I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 519 Mistakenly Entering the Ambush Circle of the Shangcun Detachment

Chapter 519 Misunderstanding into the ambush circle of the Upper Village Detachment ([-])

The defenders began to withdraw, and the firepower suddenly weakened.

The keen little devil immediately sensed that the defenders might be evacuating.

Although the various units of the 52nd Army evacuated in a timely manner, the little devils would not easily let the defenders go.

"The Chinese soldiers have withdrawn, hurry up and pursue them, don't let the Chinese soldiers run away!!!"

"Give it a thrust, kill the Chinese soldiers!!!"

The devil soldiers were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, desperately chasing the defenders.

"Crack, clap, clap, clap!!!"

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

While chasing them vigorously, the devil soldiers raised their weapons and shot at the retreating defenders.

The devil soldiers near the forest heard the sound of gunfire and immediately surrounded them from all directions.

"The Chinese soldiers are over there, quickly surround them, don't let the Chinese soldiers run away!!!"

Devil soldiers gathered, and they kept firing in the direction of the defenders' withdrawal, delaying the defenders' withdrawal.

The officers and soldiers of the defenders did not want to entangle with the devils, so they retreated while fighting.

There are enemies in all directions, and the 52nd Army can only evacuate from the mountain road to the west.

The officers and soldiers of the defenders hurriedly withdrew from the battle, and all the ministries moved to the west.

Although there is no enemy encirclement in the west, the defenders don't know that a large number of devils have been ambushed on the mountain road to the west...

Takashi Uemura stood on the mountainside, holding up his binoculars to look at the defenders entering the ambush circle.

"The Chinese army is about to enter the ambush site, order all ministries to prepare for battle!"

"Yo Xi, this time the Chinese army is doomed..."

Uemura Takashi smiled proudly, and then ordered the devils officers and soldiers to prepare for battle.

The devils on both sides of the mountain road were in full battle, and the enemy machine gun team and grenade team all aimed at the defenders at the foot of the mountain.

The various departments of the 52nd Army were busy evacuating, and no devil troops in ambush were found at all.

The defenders in front entered the ambush and were immediately attacked by devils.

"Imperial soldiers attack, destroy all Chinese soldiers!!!"

"Kill the chicken!!!"

The devil commander gave an order, and the devils ambushing near the mountain road opened fire collectively.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

Suddenly, there was loud gunfire around, and a large number of grenades bombarded the defenders on the road.

The officers and soldiers of the 52nd Army were not aware that there would be an ambush by the devils, and they were caught off guard by the enemy.

A dense rain of bullets poured over, frequently hitting the officers and soldiers of the defenders.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The soldiers who were shot screamed in pain.

Before the soldiers in front had time to react, they all fell under the rain of enemy bullets.

After being attacked by the enemy, the defenders reacted quickly.

"No, there are enemies ambushing!!!"

"There are little devils on the side of the mountain road, quickly hide, quickly find a cover to hide!!!"

After hearing the order, the officers and soldiers of the defenders quickly dispersed, and they hurried to hide on both sides of the mountain road.

The little devil's firepower was all around, and the bullets flew over like a wind.

Many defenders were unfortunately hit by bullets before they could find cover.

Although ambushed by the enemy, the officers and soldiers of the 52nd Army are not vegetarians.

The officers and soldiers found the cover, hurriedly established a defensive position on the spot, and launched a firepower counterattack against the enemy.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch!!!"

"Brothers fight, prepare to break out, fire!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the defending army raised their weapons one after another, and fiercely shot at the surrounding enemy firepower points.

"Crack, clap, clap, clap!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

The defenders are fully fired, and light and heavy machine guns continuously attack the enemy's densely fired points.

Soon, the defenders and the Devils started an exchange of fire.

Countless bullets were mixed with the line of fire, flying and splashing between the positions of the two sides.

There is actually no difference between the two sides in terms of weapons and equipment, and they can be evenly matched.

However, the little devil's terrain has an advantage, and the enemy's firepower can condescendingly attack the defenders.

The defenders didn't have strong fortifications, and they competed with the little devils for firepower, and the defenders must suffer.

The two sides fired at each other for a while, and the firepower of the defenders was basically exposed.

Soon, the devil's mortar unit started shelling.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom..."

A grenade fell on the side of the mountain road and exploded around the defenders.

The defenders have no solid bunkers, and the enemy's grenades can accurately bomb the defenders.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The explosion was full of flames, and shrapnel flew everywhere.

The machine gun team of the defenders was bombarded by enemy mortars and grenades one after another.

Defender machine gunners blasted out from behind cover with men and weapons.

As long as the defending machine gun team fires, they will be attacked by the enemy immediately.

The terrain below the mountain road is open, and the terrain of the defenders is at a disadvantage. Grenadiers and mortars are basically useless.

Under the simultaneous attack of the devil's machine guns and grenades, the firepower of the defenders was gradually suppressed.

Seeing the strong firepower of the enemy, the officers and soldiers of the defenders had no choice but to hide behind the bunker and resist the enemy.

"Everyone pay attention to concealment, don't reveal your body!!!"

"Be careful of the devil's mortars and grenades!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the defenders stopped firing at will, and they retreated nearly a hundred meters.

During the exchange of fire just now, the firepower of the devil troops was not fully exposed.

To put it simply, the devils did not attack the defenders with all their strength, and the enemy still left a hand.

After a while, the defenders regrouped their forces and organized a breakout force of several hundred people.

"Brothers, go ahead!!!"

"Rush out of the encirclement of the enemy at all costs!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the defenders concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce offensive against the devil's blockade.

The defenders' breakout troops charged forward while firing and suppressing the enemy.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

Thousands of bullets and countless grenades attacked the devils.

The dense rain of bullets hit, and many devil soldiers died under random gunfire.

The little devils of the defenders' breakout troops who opened fire were quickly bombarded by grenades.

The devil's machine gunners and grenadiers were blown out in twos and threes.

"Brothers, rush with me!!!"

"The brothers behind keep up!!!"

The defenders broke through the encirclement, facing the enemy's hail of bullets, and continued to charge forward in one go.

The defenders concentrated their firepower to counterattack, and they gave the little devil a solid blow, and the enemy caused a lot of casualties.

Although the defenders fought tenaciously and their firepower was fierce, the little devil was not so vulnerable.

The devil soldiers died in battle, and there was a gap in the fire blockade.

The rest of the devil soldiers immediately took over the position of firepower and continued to attack the breakout troops...

(End of this chapter)

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