I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 441 Beating the disabled Nara detachment

Chapter 441 Beating the disabled Nara detachment
Less than 10 minutes later, Lin Xiao led his troops and rushed all the way to a position 300 meters away from the devil's headquarters.

The defense that the devil had just organized was dismantled in an instant.

The devil's machine gun fortifications and grenadier positions were basically wiped out.

The devils lost the support of heavy firepower weapons, and they were beaten out of breath by the cavalry battalion.

The machine gun firepower of the cavalry battalion alone is enough for the little devil to drink a pot.

The little devil's crooked machine gun and Type [-] heavy machine gun are completely incomparable with the machine guns of the cavalry battalion.

Moreover, the bazooka shooting of the wild wolf group is extremely accurate.

As long as the little devil's machine gun fires, he will be killed by the rocket launcher immediately.

The little devil was beaten and retreated steadily, and suffered a lot of casualties.

Not only that, the enemy's defensive position was smashed to pieces by officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion, and there were scattered little devils everywhere.

"Baga, the firepower of the Chinese soldiers is too strong!!!"

"Take the wounded and evacuate, turn backward!!!"

The little devil helped the wounded, and hurriedly evacuated to the rear position.

When Lin Xiao saw the little devil retreating, he immediately led the soldiers to continue chasing him.

"Brothers, continue to attack, and take down the little devil's headquarters in one go!"

The soldiers of the cavalry battalion shot and killed the fleeing little devil while chasing hard.

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

The dense bullets chased after the little devil closely.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

During the evacuation process, many devil soldiers were hit by stray bullets and fell miserably under the fortifications...

At this time, a group of devil officers and soldiers hurried into the headquarters.

"Report to the general, it's not good, the Chinese soldiers have already rushed outside the headquarters!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Nara Kazuta was startled at first, but soon calmed down again.

"It's just a small unit of the China Army, scaring you like this?"

"There are so many guards outside, can't they stop the Chinese soldiers?!"

A devil major said nervously: "General, the Chinese assault troops are too powerful, you should move quickly!"

When he heard that his subordinates told him to escape, Nara Yitian suddenly became furious.

Nara Yitian's face was gloomy, and he snapped sharply: "Baga, you are all trash, if I, as a commander, run away, won't our detachment lose all face?!"

Nara Yitian reprimanded his subordinates a few words, then turned around and looked outside.

The officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion were indeed attacking fiercely, and the guards of the Devils were beaten to pieces and had no power to parry.

"What a bunch of incompetent idiots!"

Seeing the guards being hanged and beaten, Nara Yitian was furious and cursed.

Seeing that the cavalry battalion was about to charge forward, and seeing that the guards couldn't stop him, the old devil Nara Yitian panicked.

It's just that he is a general after all, and also the commander of a detachment.

To be scared away like this is really an insult to the dignity of the imperial soldiers.

Of course, there was another reason why Nara Ichita refused to evacuate.

If he, the commander, slips away, the devil troops on the front line that are still resisting the battle will immediately collapse, and the defense line will also collapse.

At this moment, several bazooka grenades flew over.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Grenades flew one after another, bombarding precisely around the Devils headquarters.

Although the little devil built a defensive wall around the headquarters, he also dug a bullet hole in the ground.

However, the bazooka grenade can be shot directly, and the enemy's fortifications are not very effective.

Several grenades were bombed one after another, and the defense wall of the devil headquarters was crumbling, and a pile of sandbags were blown up.

The dozens of little devils guarding soldiers nearby were all bombed beyond recognition.

The devil's command post suffered several rounds, the fortifications collapsed, and large pieces of sand, gravel and soil fell around.

"General, be careful!!!"

Several devil officers and soldiers hurried over and helped Nara Yitian up from the ground.

Nara Kazuta was dizzy from the shock, stumbled to his feet, and then cursed angrily.

"Bagaya Road!"

"Damn Chinese soldiers, I will kill you!"

Nara Ichita shouted furiously, but it was of no use.

Soon, several devil officers and soldiers stumbled in with injuries.

"General, the Chinese soldiers are coming!!!"

"The enemy has already rushed to the entrance of the headquarters, less than 150 meters away from our headquarters!"

All the devil officers and soldiers around were in a cold sweat, and they were all urging Nara Yitian to retreat with the same caliber.

"General, for your safety, for the whole detachment, you should move quickly!!!"

Seeing that the cavalry battalion was about to rush to the front, at this time, Nara Yitian was also a little scared.

Although it is embarrassing to escape, it is better than being a prisoner or being shot to death.

"Hurry up and evacuate, transfer the headquarters immediately!!!"

"Hi Yi!!!"

The devil officers and soldiers immediately moved up the radio station and packed up all the documents as quickly as possible.

The devil's chief of staff ordered to a group of guarding devil soldiers: "You block the rushing Chinese soldiers and cover the general's evacuation!"

"Ha Yi, sir, we must do our best to block the Chinese soldiers!!!"

The devil soldiers nodded, and then set up firepower points around them.

Under the protection of his subordinates, Nara Yitian quickly evacuated along the tunnel fortifications of the headquarters...

Because Nara Yitian fled to the underground tunnel, Lin Xiao didn't know that the enemy commanders had already evacuated.

Lin Xiao took the lead and rushed to the front, constantly shooting and killing the enemies in front of him.

The devil commander withdrew, and the devil soldiers had no intention of resisting.

The little devils gave up their resistance and fled in groups of three or four.

Lin Xiao led the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion to rush and beat all the way on the devil's position, as if entering no one's land.

After a while, Lin Xiao and the others rushed to 100 meters away from the devil's headquarters.

"Bazooka attack, destroy the little devil's headquarters!!!"

The bazooka soldier heard the order and immediately raised the bazooka to attack.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

More than a dozen grenades flew out one after another, smashing hard around the Devils headquarters.

The defense wall of the devil headquarters was completely destroyed after another fierce attack.

Some little devils were killed on the spot, and others were buried under the ruins of the fortifications.

"Machine gun fire suppression!!!"

The machine gunners of the cavalry battalion quickly followed up. They lay on the ground and fired continuously.

The Devils headquarters built a lot of machine gun fortifications, and the Devils guards hid inside and opened fire crazily.

The devil's guard troops are slightly stronger than ordinary troops in terms of weapons and equipment and combat effectiveness.

These ghost guards fought desperately.

"Damn Chinese soldiers, kill you!!!"

"Kill the chicken!!!"

Soldiers on both sides fired at each other, and bullets splashed back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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