I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 512 Tortured and Killed the Devil's Pioneer

Chapter 512

The Chief of Staff Kuroshimazawa suggested: "General, although the threat of the Chinese army's defeat is not great, we still have to be careful and fight steadily at every step."

Inaba Taro said disapprovingly: "Kuroshima-kun, the Chinese army has escaped, we don't need to worry too much, besides, there are flying troops for aerial reconnaissance, so we can rest assured!"

"Ha Yi, what the general said is absolutely true."

Chief of Staff Kuroshimazawa couldn't say anything more, so he had to step aside.

Immediately, Taro Inaba gave the troops an order to march towards Changsha City...


Nanlu Mountain, five kilometers northwest.

After ten hours of marching, the vanguard of the devils only advanced more than 30 kilometers.

In fact, the vanguard of the devils can march tens of kilometers, which is the limit of the enemy.

Although the devils are a lightly armed force, they don't have much supplies.

However, the mountain road was damaged by the defenders and there were various obstacles, so the marching speed of the devil's vanguard was very slow.

Hundreds of devil soldiers were marching, and suddenly stopped marching.

The devil scout who was exploring the road ahead hurried to a motorcycle.

"Report, sir, the front road has been damaged by the Chinese army, and there are landmines ambush on the ground!"

"Bagaya Road!"

A devil, Lieutenant Commander, cursed and got off the motorcycle.

The devil's lieutenant glanced at the bumpy mountain road ahead, and said angrily: "The Chinese army is really hateful. They destroyed our marching road and deliberately slowed down our progress."

Immediately, the devil's lieutenant ordered the engineering troops to go forward to repair the road and clear the landmines on the road.

Obstacles on the side of the road greatly slowed down the speed of the enemy's advance.

As soon as the devil's vanguard arrived, they were quickly discovered by the defenders' sentries.

On the highest point of the nearby mountains, several sentries of the Wild Wolf Regiment were secretly observing the enemies on the roadside.

The sentinel did not startle the snake, and immediately ran to the depths of the mountain.

The headquarters of the Wild Wolf Regiment was established in the mountains, surrounded by lush trees, and the concealment was very good.

ten minutes later.

Lin Xiao was assigning tasks to his subordinates when suddenly a sentry came to report.

"Report to the group, there is a situation down the mountain!"

When Lin Xiao heard about the situation, he immediately regained his spirits.

He hurriedly turned around and asked, "What's the matter? Did you find the Japanese army?"

"Reporting to Tuanzao, there are indeed Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain!"

"How many devils are there?"

The sentinel continued to report: "Reporting regiment commander, we have carefully reconnaissance, and the number of enemies is about three to four hundred."

"Okay, I got it!"

Lin Xiao waved his hand and told the sentinel to leave.

Immediately, Lin Xiao picked up the binoculars and quickly walked to the top of the mountain not far away.

He raised his binoculars and looked down the mountain road a few kilometers away.

In the sight of the telescope, a group of Japanese troops soon appeared.

The Japanese army did not have too many vehicles, nor did they carry any heavy firepower weapons and equipment. This is a lightly armed force.

The devil soldiers stopped by the side of the road and waited for orders. A group of devil engineers in front were busy repairing roads and clearing mines.

Seeing the Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain, Lin Xiao's line of sight extended to more than ten kilometers away.

In a range of more than ten kilometers around Nanlu Mountain, except for the Japanese army on the road, no other enemies were found.

Soon, Lin Xiao guessed that this lightly armed Japanese army was the vanguard of the enemy.

Shi Biao, the commander of the second battalion, said excitedly: "Tuan Zuo, there are only a few hundred people in this devil's army down the mountain road, and they don't have any heavy weapons. Shall we fight?"

Hu Ergou, the commander of the third battalion, yelled: "There is no reason not to eat the fat on the lips, these hundreds of devils are covered by our third battalion!"

Lin Xiao put down the binoculars, and gave a brain blow to each other.

"Damn it, is your leader or Laozi's leader?"

"It's up to me to decide who to entrust the combat mission to!"

Lin Xiao trained his subordinates a few words, and then called out the communication soldiers.

The communications soldier ran over quickly.

"Call Wu Zheng immediately and tell him to come over quickly!"

"Yes, group seat!"

The signal soldier immediately notified the armored battalion troops according to Lin Xiao's instructions.

After giving the order, Lin Xiao continued to stare at the enemy down the mountain road, paying attention to the enemy's movements.

The enemy at the foot of the mountain road stopped marching, and the Devils engineers were busy on the side of the road.

The little devil not only has to build roads, but also removes so many landmines, which is exhausting enough for the little devil.

After a while, Wu Zheng, the commander of the Armored Battalion, hurried over.

"Tuan Zuo, what instructions do you have?!"

Wu Zheng paid a military salute and asked Lin Xiao in a low voice.

Lin Xiao pointed to the enemy at the foot of the mountain road, and said, "Wu Zheng, this group of devils at the foot of the mountain road is the enemy's vanguard and a lone army. The combat mission is entrusted to your armored battalion. Use the fastest time to destroy the enemy!"

"Yes, regiment, our armored battalion guarantees to complete the mission!"

Wu Zheng took the lead and hurried back to the armored battalion.

Xu Sanpao, the commander of the artillery battalion next to him, said, "Tuan Zuo, the mountain road is narrow, do you need our artillery battalion's artillery to suppress the enemy?"

The battalion commanders next to them couldn't figure it out. Such a terrain environment was not suitable for armored troops to attack.

However, the group seat insisted on handing over the combat mission to the armored battalion.

The subordinates cursed inwardly, Lin Xiao was kicked in the head by the donkey.

Lin Xiao didn't explain to his subordinates, he entrusted the combat mission to the armored battalion, which naturally has his own reasons...

Afterwards, Wu Zheng returned to the camp of the Armored Battalion.

Wu Zheng did not act in a hurry, he summoned several company commanders under him to his side.

Together, they observed the terrain around the enemy while discussing the battle plan.

Although Wu Zheng was young, he was mature in mind, decisive in combat, and prudent in his work. He was much better than the other rough battalion officers.

Wu Zheng chatted with the company commanders under him for a while, and quickly arranged combat tasks for each company.


Another hour passed quickly.

The devil engineers on the mountain road finally cleared the landmines on the road after a lot of effort.

When the devils had just cleared the mines, the armored battalion did not launch an attack on the enemy.

Wu Zheng didn't give the order to attack because the terrain was unfavorable to the armored battalion, and the tanks couldn't play a huge role.

After the road was cleared, the devil troops under the mountain continued to move forward.

Because the devils were worried about ambushes or landmines, their marching speed slowed down a lot.

As soon as the devil moved, Wu Zheng ordered all the companies to take action.

The armored troops stopped the chariot on the slope, and the gun barrels of dozens of chariots aimed at the devil troops under the mountain road.

At the same time, dozens of vehicle-mounted machine guns on the tank were also aimed at the enemy.

Immediately, a company of soldiers carrying weapons and ammunition quietly moved to the rear of the enemy.

The officers and soldiers chose a good position, quickly established firepower points, and completely blocked the devils' retreat.

The Devil's troops marched several hundred meters forward and reached the foot of an open mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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