I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 393: The wild wolves cut off the escape route of the devils!

Chapter 393: The wild wolves cut off the escape route of the devils!
Lin Xiao looked at the battlefields in the distance. He saw the devil's troops in a mess, with a smug smile on his face.

In his opinion, the Devil's 36th Brigade is already the bastard in the urn, and the enemy can never escape the encirclement.

Everything in this ambush was under Lin Xiao's control, and the battle situation of the friendly forces was also developing as Lin Xiao expected.

"Communication soldier!"


When the communications soldier heard Lin Xiao's shout, he immediately ran over.

Lin Xiao looked away from the battlefield in the distance, and ordered: "Notify all companies and departments to prepare for battle, and wait for the devils to enter the minefield before opening fire to attack the enemy!"

"Yes, group seat!"

The communications soldier returned to the command post and immediately called each combat company.

Soon, each company received Lin Xiao's combat instructions.

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment were lying in the bunker, aiming their guns at the devil troops down the mountain.

The little devil withdrew his troops hastily, not noticing that there were landmines ambush on the mountain road.

Thousands of devil soldiers crowded on the narrow mountain road.

Immediately, the devil's supply troops and convoy marched to the vicinity of the minefield.

The engineers of the Wolf Regiment were not in a hurry to pull the mines. They waited for a few cars from the devil convoy to pass before they pulled the mines.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly, there were bursts of violent explosions on the mountain road.

Several transport vehicles and armored vehicles driving in front were suddenly blown up by the mines, the bodies of the vehicles were smashed to pieces, and parts were scattered everywhere.

The devil soldiers near the convoy had no time to dodge the explosion, they were instantly smashed to pieces, bloody stumps and broken arms were all over the ground.

Dozens of landmines ambushed on the ground exploded together, killing and wounding nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

The ghost soldiers fell down like cut wheat, and their miserable screams echoed on the mountain road one after another.

The function of these mines is not only to kill and injure the enemy, but mainly to blow up the enemy's supply vehicles and paralyze the little devils convoy on the mountain road.

After the landmine exploded, seven or eight Devils' car transoms were burning on the side of the road.

The car in front was blown up, and the devil convoy behind couldn't get through at all.

Dozens of devils' transport teams and chariots were all paralyzed and unable to maneuver.

The devil's vehicles could neither move forward nor retreat, and the angry devil officers and soldiers cursed angrily one by one.

"Baga, the convoy in front was ambushed by landmines, and the vehicles can't move!!!"

"Baga, Lu, you damn Chinese soldier!!!"

"Beware of landmines, hide quickly, find cover quickly!!!"

The devil soldiers around the explosion point got up from the ground in embarrassment, and scattered in panic to find cover.

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment would not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

"Brothers, fuck these little devils to death, fire!!!"

"Hit hard, kill all the sons of bitches!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment ambushing around Calabash Mountain opened fire collectively.

The loud and resounding gunfire suddenly sounded.

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

I saw countless gunfire flashing in the forest around Calabash Mountain.

Countless lines of bullets flew out of the forest and rushed towards the devil troops down the mountain.

Thousands of bullets formed a terrifying firepower net, leaving little devils nowhere to escape.

"Beware of machine gun fire, get down, get down quickly..."

The devil soldiers who were hit by the rain of bullets were caught off guard.

The firepower of the wild wolf regiment was so fierce that the devil soldiers had no time to find a cover to hide.

In just a few seconds, a large number of devil soldiers fell down.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

"Tut, chug, chug..."

There were endless screams, accompanied by intense gunshots.

The weapons used by the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment are basically automatic weapons.

Once all automatic weapons are fired, the firepower is dense without a gap, and the blow to the enemy is very terrible.

The powerful firepower of the wild wolf group cut off the way of the devils from the 36th Brigade.

Faced with the fire attack of the wild wolf regiment, the devils' troops could not rush out at all, and the enemy died as many as they rushed.

Moreover, the devil's convoy was paralyzed, and the enemy could only ask for help on the spot.

Although the little devils were an elite unit, the devils were in an ambush circle. Under the firepower of the officers and soldiers of the wild wolf regiment, the enemy had no chance to resist, only to be beaten.

"Baga Road, don't mess up, gather here quickly!!!"

"Hurry up and build a defensive position, the fire force builds a fire point, and suppresses the firepower of the Chinese soldiers on the mountain!!!"

The devil commander shouted loudly to gather the scattered troops, while ordering the soldiers to resist.

The 36th Devils Brigade, after all, is an elite unit, it is impossible to be so vulnerable and easily defeated like this.

Although the enemy was at a disadvantage in ambush, the officers and soldiers of the Devils relied on their rich combat experience to forcibly establish a defensive position in the firepower net of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

Niu Daoman hid behind the armored vehicle. He looked around, observed the surrounding terrain, and quickly found the wolf group's defensive weakness.

"The messenger!" Ushijima shouted.

Soon, the ghost messenger hurried to Niu Daoman to listen to the order.

"General, please instruct!"

Niu Daoman pointed to the high ground not far away, and ordered: "Pass my military order, and immediately order the Fourth Battalion to occupy the unnamed mountain in front at all costs!"

"Ha Yi, General!"

The devil's messenger sent the combat order to the troops below as quickly as possible.

The Devil's Fourth Battalion quickly assembled its forces and organized firepower to launch an attack.

A devil captain raised his command knife and shouted: "Imperial soldiers, occupy the high ground in front, give it a stab!!!"

"Suppression of machine gun fire, mortar attack, and stabbing!!!"

The leader of the devil brigade raised the saber in his hand, and then led his subordinates to charge towards the mountain.

The high ground in front is the most favorable commanding height near the mountain road.

As long as this high ground is occupied, the little devil can give full play to his superiority in firepower, condescendingly attack the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment, and reverse the disadvantage on the battlefield.

Ushijima Man's tactics are good.

However, Lin Xiao had already expected that the devil would break through from the high ground.

There are too many bunkers under the mountain road. If the little devils don't come out, it will be difficult to quickly eliminate the enemy.

Therefore, Lin Xiao deliberately sold a defensive loophole to the enemy, in order to draw a large number of enemy troops into the firepower net and catch them all in one go.

Hundreds of devil soldiers charged desperately towards the high ground as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Kill the chicken!!!"

"Occupy the high ground ahead and kill all the Chinese soldiers!!!"

The devil officers and soldiers held weapons and shouted the slogan of charge, and quickly charged to the bottom of the mountain slope.

(End of this chapter)

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