I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 481 Revenge of the 6th Division

Chapter 481 Revenge of the Sixth Division ([-])
Devils have always been brutal and aggressive, and of course they are also very effective on the battlefield.

Even if the devils are sent to die as cannon fodder, the soldiers of the devils will still grit their teeth and do it.

After a while, the devil troops on the front line organized a death squad of dozens of people to play forward.

"Death Squad, move forward quickly!!!"

"The people behind keep up!"

Soldiers of the Devil's Death Squad carefully walked in front of the position to open the way.

Thick fog is still permeating the surroundings. Although the visibility is a little better than before, it can only see clearly objects within a dozen meters.

The devil troops behind kept a distance of more than ten meters from the death squads, and then slowly advanced along the route that the death squads had walked.

The devils acted in such a poor line of sight that they were simply blind. The enemy may be bombed by landmines at any time.

As the devil walked towards the front of the position, there were a few more explosions from time to time.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Several unlucky devils were torn apart by the blast, and blood was sprayed in the mist.

The soldiers of the Devil's Death Squad looked at the mangled companions who were bombed beside them, and they were filled with fear.

However, the devil commander supervised the battle from behind, and the soldiers of the devil's death squad could only get up and bite the bullet and move on...


Lin Xiao was eating breakfast in the headquarters when the Devil's troops approached him.

Hearing the explosion sound from the forward position, Lin Xiao didn't put down the bowl and chopsticks, he still ate the noodles in a leisurely manner.

The enemy had already attacked right under his nose, but Lin Xiao was so calm.

The devil's sudden attack was already in his expectation.

The scouts of the special operations team monitored the devil troops on the other side 24 hours a day, and Lin Xiao knew every move of the enemy.

Moreover, many landmines were placed at the front of the position.

Even if the devil troops sneak up, the dense mines are enough for the little devil to drink a few pots.

Hearing the sound of explosions coming from the forward position, Lin Xiao knew that the little devil must be in trouble.

It's so foggy outside, with this kind of visibility,

As soon as the landmine sounded, all the defenders knew that the little devil had touched it.

The defenders on the ground put down the food in their hands, and everyone took up their weapons and entered the battle readiness.

"Brothers, the little devil has touched it, ready to fight!!!"

The defenders stood firm in their battle positions and stood ready.

Immediately, Lin Xiao ordered the communications soldier: "Notify the brothers of the second battalion on the front line, as well as the cavalry battalion, and order them to concentrate all machine guns and block the enemy's firepower!"


The communications soldier immediately picked up the phone and called the frontline headquarters.

Soon, the officers and men of the Cavalry Battalion and the Second Battalion received combat orders.

The cavalry battalion is basically equipped with submachine guns, and there are many light and heavy machine guns.

The Second Battalion has more than 100 light and heavy machine guns in total, and is also equipped with many M2 heavy machine guns and MG-34 heavy machine guns.

At this time, the morning fog on the position dissipated a little, and the visibility reached 50 meters.

Now that the line of sight has reached a distance of 50 meters, the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment can't see the enemies at the front at all.

However, the wild wolf regiment has strong firepower and sufficient ammunition, which is completely capable of blocking the enemy's firepower.

The defenders immediately started shooting when they saw the ghost figure in the fog.

"Brothers, fire!!!"

"Machine gun fire suppression!!!"

Immediately, hundreds of submachine guns and machine guns fired together, and countless bullets flew towards the devil.

With so many automatic weapons firing at the same time, tens of thousands of bullets were fired.

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

The sound of gunfire on the battlefield was as dense as setting off firecrackers on New Year's Eve.


The dense bullets formed a terrifying firepower blockade, completely blocking the forward position several hundred meters long.

Countless bullets flew across the front of the position, and there was no gap in the firepower.

The devil soldiers rushing forward were the first to be shot and killed by the rain of bullets.

The little devil's limbs were separated by the bullets of the large-caliber machine gun, and pieces of blood were thrown out of the body.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!"

The screams of the enemy were endless, and the devils were shot one after another and fell to the ground.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment on the ground could not see the little devil, they covered them with powerful firepower, causing considerable casualties to the enemy.

The firepower of the wild wolf regiment was so fierce that the attacking kid didn't even have time to react.

Bullets rained wave after wave, flying non-stop, and in a blink of an eye, the little devil killed or injured more than a hundred people.

The little devils fell in pieces, and every fallen enemy was shot several times, and many devils were even beaten into hornet's nests.

"Watch out for machine gun fire!!!"

"Quickly lie down, quickly find a bunker to hide!!!"

The devil reacted belatedly, and the enemies lay down on the ground one after another, looking for cover everywhere.

"Baga, Lu, the firepower of the Chinese soldiers is too fierce!!!"

"Baga, the fog is too thick, we can't see the target at all!!!"

The devil officers and soldiers wanted to launch a counterattack on the spot, but the fog blocked their sight, and no one in front could be seen.

Even if the little devil was lying on the ground, it would be difficult to survive such a dense fire blockade.

Some little devils lying on the ground wanted to raise their heads to look for the enemy, but they were quickly hit in the head by a large number of stray bullets flying towards them.

"Crackling, knocking, knocking..."

There was a faint sound of bullets smashing the helmet on the ground.

Under the destruction of the large-caliber machine gun bullets, the devil's steel helmet has almost no defensive effect.

Dozens of devil soldiers suffered headshots, splashing blood and bone fragments.

"The firepower of the Chinese soldiers is too dense, get down quickly, don't look up!!!"

The devil soldiers hurriedly lowered their heads, or fled into a nearby bunker to hide.

Seeing the strong firepower of the wild wolf regiment, the devil commander immediately ordered the devils in front to retreat.

In turn, the devil commander instructed the fire support team to attack.

"Machine gun fire suppression, grenade attack!!!"

"Eliminate those Chinese soldiers on the ground!!!"

The Devils officers and soldiers were not to be outdone, and the enemy's fire support team quickly established firepower points on the spot.


"Kill the chicken!!!"

With an order, the Devil's machine gunners and grenadiers all launched a firepower counterattack.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

Noisy gunfire and shelling resounded.

A large number of bullets and grenades flew towards the defenders. ,

The defenders and the devils were 200 meters apart, and the two sides continued to shoot and fight.

Although the little devil couldn't see the target in front of him clearly, the officers and soldiers of the devil also had rich combat experience.

The enemy counterattacked in the direction of the gunshots and the direction of the bullet's line of fire.

I saw tens of thousands of bullets mixed with the line of fire, shuttling and sputtering back and forth between the positions of both sides.

Just listening to the intensity of the gunfire, it was obvious that the little devil's firepower was at a disadvantage.

Moreover, the defenders are equipped with many advanced large-caliber machine guns.

The little devil fought with the officers and soldiers of the wild wolf regiment, but they couldn't get any advantage, and they also paid some casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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