attack...


The Devil's troops rested in the Chenqiaozhuang area. The enemy's battle damage was not small, and their supplies were consumed quickly. The Devil's troops needed to rest for at least two days before continuing to fight.

During the day, the Devils Air Force dispatched multiple transport planes to airdrop supplies to the two Devils wings.

Other than that, there was no other movement from the devil army.

At night, Lin Xiao gathered the soldiers of the Special Forces and marched towards the devil's garrison under the cover of darkness.

After marching at night for two hours, the special forces approached the enemy camp.

Lin Xiao led a group of soldiers to attack the headquarters of the Devil's 226th Regiment, and Duan Peng led a group of soldiers to attack and harass the 225th Regiment.

Lin Xiao was lurking on a high ground. He raised his night vision binoculars and looked at the enemy camp not far away.

The devil's garrison a kilometer away was pitch black, quiet and quiet, with hardly any lights to be seen.

In order to prevent the wild wolves from being harassed at night, the devil soldiers in the camp banned fires in the whole army and sent out sentry patrols.

Several teams of devils patrolled the enemy camp back and forth, holding flashlights in their hands...

Lin Xiao put down the binoculars in his hand, and was going to make a surprise attack first, to see how the little devil was on guard.

If the little devil encounters harassment, he will definitely go to the headquarters to notify the commander immediately.

Lin Xiao could take advantage of this opportunity to figure out the location of the devil's headquarters.

"You guys, touch the front of the enemy camp to harass, don't love to fight."

"Understood, group seat."

The special forces soldiers responded, and then they pressed their bodies and touched the enemy.

After more than ten minutes, sporadic gunshots came from the front of the devil's garrison.

"Da da da, chug chug..."

The submachine gun and machine gun fired at the same time, and the bullets flew towards the enemy camp with the line of fire.

The devil soldiers in the enemy camp suffered a loss last night, and the little devil was very vigilant in guarding the fortifications.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the Devil's machine gunner on the watchtower of the enemy camp immediately caught the fire and shot back.

The little devil has learned a lot. Last night when the enemy pursued, they killed and injured many people. They didn't dare to go out of the camp to pursue them easily, and they just covered them with machine gun fire.

"There is a point of firepower from the Chinese soldiers over there, hurry up and fire flares!"

"The machine gun team is ready, fire attack!!!"

The Devil machine gunners moved their machine guns and collectively fired frantically around the firepower point.

"Tut, chug, chug..."

A large line of bullets flew out of the enemy camp.

The soldiers of the Special Forces never entangled with the little devils. They fired a few shots at random and immediately shifted their positions.

At this time, the devil fired several flares into the sky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Soon, the flare's light cluster illuminated a range of several hundred meters around.

"Baga, no target was found outside the camp, the damn Chinese soldiers should have run away!"

The devil soldiers on the sentry tower moved the searchlights again, carefully scanning back and forth outside the camp.

The soldiers of the special forces did not attack the harassment again, and the surrounding area became quiet.

The devil soldiers on the sentry tower also turned off their searchlights, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

At this time, Tokugawa Kazuo was still working at the headquarters, and the gunshots just now alarmed him.

"Baga, what's going on outside? Could it be that the wild wolves are attacking us again!?"

Soon, a devil Shao Zuo walked into the headquarters.

"Report to Chief Tokugawa that the Chinese soldiers have just attacked our forward post, but the Chinese soldiers have been beaten away."

"Bagaya Road!"

Kazuo Tokugawa patted the table angrily, and asked angrily, "How many Chinese soldiers are there who harassed us?"

Major Guizi replied: "Mr. Tokugawa, the number of Chinese soldiers who harassed us is not large. Based on the analysis of the enemy's firepower, there should not be more than one squad of Chinese soldiers harassed."

"Damn Lin Xiao, they attacked us last night and interfered with us again tonight. They really deserve to die!"

Tokugawa gritted his teeth angrily, wanting to chew Lin Xiao's bones.

"Order all the soldiers to keep their guns in their respective positions, and not to leave the position to chase the enemy without authorization. Whoever disobeys the order will die!"

"Kai, Chief Tokugawa's humble post is to convey your order immediately!"

Major Guizi nodded his head, bowed his body and took the order to leave the headquarters...

Lin Xiao, who was on the high ground in the distance, saw several devil officers coming out of the camp through the night vision binoculars.

Outside the camp, there were quite a few devils on alert, walking back and forth to patrol.

Lin Xiao secretly guessed in his heart that the large tent should be the devil's headquarters.

After finding the devil's headquarters, Lin Xiao moved the night vision binoculars and continued to scout the situation in the enemy camp, looking for weak points in the enemy's defense.

With the help of night vision binoculars, Lin Xiao could clearly see the defense situation of the devils in the enemy camp.

The devils' forces are mainly concentrated in the front and center defense lines, and the devils guarding the flank defense lines are not many, so they can just take advantage of the gap.

However, the devil soldiers laid wooden stakes outside the camp's flank defense line, and surrounded a large area of ​​barbed wire.

While observing, Lin Xiao was thinking about how to infiltrate the enemy camp...

(End of this chapter)

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