Chapter 419
Although the power of the aerial bombs is great, it is intensive bombing.

Under such a dense bombardment, the little devil will inevitably be wiped out.

However, some enemies hide in tricky positions, and the aerial bombs cannot wipe out all the enemies.

Being bombarded by so many aerial bombs, the little devil is really miserable, and the number of enemy casualties keeps rising.

Under the trenches and on the battlefield, there are devil soldiers lying in pools of blood everywhere.

"Uh, ah, ah..."

"Medical soldier, come and save me!!!"

Some devil soldiers whose hands, feet and limbs were blown off, screamed heart-piercingly while holding their bleeding limbs.

The devil's medical staff were almost killed and injured, and there was no one to treat the wounded devil soldiers.

The devil's wounded soldiers were bleeding profusely, and they could only wait for death in despair.

The little devil who survived didn't feel any better.

Many little devils had their eardrums ruptured, and their heads were so shocked that they lost consciousness.

The aerial bombs were thrown down one after another, and the little devil couldn't stand still after being shaken by the aerial bombs.

The devil officers and soldiers were unable to fight back, so they could only curl up and fall under the trench, resigned to their fate.

The bombers of the Wild Wolf Regiment bombed for a while with aerial bombs, almost lowering Luoma Mountain by a large amount...

Lin Xiao, Li Yunlong, and Chu Yunfei, the group leaders, stood outside their respective command posts to watch.

"Fried well, that's how we should fry these little devils and bastards!!!"

"Little devils are inhumane. They used planes and cannons to kill countless civilians in China, and let the little devils taste the taste of plane bombing!!!"

Li Yunlong and the others clapped their hands and applauded when they saw the miserable condition of the little devil.

With the support of planes in the air, chief officials such as Chu Yunfei and Li Yunlong, this is the first time they have fought so happily.

Team leader Gao Jianying saw that there were still many surviving little devils on the ground, so he quickly ordered the other crew members to use napalm.

"Prepare napalm, burn these bastards to death!!!"

After receiving the instructions, the crew members threw napalm bombs one after another.

"Hurricane, hurricane, hurricane..."

Five or six napalm bombs tore through the air and landed on the Luomashan position.

The horror of napalm bombs is enough to make the little devil so desperate that he wants to commit suicide.

The little devils on the ground could only watch the napalm bombs fall, but they couldn't even do any resistance.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

With the sound of the explosion, huge fireballs more than ten meters high rushed into the air.

The temperature of the fire ball reaches over a thousand degrees, and it can instantly vaporize all living things and objects around it.

The devil soldiers near the explosion point of the napalm bomb didn't even have a chance to scream.

Nearly a hundred devil soldiers were burned by the high-temperature flames on the spot into pitch-black cokes.

These ghosts who died instantly were considered lucky, at least they died before suffering.

Under the action of the air waves, the high-temperature flames quickly burned and spread around, and spread into the bunker under the trench.

The devil soldiers hid in the bunker, and there was no other way to escape, but they could only be burned alive by the flames.

The little devil's body was stained with burning flames, and the flames quickly covered their whole bodies.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

The shrill screams of devils came from all over the trench.

The burnt skin of a large group of devils festered, and the enemy scrambled to escape from the bunker fortifications.

In a blink of an eye, Luoma Mountain turned into a hell of a sea of ​​fire.

Countless little devils struggled to survive on the battlefield, desperately fleeing from the bombing point.

Hundreds of devil soldiers ran for their lives on the ground and under the trenches. The little devils collided with each other, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Because of the narrow space under the trenches and bunkers, the little devil who was on fire ignited the flames on his own body to other devils.

The speed of the flame burning is very fast, as long as it touches a little flame, it will immediately ignite the upper body.

"Help, help!!!"

"I'm on fire, come and save me..."

The devil soldiers screamed in pain, and the enemy fell to the ground and rolled, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

Napalm flames are so hot that they can burn even stone and dirt.

It was almost impossible for the little devil to extinguish the flames.

Burned by the flames, the imp will not die immediately.

Before being burned to death, the little devil would experience extreme pain and torture, and then die little by little.

"Baga, it's an incendiary bomb!!!"

"Run, get out of the fortification!!!"

Seeing that it was an incendiary bomb, the devil soldiers were shocked and frightened.

The enemy knows how terrible the napalm bomb is when it burns, and it is simply painful.

Enemies hiding in bunkers and fortifications should leave the fortifications in a hurry and escape as quickly as possible.

Although the little devil knew that escaping from the bunker might be a dead end.

However, it is better to be killed by aerial bombs and bullets than to be burned alive.

Devil soldiers jumped out of the trenches in twos and threes, hugging their heads and avoiding the bombing of the aerial bombs.

The fighter pilots saw the little devil leave the bunker, and instead, maneuvered the plane to dive and attack.

"Don't let a little devil go, attack!!!"

"Hit hard and kill these little bastards!!!"

The fighter plane chased after the devil, and the machine gunner on the plane kept firing.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Tut, chug, chug..."

The airborne machine gun rang out, and dense bullets swept towards the enemy.

As soon as the little devil ran out of the bunker, he was shot and killed by a rain of bullets.

The bullet shot into the little devil's back, and the enemy fell down in pieces.

The bullets of the M2 heavy machine gun had extremely strong penetrating power. The bullets passed through the body of the devil behind and hit the devil soldier in front again.

A group of devil soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

The fighter jets pursued the little devil closely, and no matter where the enemy fled, they could not avoid the bullets.

Some little devils knew that no matter how they ran, they would lead to a dead end, so the devil soldiers gave up and ran for their lives.

"Baga, yalu, the nasty China plane!!!"

"We fought with China Airplane!!!"

The devil soldiers raised their weapons one after another and angrily fired at the fighter planes in the air.

"Crack, clap, clap, clap!!!"

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

Hundreds of bullets flew into the air and hit the fuselage.

The bullet just splashed a little spark on the plane, without any substantial damage to the plane.

The little devil's firepower was at best just tickling the fighter plane.

Soon, the little devils who fired on the ground were retaliated by fighter planes.

A wave of bullets shot over, the beaten limbs of a dozen devil soldiers were scattered, and screams were everywhere.

While the airborne machine guns were firing, the plane quickly flew over the devil's head.

Then, the bombardier threw a few light aerial bombs down on the ground, not giving the little devil any chance of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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