Chapter 431

Instead, Lin Xiao stopped the troops from marching.

"Order the whole regiment to stop and rest in place!"


A subordinate next to him immediately went to convey Lin Xiao's order.

Soon, the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment stopped marching.

The soldiers were resting on both sides of the road while eating the dry food they carried with them.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao summoned all the chief officers of each battalion.

Lin Xiao spread the map on the hood of the car, and he and his subordinates looked at the map to study the fastest marching route to Xinqianghe.

Lin Xiao clearly realized that with the current marching speed of the Wild Wolf Group, it was absolutely impossible to arrive at the mission location on time.

The Wolf Regiment has armored units, as well as a lot of artillery and supplies.

The damage to the roads was too serious, marching fifty or sixty kilometers a day was already the limit of the officers and men of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

If it weren't for the physical fitness of the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment, otherwise after so many days of forced marching, the officers and soldiers of the army would have been exhausted long ago.

Moreover, the Wild Wolf Regiment has now arrived in the Hunan area, and there are many more Japanese aircraft reconnaissance overhead every day.

The enemy plane patrols several times a day, which greatly delays the marching speed of the Wild Wolf Regiment.

After discussing with his subordinates, Lin Xiao decided to give up the supply troops and armored troops, and take the lead in leading a vanguard, marching lightly and rushing to Xinqianghe for reinforcements.

If you march like this, you can reach the Xinqiang River in Yueyang in two days.

After making up his mind, Lin Xiao moved his gaze from the map.

He ordered the subordinates around him: "The second battalion, the third battalion, and the cavalry battalion, follow me first, and rush to Yueyang Xinqiang River as the vanguard!"

"Yes, group seats!!!"

Shi Biao, Hu Ergou, and Ma Kui responded one after another.

After giving the order, Lin Xiao said to Mei Wenhua again: "Listen, Mr. Mei, I will lead the leading troops to reinforce first, and then you will lead the rest of the troops from Yiyang to the direction of Xinqianghe. Remember, beware of Japanese troops on the way." s plane!"

"Tuan Zuo, don't worry, I will be careful!"

Mei Wenhua nodded and accepted the order.

Without delay, Lin Xiao immediately marched to Xinqiang River with three battalions of troops overnight.

Even though Lin Xiao only brought three battalions of officers and soldiers, the combat effectiveness of these battalions should not be underestimated.

The first and second battalions are two infantry battalions, each with 800 men.

The cavalry battalion has a smaller number of people, but there are about 600 people in the whole battalion.

The combined strength of the three battalions is almost 2000 people, which is more than the two regiments of the general army.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these battalions can face a strengthened regiment of the Japanese army.

Under the cover of night, Lin Xiao led the three battalions of the Wild Wolf Regiment to the Xinqiang River at a forced march...


Two days later.

The Japanese army's attack was very fast. In just two days, the vanguard of the Japanese army advanced all the way from the Xintang River to the vicinity of the Xinqiang River.

During these two days, the Chinese army and the Japanese army launched dozens of fierce battles, large and small.

Although the size and scale of the battles were different, each battle was fought very fiercely by both sides.

The Japanese army had an advantage in weapons and equipment. Under the cover of aircraft and artillery support, the enemy bombarded Xintang River many times and destroyed many positions and fortifications in Xintang River.

The officers and soldiers of a battalion guarding the Xintanghe position, at the cost of the entire battalion's death, slowed down the Japanese army's attack speed and also frustrated the Japanese army's arrogance.

The despondent vanguard of the Japanese army continued to attack Caoxieling the next day.

Although the defenders of Caoxieling were determined to defend their position to the death, the Japanese army's offensive was very fierce, and the flesh and blood of the defenders could not stop the Japanese aircraft and artillery after all.

After the two positions of Xintang River and Caoxieling were lost again and again, the 52nd Army of the National Army had to withdraw to the other side of the Xinqiang River for defense.

The Nara Detachment of the Japanese Army was not in a hurry to attack Xinqianghe after the two positions of the Ke National Army.

The Japanese army did not take advantage of the victory to attack, it was because the enemy lost a lot of people in battle and needed some time to rest and reorganize.

Moreover, the devil commander did not deploy to attack Xinqianghe for a while.

On the other side of the Xinqiang River, there is a division of the national army defending. It is by no means an easy task for the little devil to attack.

The vanguard of the Japanese army did not dare to break away from the main force and stretch the front line too long. The Japanese commander adopted a steady and steady offensive strategy, and established firepower fortifications near the Xinqiang River to confront the national army on the other side.

The widest part of the Xinqiang River is only about 150 meters, and soldiers from both sides can watch each other on both banks.

From time to time, soldiers from both sides opened fire on both sides of the river, launching some small-scale firefights.

Soldiers on both sides were in the bunker fortifications, and there were almost no casualties in such a firefight.

They fired at each other, nothing more than trying to scout each other's firepower.

The stalemate between the Japanese army and the defenders lasted all morning.

Of course, the Japanese attack will not be delayed for long.

At this time, the commander of the Nara detachment was discussing offensive tactics with the headquarters and his subordinates.

The battle on the Xinqiang River could start at any time.

two hours later.

Sure enough, the Japanese Nara detachment attacked quickly.

Nara Yitian assembled his troops and quickly ordered the troops to launch an offensive on the south bank of the Xinqiang River.

"The artillery attacks, the artillery continues to attack!!!"

"The artillery destroyed the Chinese fortifications in front and killed all the Chinese soldiers!!!"

"Kill the chicken!!!"

The Japanese artillery concentrated multiple artillery pieces and launched a fierce shelling on the national army positions on the south bank of the Xinqiang River.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Intensive shelling and explosions resounded on both sides of the Xinqiang River.

Waves of artillery shells flew out of the devil's artillery position and smashed heavily around the national army's position.

Cannonballs exploded everywhere, and some shells fell into the Xinqiang River and exploded, splashing water more than ten meters high.

The devils fired continuously for more than ten minutes.

After a while, the garrison position on the opposite bank began to be filled with gunpowder, scorched earth and explosion flames scattered everywhere.

Because the defenders had built solid fortifications in the position, the enemy's first round of shelling did not cause much damage to the defenders.

The national army soldiers on the ground were busy re-strengthening the fortifications, while rushing to treat the injured soldiers.

"Beware of enemy artillery fire, pay attention to concealment!!!"

"Hurry up to save the wounded, hurry up and reinforce the fortifications!!!"

There were bursts of shouts from soldiers on the battlefield.

The Nara detachment did not have aircraft to support the bombing this time, but only used artillery for bombardment.

In the first round of the enemy's attack, they did not pour out all their firepower. The devils were just probing with firepower.

The devil commander Nara Ichita didn't know the real situation of the defenders on the opposite side, so he didn't dare to attack rashly. He wanted to use firepower to detect the strength of the defenders.

Nara Yitian stood on a high place with a telescope in his hand, carefully observing the defense and fire deployment of the defenders on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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