I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 331 Unexpected devil sniper!

Chapter 331 Unexpected devil sniper!

"Brothers, clean up the battlefield carefully, and make up a few more shots for the devils and spies who are not dead!"

Lin Xiao reminded the guards and special forces officers and soldiers.

Devil spies may have explosives hidden on their bodies, so care must be taken when handling the enemy's body.

The special forces and the guards kicked away the weapons and grenades in the hands of the Devils spies, while carefully checking whether the Devils spies were out of breath.

When the grenade exploded just now, Tanaka Taro was stunned, and a devil spy body just pressed on him.

So, let him get away with it.

Several guards turned the spy's body, awakening Taro Tanaka who had passed out.

As soon as Tanaka Taro regained consciousness, he immediately raised his gun and shot the surrounding soldiers.

"Be careful, there are devils and spies who are not dead yet!!!"

Duan Peng loudly reminded the people around him.

The officers and soldiers of the Special Forces reacted quickly, subconsciously lying on the ground, or looking for a bunker.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Several shots fell.

All the officers and soldiers of the special forces dodged the bullets, but the guards were not so lucky.

After all, the guards are just ordinary soldiers, their reaction ability and physical fitness are far inferior to those of the officers and soldiers of the team.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The guard was shot at close range and fell to the ground after being shot one after another.

Tanaka Taro is a master assassin, it goes without saying that his marksmanship is superb, the bullets he shoots are precise and deadly.

Taro Tanaka fired his gun so fast that the guards next to him didn't notice for a while, and then they were hit and fell to the ground three times in a row.

Immediately, Taro Tanaka fled outside the courtyard wall taking advantage of the few seconds between the guards and the special forces evading.

He dragged his injured body at an extremely fast speed, and before everyone could react, he climbed over the wall.

As soon as Lin Xiao flashed out from behind the cover, the devil's spies fled away, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Tanaka Taro was able to achieve such speed even when he was injured, even Lin Xiao secretly marveled at the opponent's skill.

The special forces and guards set up a net, and the devils and spies can still escape. The enemy is really not a simple character.

"A devil spy with great skill, such a powerful character must not let him escape!"

Lin Xiao knew very well in his heart that although the devil's agent was very skilled, he was already injured and couldn't run very far.

What's more, there is still a big gap between the escaped devil's spy and his strength.

Lin Xiao put the weapon back into the holster, and then chased after Taro Tanaka climbed over the wall.

Tanaka Taro fled very quickly, and ran a hundred meters away in a flash.

However, Lin Xiao was even faster than him.

After a while, Lin Xiao chased the devil's agent less than 50 meters behind him.

After chasing for several blocks in a row, Tanaka Taro's escape speed gradually slowed down.

The opponent's movements suddenly slowed down, and Lin Xiao guessed that the opponent might be injured.

Seeing Lin Xiao closely following him, Tanaka Taro turned around and shot at the pursuer.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Pistol bullets shot towards Lin Xiaofei one after another.

Lin Xiao dodged swiftly, using the surrounding bunkers to dodge.

Although the two sides were only tens of meters away, Taro Tanaka was shooting in motion and couldn't hit Lin Xiao at all.

When Lin Xiao saw the opponent shoot, he also drew his pistol.

With a distance of tens of meters, it was not difficult for Lin Xiao to hit the enemy.


The bullet flew out and hit Taro Tanaka's leg precisely.

Tanaka Taro, who was running away, groaned in pain, lost his center of gravity under his feet, and fell to the ground with a "plop".

It wasn't that Lin Xiao missed the shot, but that he intentionally spared the opponent's life.

Lin Xiao was going to capture the devil's spy leader alive and get some valuable information from him.

What Lin Xiao didn't expect was that the devil's spy leader was very stubborn.

Taro Tanaka knew that falling into Lin Xiao's hands would never end well. He dragged his injured leg and limped forward to escape.

Just as Lin Xiao approached, suddenly, a sniper bullet flew towards him.


The bullet flew past Lin Xiao's side and hit the stone wall next to him.

"I'll go, Gou Ri's devil spies and snipers are outside to meet him?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help being startled, he never thought that there was a devil's sniper ambushing outside the hospital.

Because the sight was dark at night, the devil's snipers didn't hit Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao hid under the stone wall next to him. Just as he stretched out his head to check, another bullet flew from another corner.

"call out!"

With a howling sound, the bullet almost flew past his scalp.

Then, several more bullets were fired one after another.

Lin Xiao quickly retreated under the stone wall, sparks flying from the stones hit by the bullets.

Although Lin Xiao narrowly avoided the shots from the devil's sniper, it was still very dangerous.

Devil snipers are not only highly accurate marksmanship, but also the enemy is a sniper team with at least two shooters.

Lin Xiao didn't panic at all when he met the devil sniper.

He hid under the stone wall, and then took out the 98K rifle from the system warehouse.

Even at night, it was not difficult for Lin Xiao to find the devil's sniper. ,
He moved to the other side of the stone wall, raised the 98K rifle in his hand, and followed the devil's gunshots to search for it.

Lin Xiao has eagle-eyed night vision ability, and devil snipers can't hide in the dark.

Soon, he spotted a ghost sniper moving on the roof of a private house 200 meters away.

However, the ghost sniper moved very fast, and it was difficult for Lin Xiao to catch and shoot at once.

Devil snipers have rich experience in shooting, and they immediately shifted their previous sniper positions after they knew the position was exposed by shooting.

The little devil thought that Lin Xiao would not be able to spot him, but the other enemy didn't expect that Lin Xiao could see targets within 200 meters at night.

Every move of the devil sniper did not escape Lin Xiao's eyes.

The hiding positions of the two devil snipers were very tricky, one was hidden on the tile eaves of the roof, and the other was hidden in a private house.

"Little devil, let's get the sushi!"

Lin Xiao installed a silencer on the 98K rifle, and locked on to the devil sniper lying on the tile roof.


A muffled gunshot sounded, and the bullets spun out at high speed.

The ghost sniper on the tile roof was still secretly searching for Lin Xiao. He didn't know that he was already dead.

A second after the gunshot fell, a bullet pierced through the devil's sniper's head, and plasma splashed on the gun.

Before the devil sniper could understand how he died, his body fell from the tile roof.

As soon as Lin Xiao fired, although the muffler lowered the sound, the devil's sniper still caught a faint shot.

Soon, a bullet flew from the opposite side.

Lin Xiao picked up the weapon, his body flashed nimbly, and the bullets passed by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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