I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 344 Spot Checking Recruits

Chapter 344 Spot Checking Recruits

It was not the first time Lin Xiao had done business with Li Yunlong, he was always on guard against Li Yunlong's tricks.

If the weapons and equipment were transported in advance, and the soldiers trained by Li Yunlong did not meet the requirements, then his weapons, equipment and supplies would not be transported back.

Li Yunlong said with a sneer: "Brother Lin, Lao Li has no other intentions. I just remind you. After drinking, I will take you to see how the soldiers I lead are in good condition!"

"Okay, then let's go and have a look after drinking." Several people gathered around the table, you and I drank the wine generously.

After drinking a few bottles of wine, they didn't blush or feel dizzy, just like drinking plain water.

It's true that Lin Xiao and the others can drink a lot, but after drinking so much, there is nothing wrong with them. It is obvious that the wine is tricky.

Li Yunlong, a stingy guy, was afraid that the wine would not be enough, so he mixed a lot of water into the wine.

In fact, Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei had already had problems with drinking.

It's just that they are too embarrassed to expose Li Yunlong face to face.

After drinking and eating, Lin Xiao followed Li Yunlong to the recruit training ground.

Chu Yunfei had long heard that the Eighth Route Army had a way of training troops, and he was very interested in the soldiers trained by the Independent Regiment.

This trip finally came to the Independence Regiment, so he wanted to see how Li Yunlong trained soldiers.

Half an hour later, a group of them arrived at the recruit training ground.

Not long after the recruits finished their meal, they started training.

Approaching the training ground, there were bursts of gunshots and soldiers shouting and killing during training.

"Clap clap, clap clap..."

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

"Ready, shoot!!!"

"Run quickly, what are you dawdling about, hurry up and pass through the obstacles in front!!!"

The first battalion commander Zhang Dabiao stood on the training ground, supervising the recruits who were training.

The recruits are doing all kinds of training, practicing stabbing, marksmanship, physical training, bombing training, and tactical training...

When Zhang Dabiao saw Li Yunlong leading Lin Xiao and the others into the training ground, he quickly ran all the way to the regiment leader.

"Hello, Captain!"

"Commander Lin, Hello, Chief Chu!!"

Zhang Dabiao gave a military salute to Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei. ,
Then, Zhang Dabiao reported to Li Yunlong.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment, Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, is leading the recruits for training, please give instructions!"

Li Yunlong glanced at the recruits who were being trained, and said, "Zhang Dabiao, you have trained these recruits for almost two months. Brother Lin is here today to test whether these recruits are qualified."

Zhang Dabiao patted his chest and said: "Regimental Commander, Chief Lin, don't worry, none of the soldiers trained by me, Zhang Dabiao, are bad soldiers."

"I guarantee that these trained recruits will be like howling wolves on the battlefield!"

Li Yunlong nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, Da Biao, you have worked hard recently, and I will give you two bottles of sweet potatoes when I get back!"

"Thank you, Commander!"

Zhang Dabiao grinned cheerfully.

Li Yunlong turned to Lin Xiao who was beside him and said, "Brother Lin, you heard Da Biao's words, now you should be relieved of the recruits trained by our independent regiment, right?"

Lin Xiao said seriously: "Brother Yunlong, seeing is believing, hearing is believing, I have spent so much money training soldiers, whether it is a mule or a horse, you have to pull it out for a walk, let me take a look?!"

Lin Xiao didn't dare to be sloppy in accepting recruits. He wanted to see with his own eyes how good the recruits were in terms of military quality.

"Brother Lin, you are right, how about this, I will bring a group of recruits out to show you!"

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he instructed Zhang Dabiao: "Da Biao, you have heard Brother Lin's words. He obviously doesn't trust us. You know what to do, don't you?"

"Understood, Tuanzao!"

Zhang Dabiao turned around and shouted to the recruits on the training ground, "All the recruits are assembled and ready for drill!"

The first company of recruits on the training ground heard the order and assembled on the training ground as quickly as possible.

Immediately, Zhang Dabiao selected more than a dozen recruits from the recruit company.

"Mr. Lin, the soldiers I selected have very good military qualities. Whether it's marksmanship, bomb throwing, or military skills in all aspects, they are all excellent among the recruits. You can test any of their military skills at will!"

Lin Xiao glanced at the recruits in front of him, and quickly shook his head. He did not approve of Zhang Dabiao testing the military skills of recruits in this way.

"Battalion Commander Zhang, the soldiers you selected have excellent military qualities, but a few top soldiers are not enough for a unit capable of fighting tough battles. What I want is overall excellence."

Li Yunlong scratched his head and said impatiently: "Brother Lin, this will not work, and that will not work, what do you want?"

"My request is very simple, to test these recruits by spot check!"

Lin Xiao then said to the crowd: "I think everyone should be aware that the military literacy of soldiers in each unit is uneven, and only random inspections can truly test the overall combat effectiveness of a unit."

Chu Yunfei nodded in agreement, and slowly said: "Brother Lin, you are right. It is really meaningless to pick out some top soldiers. It is true that spot checks can better reflect the true situation of the recruits as a whole."

"That's fine, Chief Lin, you can randomly check these recruits!"

After Zhang Dabiao finished speaking, he stepped aside. He seemed to have confidence in the trained soldiers.

Lin Xiao strode to the front of the queue, his keen gaze passing over the recruits present one by one.

"You, you, and the rest of you, come out to me!"

The recruit who was picked up by Lin Xiao quickly walked out of the queue.

"You guys, run around the training ground at the speed of a quick march. If I don't tell you to stop, everyone is not allowed to stop!"


The recruits responded with a cry, and then they started running around the practice field.

Then, Lin Xiao selected more than a dozen recruits from the queue.

"You guys go to the shooting range over there to prepare, I want to see your shooting level!"

The recruits picked up their weapons one after another and quickly walked to the shooting range.

"Shooting in prone position, everyone is ready!!!"

The recruits held weapons in their hands and lay prone on their respective shooting positions. They assumed a standard prone shooting posture and aimed at the target in front of them.


After the words fell, the recruits pulled the triggers and fired.

"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

A series of rifle shots rang out.

After the recruits finished firing a bullet, they skillfully pulled the bolt and continued to load and shoot.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The recruits each have 5 rounds of bullets, and the shooting distance is a target of 100 meters.

Within a few minutes, the recruits' first round of shooting was over.

Lin Xiao looked at the target the recruits were shooting from a distance.

Even without a telescope, he can clearly see the target 100 meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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