I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 452 The devil was fine when he came, but the chapter will not go

Chapter 452 The devil was fine when he came, and he can't go back ([-])
The captain of the devil's battalion was very determined to fight, and it was useless to persuade the devil's subordinates.

The devil officers were unable to persuade the commander, so they had to obey the command of the captain.

"Captain, we obey your orders, and we will not retreat even if we fight to the last man!!!"


The captain of the ghost team nodded, and then ordered one of his subordinates: "Mr. Nanmu, you immediately form a death squad and order your squadron to rush through the minefield at all costs and occupy the front position of the Chinese soldiers!"

"Ha Yi, Captain!"

The devil officer took the order to leave.

The captain of the Devils believes that the defenders have limited weapons and ammunition, and it is impossible to deploy too many mines.

However, the devil's captain didn't know that the wild wolf group had switched defenses.

As long as the little devil dares to attack by force, the landmines at the front of the position will definitely be enough and full...

The devil's organizational ability is very fast, and within a few minutes, the devil's officer has organized a death squad.

"Brave imperial soldiers, come with me!!!"

"Give me the stab!!!"

The leader of the devil squadron personally led the charge, and the rest of the devil soldiers charged excitedly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Stepping into the night, the little devil rushed to the front of the position with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

The environment was dark at night, and the little devil charged in the dark like this, no different from courting death.

"Onboard, onboard!!!"

"We must win, we must win..."

The soldiers of the Devils Death Squad, shouting slogans, rushed forward tens of meters.

What the little devil didn't expect was that there were too many mines in the forward position, and there were minefields everywhere.

Halfway through the charge, many devil soldiers touched landmines.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

With the sound of the explosion, more than a dozen soldiers of the Devils Death Squad were instantly separated from their limbs.

The landmines exploded one after another, and countless fragments spread and splashed around.

"Uh, ah, ah..."

The surrounding soldiers of the Devil's Death Squad were wounded by fragments and fell to the ground in twos and threes screaming.

The soldiers of the Devil's Death Squad immediately fell to the ground, avoiding the fragments of landmines flying around.

"Everyone lies down, crawling forward with a low profile!!!"

"Hurry up!!!"

The soldiers of the Devils Death Squad slowly crawled forward.

Standing on the commanding heights, Lin Xiao has been observing the river beach of Dayu Village.

The devil's death squad opened the way in front, and the devil soldiers in the back pressed up to the second battalion.

The ghost soldiers on the river beach are gathering more and more, and this is a good time to attack.

Lin Xiao put down the binoculars and shouted to the messenger: "The messenger!"


The orderly came running.

"Immediately give an order to the Second Battalion to concentrate fire on the devil troops on the river bank, and make sure to wipe out all the enemy troops crossing the river!"

"Yes, group seat!"

The messenger took the lead and quickly conveyed the combat order...

Less than 5 minutes later, the second battalion command post received an order from regimental commander Lin Xiao.

For the convenience of commanding, Shi Biao, the commander of the second battalion, personally went to the forward position to command the officers and soldiers to fight. ,
Shi Biao shouted to the soldiers around him: "Brothers, the little devils are coming up, get ready to fight!"

"Flare ready!"

"Everyone, don't save bullets, fire hard to greet the enemy, make sure that the first round of shooting will kill half of the enemy!"

The officers and soldiers of the second battalion held weapons and stood ready for the enemy staring at the river beach.

At this moment, there were a few whistling sounds suddenly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

All I saw were a few white flares that quickly jumped from the ground into the night sky.

As soon as the flare was lifted into the sky, it instantly lit up the night, bursting into clusters of bright light clusters.

The light cluster is as dazzling as the sun.

The bright light spread rapidly in mid-air, and the surrounding kilometer range illuminated was like daytime.

The devil soldiers around the river beach had nothing to hide, and they were all exposed to the light of the flares.

Before the little devil could react, the officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion in the forward position opened fire collectively.

"All machine gunners, give me a hard hit!!!"

"Attack with a heartless cannon!!!"

Suddenly, a large burst of gunfire flashed from the forward position.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

Intensive gunshots rang out, and countless bullets flew out from all over the position with the line of fire.

Thousands of bullets, like a torrential rain, rushed towards the devil soldiers by the river beach.

The little devils on the river beach couldn't open their eyes because of the bright light of the flares. The enemies were no different from a group of live targets.

The devil soldiers who rushed to the front were the first to be shot and killed by bullets.

The soldiers of the Devils Death Squad in front were torn apart by the flying bullets, and blood was spilled out.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The devil soldiers were caught off guard and fell down in pieces with screams.

The heavy machine gun bullets of the Second Battalion have extremely strong penetrating power and a very long range, which is simply a nightmare for the enemy.

The soldiers of the Devils Death Squadron in front were pierced through, and the stray bullets hit the soldiers behind them again.

Before the devil soldiers had time to escape, they continued to die tragically under the fire of machine guns.

In less than a minute, the soldiers of the Devils Death Squad who rushed to the front were almost killed and injured.

A large group of wounded devil soldiers, holding their severed limbs, screamed for help.

"My leg is broken, help me!!!"

"Baga, my arm..."

There were gunshots everywhere around the river beach, as well as the screams of the devils.

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment opened fire uninterruptedly, and the devil soldiers behind suffered a lot of casualties.

The devil's eyes were temporarily blinded, and he couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly, and he didn't know where to hide.

Of course, the little devil is well-trained and has rich combat experience after all.

Even if the enemy is invisible, you can lie down to avoid bullets.

"Baga, be careful of the machine gun firepower of the Chinese soldiers!!!"

"Quickly drop, lie down, everyone lie down quickly!!!"

The devil commander shouted loudly, reminding the devil officers and soldiers around him.

The devil soldiers lay down on the ground in unison, avoiding the flying bullets.

The surrounding terrain is too open, even if the little devil lies on the ground, it will not have much effect.

Countless bullets, like shaved heads, whizzed past the devil's head.

Some unlucky little devils were directly hit in the head by the flying bullets and suffered headshots.

The enemy's brain tissue and plasma splashed everywhere, and the death was extremely miserable.

After a while, the ghost soldiers gradually recovered part of their eyesight.

The captain of the devil brigade shouted orders to his subordinates.

"Don't mess around, each squadron will establish a defensive position in situ!!!"

"Machine gunners are suppressing the firepower, and the grenadiers will quickly clear the firepower of the Chinese defenders!!!"

The devil soldiers set up firepower points one after another, and quickly set up machine guns.

At the same time, the devil's grenade was also looking for a target to attack.

"Attack, attack quickly!!!"

"Kill the chicken!!!"

"Kill the Chinese soldiers in the front position!!!"

The devil soldier lay on the ground and fired with the rifle and machine gun in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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