I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 309 Use Huazi to Reward His Subordinates?

Chapter 309 Use Huazi to Reward His Subordinates?
Lin Xiao glanced at them, nodded and said, "You two battalion officers and soldiers fought well this morning, and your command is also very good. I want to reward you!"

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he handed each of them a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes without filters.

"Tuan Zuo, what kind of smoke is this? It smells so good?" Hu Ergou asked curiously after sniffing the tobacco.

Lin Xiao patted his helmet, and said displeasedly: "Mangy dog, you talk a lot, why are there so many questions, why don't you smoke me?"

"Don't, don't, Tuanzao, I want this cigarette..."

Hu Ergou hurriedly hid Huazi's cigarettes.

Lin Xiao and his subordinates got back to business, and he continued to ask: "How is the situation of your two battalions' reduction in combat personnel, and how many people are left to fight?"

Ma Wencai, the commander of the fourth battalion, replied first: "Reporting to the regiment, the officers and soldiers of each company in our battalion suffered 227 casualties, and there are more than 320 brothers who can fight."

"And you, dysentery dog, how are your battalion casualties?"

Instead, Lin Xiao looked at Hu Ergou.

Hu Ergou thought for a while and replied: "Reporting to the regiment, the officers and soldiers of each company in our battalion suffered 173 casualties. Counting the reserve team, there are still more than 400 officers and soldiers in our battalion capable of fighting."

After listening to the reports from his subordinates, Lin Xiao made arrangements: "Before the little devils attack, you immediately organize people to move the wounded out of the city."

"Understood, Tuanzao!!"

After the two took orders, they quickly left the headquarters...


In the afternoon, the Devils regrouped, concentrated their superior forces, and launched a fierce attack on the last defensive position of the Wolf Regiment.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"The chariot moves forward, the infantry attacks, and the thrusts are given!!!"

Several chariots of the devil opened the way in front, rolling forward and firing at the same time.

At the same time, the devil's infantry used the cover of the chariot or the nearby bunker to shoot at the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment in front.

Lin Xiao ordered the officers and soldiers of the third battalion to guard the main position, and then dispatched the officers and soldiers of the fourth battalion and the little devils to fight in the streets in the block.

If all the two battalions were placed on the ground and fought face to face with the enemy, the little devil could rely on his strong firepower to attack the fortifications and advance all the way to the wild wolf group's position.

If some of the troops engaged in street fighting and attacked the enemy everywhere, the little devil's attack would not be so smooth.

The officers and soldiers of a battalion of wild wolves scattered into pieces. They moved around the streets with their weapons in their hands, attacking enemies on the street flexibly.

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment hid in every corner of the streets and alleys, and they attacked the devil's chariot with rocket launchers and machine guns. ,
"Baga, Lu, beware of Chinese soldiers attacking!!!"

"The chariot continues to advance, the infantry searches the nearby streets, don't let the Chinese soldiers attack our chariot!!!"

Not only did the devil's chariot fail to show its advantages in the streets, but it was restricted in maneuvering and was frequently attacked by wild wolves.

The little devil's chariot became a moving target for the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment. Several chariots were scarred by bullets and grenades.

"Damn the wild wolf group, the chariot fired and killed them!!!"

"Kill the chicken!!!"

The guns of the devil's chariot fired in unison, attacking the firepower of the wild wolf regiment.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The grenade bombarded the street, splashing large pieces of rubble and gravel.

It took some time for the tank's gun to aim and shoot. By the time the little devil's tank fired, the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment had already shifted their positions.

Not only did the devils' chariot fail to hit the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment, but they were frequently attacked by the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

Several devils' chariots were damaged, lost their mobility and stopped on the side of the road.

The rest of the devil infantry were also attacked by the wild wolf regiment, and the attacking devil troops were completely disrupted by the officers and soldiers of the wild wolf regiment.

The little devil had superiority in firepower and troops, and as a result, the enemy was still forced to engage in street fighting with the wild wolf regiment.

"The infantry rushed up and killed those nasty Chinese soldiers on the street ahead!!!"

The devil commander raised his command knife and shouted angrily.

Under the command of the commander, the ghost soldiers entered the streets and alleys to compete with the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

"Da da da, chug chug!!!"

"Crack, clap, clap, clap!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment and the little devils started a close-range firefight in the streets and alleys.

Countless bullets, mixed with flames, flew around them.

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment did not stick to their positions. They flexibly moved back and forth in various streets and yards to fight.

Soldiers on both sides will fight for every inch of land, fierce firefights for every house, yard, and every street...

The little devil fought with the officers and soldiers of the wild wolf regiment, and the enemy gradually adapted to the street fighting style.

The little devil learned to be smart, and the enemy no longer followed the soldiers of the wild wolf regiment in random pursuit.

They began to encircle a street in a small area, and then defeated the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf regiment one by one.

"There are soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment over there, attacking with grenades, covered by machine gun fire!!!"

The little devil concentrated his firepower and vigorously attacked the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment on a street.

Dozens of officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment took the positions of more than a dozen private houses on the side of the street, and stubbornly resisted the little devil's attack.

After all, the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment have limited strength and firepower, and they cannot withstand the enemy's onslaught at all.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The dilapidated houses collapsed under the artillery fire, and bricks and rubble were scattered everywhere.

Before the soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment had time to transfer, they were killed and wounded by the enemy's artillery fire.

Some soldiers were crushed under the ruins of the ruins. They struggled hard and crawled out from under the ruins.

Although these officers and soldiers did not die by luck, they were injured by the collapsed bricks and stones, and they were unable to fight at all.

At this time, the devil commander ordered a part of the devil infantry to break through.

"Infantry rush forward, surround the street in front, don't let the Chinese soldiers run away!!!"

"Hi Yi!!!"

More than a hundred devil soldiers scattered and surrounded from several directions, and quickly approached the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

The wounded officers and soldiers of the Wolf Regiment leaned against the corner of the wall covered with scars, or hid in the corner of the ruins.

They saw the little devils attacking, holding weapons in their hands, pulling grenades, and staring at the approaching enemies outside.

"Brothers of the wild wolf group, today we brothers are going on the road together, and there is also a caretaker on Huangquan Road!!!"

"The little devil will come up soon, let's pull a few more little devils to back up!!!"

"We fought with the little devil!!!"

Seven or eight officers and soldiers of the wild wolf regiment roared in a low voice, ready to fight the enemy desperately at all times.

Slowly, the cries and footsteps of the devil became more and more clear, reaching the ears of the officers and soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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