I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 459 Devils Temporary Change

Chapter 459 Devils Temporary General Change ([-])

Nara Yitian was furious when he learned that he was replaced by the headquarters and that he wanted to cancel the designation of the detachment.

"Bagayalu, our detachment has fought more than a dozen bloody battles with the Chinese army as a vanguard. We cannot revoke our designation just because we lose one or two battles. It is absolutely not allowed!!!"

Nara Ichita was furious and insisted on sending a telegram to Neiji Okamura, requesting to keep the number of the detachment.

It's just that Okamura Ningji didn't protect him this time.

The change of generals was jointly decided by the generals of the Central China Expeditionary Command of the Japanese Army. No matter how unwilling Nara Yitian was, he could only accept this order.

The officers and soldiers of the devils who had lost the battle learned that the commander would be replaced, and the designation might also be revoked, and the morale of the devils was extremely low.

Even some devil officers and soldiers could not bear the humiliation and chose to commit seppuku.

Because of the defeat, the unit designation was cancelled, which is unacceptable to any soldier, and it is the greatest shame.

Nara Yitian acted in accordance with the order of the headquarters and ordered the whole detachment of devils to retreat [-] kilometers overnight.

After the Nara Detachment was replaced, the Japanese Army Command handed over the task of attacking the Xinqiang River to the Japanese Sixth Division and the Uemura Detachment.

The Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, under the jurisdiction of No.11 Brigade and No.30 Sixth Brigade.

However, the No. 30 Sixth Brigade of the Japanese Army was completely wiped out by Lin Xiao and the others in Luoma Mountain, and the number was not wiped out.

After the war, the Japanese military headquarters added troops to the Sixth Division and formed a new 73rd Brigade.

Although the newly formed 73rd Brigade is a newly formed unit, the officers and soldiers are the backbone or veterans selected by various ministries, and the weapons and equipment are all equipped according to the field A-type troops.

To put it simply, the overall combat effectiveness of the 73rd Brigade will not be weaker than that of the previous 36th Brigade.

Let's talk about the Uemura detachment.

The Uemura Detachment was formed by the backbone of the Fifth Infantry Brigade of the Third Division of the Japanese Army, and its combat effectiveness is also very strong.


The next afternoon.

During the day, Lin Xiao sent several groups of scouts to track and reconnaissance the retreating Nara detachment.

Lin Xiao sent scouts to follow the Nara detachment, because he was worried that the Japanese army would pretend to be defeated, and beware that the enemy would return to the carbine at night.

Lin Xiao waited at the headquarters for a long time, and the soldiers who went out to scout came back.

"Reporting group, we are back from reconnaissance!"

"Tell me about the situation of the enemy carefully!"

Lin Xiao threw a pack of cigarettes to his subordinates.

Scout Report: "Tuan Zuo, we followed and monitored the Nara Detachment all the way. The enemy has indeed withdrawn, and the devils withdrew to Lingyang Town, [-] kilometers away, to rest!"

"The Japanese army retreated [-] kilometers?"

Lin Xiao felt a little surprised when he heard the news.

According to the Japanese army's previous combat style, they would definitely not be reconciled to defeat and retreat in despair.

On the contrary, Japanese officers and soldiers are very belligerent, and the enemy will continue to fight and retaliate.

The scout suddenly remembered something, and added: "By the way, the regiment, the enemy evacuated in a hurry. There were guns, ammunition, and various supplies abandoned by the Japanese army along the way. The enemy even threw the military flag halfway. It seems that the enemy has no intention Fight again..."

"What the hell is going on with this Nara detachment..."

Lin Xiao was lost in thought, secretly guessing in his heart.

He thought that the Nara detachment was so abnormal, maybe it was some pressure or punishment from the Nara detachment of the Japanese army.

Just when Lin Xiao was confused, the phone in the headquarters rang.

"Team seat, Brigadier Zhao of the 111th brigade is on the phone!"

The communications soldier reported and handed the phone to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao picked up the phone and asked, "Brigade Commander Zhao, what's the matter?"

Zhao Pucheng said happily: "Mr. Lin, just now, Mr. Xue sent a condolence telegram to our military headquarters, praising our defenders for fighting a good battle. Mr. Xue is also going to send military supplies to reward our frontline officers and soldiers!"

Lin Xiao nodded, and asked curiously: "Brigade Commander Zhao, I think you are in a good mood. It should not be because of the award, right?"


"Officer Lin is really smart, you guessed it before I said it!"

Zhao Pucheng laughed a few times, and then said: "The thing is like this, just now the theater command sent information that the Japanese Nara detachment has withdrawn troops, and all the commanders of the Nara detachment have been dismissed, and even the Japanese army's designation will be removed. revoked."

"Mr. Lin, the number of the Japanese army has been wiped out by us. Isn't this something to be happy about?"

It is indeed something worthy of celebration and publicity to wipe out the designation system of an elite unit of the Japanese army.

What's more, the Nara Detachment was still defeated by the 52nd Army. Of course Zhao Pucheng seemed very excited.

Lin Xiao smiled lightly, and said, "Brigade Commander Zhao, it is indeed a victory for our defenders to be able to wipe out the serial number of a Japanese army!"

The information revealed by Zhao Pucheng soon made Lin Xiao come to his senses.

He finally understood why the Nara Detachment hastily withdrew its troops for [-] kilometers. It turned out that the Japanese Army Command had temporarily changed generals, and the Nara Detachment would also face disbandment.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao had an idea in his mind to stab the enemy again.

Lin Xiao thought for a while, then asked Zhao Pucheng: "By the way, Brigadier Zhao, do you have any information from your side, which unit has the Japanese Army Command replaced as the main attacking unit?"

Zhao Pucheng said uncertainly: "Our military headquarters does not have information on the enemy's main attacking force yet. However, based on the existing information, the enemy's main attacking force should be the Sixth Division and the Uemura Detachment, these Japanese troops."

"Brigade Commander Zhao, how far is the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, and the Shangcun Detachment from the Xinqiang River?"

Lin Xiao asked one more question curiously.

Zhao Pucheng immediately found intelligence information, and said slowly: "The Sixth Division of the Japanese Army is currently stationed in the Gaolingtun area, more than 80 miles away from us, and the Shangcun Detachment is stationed near Baicun, less than [-] miles away from us... "

Lin Xiao nodded slightly: "Okay, I see, thank you Brigadier Zhao."

"Commander Lin, do you have any combat ideas when you ask about this information?"

Zhao Pucheng was curious and asked Lin Xiao tentatively.

Zhao Pucheng is also an extremely smart person. Seeing that Lin Xiao cares about this information, he must have taken military action.

"Brigade Commander Zhao, I do have some ideas now, but the specific battle plan will be kept secret for now, and your troops will wait to receive the spoils tomorrow!"

Lin Xiao pretended to be mysterious and joked.

"Okay, Chief Lin, since you say that, my troops are waiting to receive the spoils!"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was unwilling to disclose, Zhao Pucheng didn't ask any further questions.

Although Feng Zhengnan and Zhao Pucheng are Lin Xiao's current superiors.

However, the Wild Wolf Regiment is a unit directly under the jurisdiction of the theater, and the commander has certain autonomy.

Lin Xiao had a battle plan, so he didn't have to tell the 52nd Army.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't want to reveal it because he wanted to keep the battle plan from being obtained by the Japanese intelligence department...

(End of this chapter)

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