I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 461 Sneak Attack on the Nara Detachment

Chapter 461 Sneak Attack on Nara Detachment ([-])

The devil patrols were too lax in their dereliction of duty, and this was undoubtedly a gift to the special forces soldiers.

After killing the devil's patrolling soldiers, the special forces soldiers touched the front of the devil's camp again.

At the front of the devil's camp, the barbed wire blocked the way.

The barbed wire fence surrounded by the devils was not electrified, so it was not difficult to enter the enemy camp.

A few special forces soldiers, taking advantage of the inattention of the frontier devil sentries, crawled forward in a low profile, and moved quietly under the barbed wire.

Immediately, the special forces soldiers took out their tools and carefully cut open the barbed wire.

At the front of the devil's camp, there were probably a dozen sentries.

At this time, these devil sentries were dozing off in the fortifications.

With the vigilance of the devil sentinel, the special forces soldier who touched him could not be found at all.

Lin Xiao stood on a high place, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, and kept his keen eyes on the movement of the devil sentry.

Lin Xiao's eyes followed the soldiers of the Special Forces.

If there were little devils on patrol, Lin Xiao would definitely kill the enemy in advance.

Soon, special forces soldiers got in through the cut barbed wire.

Lin Xiao moved the scope and watched the special forces soldiers approaching the devil sentinel step by step.

In the silent night, suddenly there was the muffled sound of bullets piercing into the flesh.

"Puff puff……"

"Puff puff……"

The sleepy devil sentinel was shot one after another and fell beside the fortification.

The other devil sentries nearby didn't notice at all, they were simply a bunch of dead pigs.

Although the light was dim at night, the soldiers of the Special Forces never missed their shots.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen devil sentries were all killed by the special forces.

The special forces soldiers hurried forward and quickly dragged the little devil's body to a hidden corner to hide.

At this moment, several devil officers and soldiers came out to patrol.

The devil on patrol held a flashlight in his hand, looking for the shadow of the sentinel everywhere.

The leading devil officer patrolled the forward position, but he didn't see the sentinel, so he immediately cursed angrily.

"Baga, why can't I see a sentry, where are these stupid guys?"

The ghost soldier next to him said: "Sir, those sentries may have gone to sleep lazily..."

"Ba Ga, find them for me, if you find them lazy, you must be severely punished!"

"Hi Yi!!!"

The ghost soldiers next to him nodded in unison.

These patrolling devils are less than 50 meters away from the officers and soldiers of the special forces.

If the little devil continued to search, he would definitely find the body of the devil sentinel.

The special forces soldiers are a little far away from the devils.

In the night environment, the line of sight is very poor, and it is almost impossible to kill him with a single shot at such a long distance.

If the special forces soldiers can't headshot the enemy with one shot, they will definitely alarm other enemies.

Seeing that the patrolling enemies were getting closer and closer to the devil's corpse, the soldiers of the Special Forces were also a little anxious.

At this moment, a few bullets flew not far away.

The bullet that flew soundlessly hit the devil's throat suddenly.

The little devil's throat was blown, and the warhead shot directly from the back of the enemy's head and cervical spine.

The devil's cervical spine was interrupted, instantly causing brain death.

Several bullets flew out, and several devil officers and soldiers were shot and fell to the ground one after another.

All the devils were shot in the throat, and they couldn't make any sound when they were killed by a single shot.

After eliminating the nearby enemies, Lin Xiao carefully scouted the surroundings for any enemy activities.

After confirming that there was no danger, Lin Xiao immediately ordered all soldiers to enter the enemy camp.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Lin Xiao led the soldiers to quickly approach the front of the enemy camp.

The devil's frontline sentries were all killed, and Lin Xiao and the others entered the enemy camp as if they were in no one's land.

After entering the enemy camp, Lin Xiao summoned Duan Peng and others to him.

"Duan Peng, your teams are responsible for planting explosives and controlling the enemy's firepower. Try not to alarm the enemy."

"Understood, group seat."

The subordinates nodded in response.

Soon, Lin Xiao and the others began to split up.

Lin Xiao took dozens of soldiers and walked directly towards the devil's headquarters.

Duan Peng and others destroyed the explosives placed around the enemy camp.

The guards of the devils in the enemy camp were very lax. Except for the sentries and patrols, the rest of the devils were basically sleeping.

The raiding soldiers walked around the enemy camp without the enemy noticing.

After a while, Lin Xiao led someone to the devil's chariot camp.

Seven or eight Devils armored vehicles and tanks were parked in the open space, and several Devils sentries walked back and forth to inspect.

Lin Xiao made a gesture and ordered the soldiers to kill the devil's chariot troops.

The soldiers quickly dispersed, hid behind the chariot, and aimed at the devil sentinel.

A few shots fell, and the devil sentinel fell down.

"Come on, kill the devil armored soldiers..."

Lin Xiao picked up the silent pistol and led people into the devil's tent without making a sound.

The devil soldiers had been fighting for days and were exhausted physically and mentally. The devils in the tent were all sleeping soundly, and many devils were even snoring.

The devils slept in a row, really like a row of stupid pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

Lin Xiao glanced at the sleeping devils, and unceremoniously shot and killed the devils one by one.

"Puff puff……"

Lin Xiao shot all the devils in the head.

Large pieces of plasma and brain tissue were splashed on the quilt, and the scene was very bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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