I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 349 Brother Yunlong, this is a big fish!

Chapter 349 Brother Yunlong, this is a big fish!

Li Yunlong thought for a while, then turned around and walked back outside the yard.

"Brother Lin, brother Yunfei, both of you, stop now, and discuss something with you!"

Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei played chess intently, and they chased Li Yunlong impatiently.

"Brother Yunlong, you can't let us play chess quietly. We just cleaned up for a while, and your shit stick is messing around again!"

Li Yunlong looked serious, and said seriously: "Two brothers, I just received a report from the forward observation post that a Japanese army has entered our regiment's base."

"What makes Lao Li strange is that there are only four or five hundred Japanese soldiers, but there are more than 100 devil officers. This group of Japanese military officers is really weird. How could they appear collectively in our regiment's defense area..."

As soon as Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei heard that there were devil troops entering the independent regiment's defense area, they immediately became interested in fighting.

When Lin Xiao learned that the Japanese army had a large number of officers, something suddenly came to his mind.

He guessed in his heart that it must be the devil's observation group of field officers who had arrived early.

Lin Xiao has watched the plot of Li Yunlong playing the observation group N times in film and television dramas.

The most vivid thing in Lin Xiao's memory about this episode was that there were many senior devil officers in the devil's field observation group, including a devil major general named Naotomi Hattori.

After the battle came to an end, the devil major general proposed to fight Li Yunlong one-on-one, and then Monk Wei stood up to fight him.

In less than ten rounds of fighting between the two sides, Naotomi Hattori was pierced through the abdomen by Monk Wei with a "back carbine" move, which stabbed his heart so coldly.

Every time I see more than 100 officers of the observation group being wiped out, it always makes people excited.

In the face of the devil's observation group that came, Lin Xiao's butcher's knife was already so hungry that he couldn't help but want to chop a few devil officers for meat.

Lin Xiao withdrew his thoughts, and excitedly said to Li Yunlong: "Brother Yunlong, you are going to make a fortune this time. If you win this battle well, you will be rewarded by the bosses of the Eighth Route Army, and your reputation will spread throughout the Second War Zone!"

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei were at a loss.

Li Yunlong asked full of doubts: "Brother Lin, Lao Li couldn't understand what you said. What do you mean I got rich?"

Of course, Lin Xiao couldn't tell Li Yunlong directly, I've seen the plot in Bright Sword, and the devil army that came was an observation group.

Lin Xiao thought for a while and explained to them: "Brother Chu, Brother Yunlong, I destroyed a stronghold of Japanese secret agents when I was hospitalized a while ago."

"It's a coincidence. When I searched the documents and materials left by the secret agents, I obtained an important piece of information. I learned that the Japanese North China Front Army Headquarters sent a corps of more than 100 officers to Shanxi for observation... "

After listening to Lin Xiao's explanation, Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei looked at each other, and couldn't believe such a coincidence.

"Brother Lin, is there really such a thing? What kind of ghost observation group really entered our group's base?"

Li Yunlong asked Lin Xiao in doubt.

Lin Xiao patted his chest and said, "Brother Yunlong, I can guarantee with my head that the devils who entered your regiment's base area are definitely the devils' observation group. This is a big fish in the net, you can't let it go!"

Li Yunlong saw that Lin Xiao's words were so sure, he had no doubts about the arrival of the observation group.

"Great, there are more than 100 devil officers, this is really a big fish, God will make our old Li rich!"

Li Yunlong was gearing up excitedly, and then he invited Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei into the regiment headquarters.

Immediately, Li Yunlong found a map, and several of them gathered around the conference table, studying the map carefully.

"Brother Lin, brother Yunfei, you are all educated people, Lao Li is a big bastard who can only read maps but not map homework, please help me with an accurate map homework in the direction of Crow Ridge..."

Li Yunlong was quite good at making orders, so he pushed the matter to Lin Xiao and the others.

Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei didn't joke that Li Yunlong couldn't do map work, on the contrary, they admired Li Yunlong very much.

Li Yunlong is a fucking genius. Although this guy doesn't know how to do map work, he can read maps at a glance, and he is born to fight.

Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei did not refuse Li Yunlong's request. The two of them picked up a ruler and a paintbrush and skillfully worked on the map.

Chu Yunfei is a high-achieving student in Whampoa, with a serious background in majors. To him, drawing a standard map is just a basic skill.

Needless to say, Lin Xiao's ability to draw maps, he is an omnipotent king, and drawing maps is simply a child's play.

The two of them held tools, lowered their heads, and carefully painted on the map.

In less than 10 minutes, Lin Xiao and Chu Yunfei marked the location of Wuya Ridge on the map, as well as the marching route of the Devil Watching Group.

"Brother Yunlong, look, this is the location of Crow Ridge, and we have marked and drawn the surrounding terrain for you!"

Li Yunlong glanced at the map homework completed by the two of them, and couldn't help but amazed and applauded.

"Brother Lin, brother Yunfei, the map homework drawn by the two of you is so beautiful and clear!"

Li Yunlong was surprised a few times, and then said: "It's not that Lao Li flattered you and deliberately praised you, the level of the two of you in drawing maps is much better than the staff of our division..."

Chu Yunfei smiled disapprovingly: "Brother Yunlong, drawing a map is just a basic skill of a soldier. You are laughing at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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