I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 351 Going to the Crow Ridge Valley to Set Up an Ambush

Chapter 351 Going to the Crow Ridge Valley to Set Up an Ambush

Li Yunlong thought carefully for a while, then said slowly: "How about this, Lao Zhao, I will leave the second battalion and two machine gun platoon fighters to stay at the regiment headquarters."

"I lead a battalion of fighters, and Lao Xing leads a machine gun platoon, and joins me in the ambush of the devil's observation group."

If a battalion of troops were left to stay at the regiment headquarters, then it would be difficult for the independent regiment to ambush the devil observation group with only this strength and wipe out the enemy.

The devil has a lot of heavy firepower weapons and equipment. If the enemy cannot be wiped out as soon as possible and the devil's reinforcements arrive, then all efforts will fall short.

The deputy commander, Xing Zhiguo, is more conservative and cautious. Although he agrees with Li Yunlong's observation group, but without enough troops, it may be difficult to wipe out the enemy quickly.

Xing Zhiguo said worriedly: "Lao Li, the enemy has four to five hundred people, and all of them are elite devil troops. We only have one battalion and one machine gun platoon. This battle may be a bit risky!"

Li Yunlong had already thought of the problem Deputy Head Xing was worried about.

Li Yunlong is not a reckless man, he never fights a battle where he is not sure of losing money.

Instead, Li Yunlong consulted with Lin Xiao, "Brother Lin, I only have one battalion to mobilize for combat. With this amount of troops, I estimate that the odds of winning are only [-]% at best..."

Lin Xiao turned his mind and quickly guessed the meaning of Li Yunlong's words.

"Brother Yunlong, what do you mean you want my reserve battalion to join the battle as an observation group?"

Li Yunlong nodded, and said: "Brother Lin, you are really smart, that's what I mean. Once Lao Li speaks, you will understand what I want to say."

"Brother Yunlong, no problem, let my reserve battalion join the battle!" Lin Xiao said without thinking.

Li Yunlong proposed to allow the reserve battalion to participate in the battle, but Lin Xiao did not object. On the contrary, he also supported the actual combat between the reserve battalion officers and soldiers and the devils.

Although the soldiers of the reserve battalion have been training for several months, the officers and soldiers of the reserve battalion have not experienced the real battlefield environment where the bayonets are full of guns and bullets. Generally speaking, the soldiers still lack actual combat experience.

Anyway, the officers and soldiers of the reserve battalion will go to the battlefield sooner or later. This is just in time for the observation group. Of course, Lin Xiao will not let go of this rare opportunity for actual combat.

That's why Lin Xiao agreed so readily just now.

Li Yunlong and Lin Xiao discussed for a while, and everyone had no other questions, so they began to gather troops and prepare to go...

Ten minutes later, the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment and the soldiers of the Reserve Battalion of the Wild Wolf Regiment quickly marched towards Crow Ridge.

The area around Crow Ridge is close to the independent regiment's defense area, and it is a mountainous area with a radius of dozens of kilometers.

The Independence Regiment is located more than 20 miles away from Crow Ridge. If you take a shortcut, it is only more than ten miles away.

Li Yunlong is familiar with the local environment, and he knows every small road like a treasure. Moreover, they have drawn up a detailed marching route before they act.

Lin Xiao and the others marched to the small road to take a shortcut, and they arrived near Crow Ridge not long after.

The terrain of Crow Ridge is complex and varied, surrounded by dense mountains and large hills.

After they arrived at Crow Ridge, they marched covertly into a valley for more than ten minutes before arriving at the predetermined ambush location.

Lin Xiao and the others hid on the mountain, and there was a mountain road of different widths below.

There are valleys and hills on both sides of the mountain road, surrounded by ravines and small roads, and the environment is criss-crossed and complicated, making it an ideal ambush site.

Standing on the highest point of the mountain, Lin Xiao carefully looked around the surrounding terrain.

Chu Yunfei next to him held up the binoculars in his hand, and said slowly: "Brother Lin, the ambush site you chose is really good. The valley below is just one road. As long as the ghost observation group enters the valley road, there will be a road at both ends of the road." Damn it, the little devil is on the verge of death!"

Lin Xiao did not intervene in this ambush. He handed over the command of the reserve battalion to Li Yunlong, who will conduct the unified command.

Li Yunlong and Xing Zhiguo, the deputy head of the regiment, divided their responsibilities, and they were busy arranging ambushes on both sides of the valley.

"Machine gun team, go to the highest point of the mountains and hills to set up a machine gun position, and the bombardiers will ambush me near the valley, pay attention to concealment!!!"

"And Lao Xing, you take a company of soldiers and deploy a few heavy machine guns to guard the exit of the valley!"

"Okay, Lao Li, I'll go right away!"

Deputy head Xing nodded, and immediately led the soldiers towards Taniguchi.

"Hurry up, everyone, the devil's army is coming soon, we must establish firepower fortifications and defensive positions before the devil arrives!!!"

Li Yunlong shouted to the surrounding soldiers with his loud voice like a cannonball.

The officers and soldiers of the independent regiment and the reserve battalion quickly searched for favorable terrain at the designated ambush site and established various fortifications.

Li Yunlong set up a temporary headquarters on a hill near the entrance of the valley.

The hills are towering, with a wide view, you can observe all parts of the valley, and it is also convenient for Li Yunlong to command operations...

Everyone lowered their heads and were busy building fortifications.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's ears moved sharply a few times, as if he had seen what was going on in advance.

His hearing is many times that of ordinary people, and he heard the sound of an airplane engine from a distance.

Judging from the sound of the plane's motor and engine, it was a Type [-] reconnaissance plane of the Japanese army.

Lin Xiao knew that the devil's reconnaissance plane was about to sail over, so he immediately told Li Yunlong and the others about the situation.

"Brother Yunlong, the devil's reconnaissance plane is coming soon, you immediately let everyone take cover!"

Li Yunlong was taken aback when he heard that, and said suspiciously: "Brother Lin, is there any devil's reconnaissance plane around here? We didn't even hear the sound of the plane!"

Li Yunlong raised his binoculars again and looked at the surrounding sky, but there was no trace of the plane at all.

Chu Yunfei also observed the situation in the air, but found no enemy plane.

Lin Xiao patted Li Yunlong's shoulder, and insisted firmly: "Brother Yunlong, you are right, let everyone take cover, the devil's plane will arrive at our place in 5 minutes at most!"

Seeing Lin Xiao's serious face, Li Yunlong didn't look like he was joking. To be cautious, he still listened to Lin Xiao's words.

Immediately, Li Yunlong turned around and ordered to the messenger: "Messenger, send me an order to ask everyone to stop building fortifications, and quickly find a cover to hide, there are enemy planes coming soon!!!"

"Yes, group seat!"

After hearing the instructions, several eight-way messengers immediately conveyed the orders of the regiment leader Li Yunlong.

"The head of the group has ordered that the enemy plane is coming immediately, and everyone should immediately find a bunker to hide!!!"

Orders shouted from the field.

When the rest of the soldiers heard the shout, they spread word of mouth one by one, and quickly conveyed Li Yunlong's order to everyone's ears.

The soldiers on both sides of the valley took cover as quickly as possible.

10 minutes passed.

Suddenly, the roar of the plane's engine came from the distant sky...

(End of this chapter)

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