I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 305 Little devil, let's give away the head!

Chapter 305 Little devil, let's give away the head!

The explosives on the devil's body exploded, and the strong shock wave made Lin Xiaozhen dizzy.

Fortunately, the walls of the houses blocked Lin Xiao from the aftermath of the explosion, otherwise, he would have been blown out.

"Damn, the explosive power is not small..."

Lin Xiao threw away the bricks and rubble from his body, and got up from the ground in a daze.

He patted his heavy head, still feeling a little dizzy.

At this time, several officers of the Devil's Death Squad rushed towards him.

"The Chinese soldiers who attacked us with flamethrowers are nearby!"

"Find him quickly and kill him!"

The officers and soldiers of the Devils Death Squad carefully searched the ruins of the explosion.

Lin Xiao gradually regained consciousness. He heard the devil's voice outside the house, as well as the faint sound of footsteps.

He leaned against the corner of the wall, then squinted his eyes, and saw a few devils outside the house through the crack in the wall.

Lin Xiao put down the flamethrower and took out several high-explosive grenades.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The high-explosive grenade flew out from under the broken wall and landed next to the officer of the Devils Death Squadron.

"Baga, it's a grenade!"

The little devil yelled in horror.

The grenade exploded as soon as it landed, and the little devil had no chance to dodge it.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The surrounding devil soldiers and devil officers of the Death Squad were blown to pieces of flesh and blood, and their limbs were scattered everywhere.

Some of the imps had splash wounds from flying shrapnel.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

More than a dozen devil soldiers screamed and fell outside the house, and some devils were crushed under the collapsed ruins.

"Ding, the host killed a lieutenant officer of the devil's death squad, rewarded with 5 boxes of high-explosive grenades, gained 500 hatred points, and 500 military merit points."

"Ding, the host killed a lieutenant officer of the devil's death squad, rewarded 5 barrels of engine oil, gained 300 hatred points, and 300 military merit points."

"Ding, the host burned a second lieutenant officer to death, rewarded 3 boxes of sterile gauze, gained 150 hatred points, and 150 military merit points."

"Ding, the host burned a second lieutenant officer to death, rewarded him with a parachute, gained 150 hatred points, and 150 military merit points."


After throwing the grenade, Lin Xiao rushed out from the private house.

He glanced at the devil soldiers who fell on the ground, most of the little devils had died in the explosion.

However, several devils were splashed by shrapnel, and they did not die on the spot, and fell dying in a pool of blood.

"The little devil of Gou Ri is still alive?"

Lin Xiao kicked the devil who was still breathing on the ground, then he took out two grenades, pulled out the safety pins, and put them under the devil's body.

Hiding the booby trap, he immediately shouted in Japanese to the nearby devil soldiers.

After shouting a few times, sure enough, the devil soldiers around were attracted.

A group of devil soldiers came over and saw the devil wounded on the ground.

"Come here quickly, someone is injured here!!!"

As soon as the devils yelled, they stepped forward to rescue their injured companions.

The little devil didn't know that there was a grenade hidden under his companion's body.

As soon as they moved the wounded body, they immediately triggered the booby trap.

"Boom, boom!!"

There was an explosion, and the surrounding devil soldiers flew several meters away with their weapons.

Seven or eight devils were blown to pieces, and they fell around, dead or wounded.

These unlucky little devils didn't understand what was going on, so they should have received the boxed lunch...

Not long after Lin Xiao evacuated, he heard several explosions behind him.

After harvesting this wave of devil heads, Lin Xiao and several other special forces soldiers attacked the enemy with grenades and flamethrowers.

Where there are many little devils, they will throw high-explosive grenades there.

The devil soldiers looked around for hiding places, or hid in the house.

These little devils think that the house can be used as a bunker, but the enemy is just asking for death.

Lin Xiao moved to the corner and sprayed flames at the houses.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

Hot flames burst out from the side of the street and flew into the houses of the people.

Soon, raging flames burned rapidly in the house, burning all living things in the room.

"Baga, it's a flamethrower!!!"

The little devil yelled in horror. They wanted to escape from the house, but it was too late.

The flames burned the clothes of the devil soldiers, and the skin of the enemy's body was burnt to pieces.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

There was a scream of ghosts in the house.

A group of devil soldiers who were on fire rolled on the ground in pain, howling heart-piercingly.

None of these little devils was spared, and they were all burned to death, turning into coke.

Lin Xiao and the soldiers of the Special Forces fought the enemy on the streets. When they saw the little devil, they burned and killed them all the way, leaving no one alive.

The devil troops were beaten dizzy by the officers and soldiers of the special forces, and the enemy's offensive rhythm was completely disrupted.

The little devil was not familiar with the terrain, so they had no chance to find Lin Xiao even if they tried their best.

"Baga, where are the damn Chinese soldiers?!"

"Find those attacking Chinese soldiers and kill them!!!"

"The Chinese soldier is over there, catch up quickly, don't let him run away!!!"

A group of devil soldiers found Lin Xiao's trail, and they immediately pursued him.

"Crack, clap, clap, clap!!!"

While chasing, the enemy pulled the bolt and fired.

Just as Lin Xiao wanted to spray flames, he realized that the fuel in the fuel storage tank had been used up.

He dropped the flamethrower, turned around and glanced at the pursuing enemy behind him.

"Little devil, if you are not afraid of death, just chase after him!"

Lin Xiao withdrew his gaze, deliberately slowed down his pace, and attracted the little devil into a narrow alley.

Immediately, Lin Xiao climbed over to the roof of a house beside the alley.

The alley is extremely narrow, less than two meters wide, and there are walls on both sides of the alley, making it an excellent ambush site.

Lin Xiao took out an M2 heavy machine gun from the system warehouse, and quickly attached a long chain of bullets to the gun.

At the same time, several tear gas bombs were placed beside him for easy throwing at any time.

There were dozens of ghost soldiers chasing them.

After a while, the little devil chased him into the alley.

Before the little devil could react, Lin Xiao immediately pulled the trigger of the machine gun and shot down at the enemies in the alley.

"Little devil, come and give away the head!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

The roar of the M2 heavy machine gun sounded from the roof,
A large cloud of 12.7mm machine gun bullets flew towards the devil soldiers overwhelmingly.

The devil soldiers rushing forward were brutally killed by machine guns.

I saw that the bodies of many enemies were torn into several pieces by machine gun bullets, bright red plasma was thrown out, and stumped limbs and arms flew across.

"Uh, ah, ah..."

The ghost soldiers in the alley screamed.

The 12.7mm bullet is really powerful.

As long as the little devil is unfortunately hit by a bullet, his limbs will be severed at the slightest, and his head will be torn apart at the worst...

(End of this chapter)

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