Chapter 372

The news of the annihilation of the devil's observation group at Wu Ya Ling did not spread all at once.

The observation group encountered an ambush by the Eighth Route Army, which is no small matter!
Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the Japanese army, sent a lot of troops to the direction of Crow Ridge for reinforcements.

This time, Yamamoto's special attack team also participated in the military operation.

The Yamamoto special attack team was dispatched not to reinforce the observation group. Kazuki Yamamoto and the others entered the Eighth Route Army base area for no other reason than to go to the Eighth Route Army headquarters.

The Yamamoto special attack team tried every means to take down the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, just to let the Japanese army observation group experience their special attack team's new beheading tactics.

To put it bluntly, the Yamamoto special attack team just wanted to pretend to be aggressive in front of the observation group, so that their special attack team's tactics could be promoted throughout the army.


The Independence Regiment is located on a cliff a few kilometers away from the back mountain.

A group of heavily armed soldiers wearing American equipment are marching fast on a rugged mountain road.

These soldiers move very fast, even walking on steep mountain roads, they feel as easy as walking on flat ground.

This group of soldiers who suddenly appeared was the Yamamoto Special Attack Team preparing to raid the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The Devils Special Attack Team marched near a cliff, and Kazuki Yamamoto stopped the march of all soldiers.

"Ono-kun, you guys go to the cliff to see the situation, and the rest of you pay attention!"

"Hi Yi!!!"

Several devil scouts stepped forward to scout the enemy's situation and terrain.

The rest of the devils of the special attack team were on guard around them, observing the surrounding situation with vigilant eyes.

The Yamamoto special attack team secretly interspersed into the independent regiment's defense area. At this time, the enemy did not know that the observation group had been wiped out by Lin Xiao and the others.

Of course, Lin Xiao and Li Yunlong didn't know that the Yamamoto special attack team would take the opportunity to attack the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

Less than 10 minutes later, the devil soldiers who went out to reconnaissance came back trotting all the way.

"Report to the captain, we have already surveyed the route ahead."


Kazuki Yamamoto nodded and said, "Tell me about the situation on the route ahead."

"Captain, there are two roads ahead to reach the Eighth Route Army headquarters. The first road we need to go over the mountain and detour for more than ten kilometers. The second road is to climb directly from that cliff to the Eighth Route Army headquarters."


"But what?" Kazuki Yamamoto asked his subordinates.

"Captain, although climbing the cliff can shorten our raid route, it's just that there seem to be Chinese soldiers guarding the cliff."

"How many guards are guarding the Chinese army on the cliff?"

The devil scouts continued to report: "Captain, my subordinates have scouted carefully, and there is at least one platoon of Chinese troops on the cliff."

Kazuki Yamamoto heard a platoon of defenders, thought for a while, and said, "Ono-kun, how is the guard of the Chinese army above, can you kill them all quietly?"

"Reporting to the captain, the Chinese army guards above are very tight, and the Chinese army has established machine gun fortifications and fortifications. It is daytime now, and I am afraid it will be difficult to eliminate them quietly..."

After listening to the situation reported by his subordinates, Kazuki Yamamoto cursed angrily.

"Baga, damn it!"

At this time, a team leader next to him suggested: "Captain, the risk factor of storming the cliff is too high, why don't we choose the second route?"

Kazuki Yamamoto shook his head helplessly, and explained: "If we make a detour, I am afraid that the observation group will have left the Eighth Route Army base area long ago. Without the audience to witness our raid on the Eighth Route Army headquarters, there is no point in raiding the Eighth Route Army headquarters..."

"Ha Yi, what the captain said is absolutely true."

The captain of the ghost squad retreated behind Kazuki Yamamoto and asked, "Captain, what should we do now?"

Kazuki Yamamoto looked at the cliff not far away, and calmly thought about whether to advance or retreat.

Giving up the raid like this is obviously not Kazuki Yamamoto's combat style.

Moreover, before the action, he had promised Yoshio Shinozuka that he had received a military order, and that the action would definitely result in success at this time, otherwise he would confess his guilt by cutting open his stomach.

Commander Shinozuka Yoshio trusted him so much, of course Kazuki Yamamoto would not give up halfway.

After thinking carefully for a while, Kazuki Yamamoto ordered: "The first team, prepare to climb the cliff. Once you reach the cliff, quickly establish a firepower position and cover the second team to climb!"

"Understood, Captain!!!"

The leader of the devil squad nodded, and immediately led the devils of the first team to run down the cliff.

The cliff behind the Independence Regiment is considered a natural hazard. The cliff is more than ten meters high, and the mountain wall is very smooth and steep, with almost no foothold.

It is difficult for ordinary conventional troops to climb up such a steep cliff with bare hands if they have not undergone strict professional climbing training.

The devils of the special attack team have undergone various trainings, and the small cliffs can't stop these special forces at all.

A few ghost soldiers who were good at climbing walked down the cliff, and then they pulled out the short daggers they carried and inserted them into the cracks in the rocks, and then climbed up slowly like geckos clinging to the mountain wall.

The devil special attack team trained by Kazuki Yamamoto is indeed very skilled.

Only with a dagger, the soldiers of the Devils Special Attack Team successfully climbed the steep cliff more than ten meters high in just a few minutes.

After several devil soldiers reached the top of the cliff, they quickly dropped the ropes they were carrying.

(End of this chapter)

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